Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2006, p. 16

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A16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 25, 2006 LIJNTEER r V' APRIL 23 - 29 IOUTESùýlw *M s', mm/ýi ioNTÇ Miltonians give back to their community through the United Wav United Way of Milton Most of as are familiar wtb expressionas sacb as "give hack to the citmaîuuily" and "cbarity slarts aI home". Maay rtf as, bowever, don't know wbere to start whea it comes 10 anvolvemnent in our owa commanities through volunîeertsm. Hal Watson, Christy Babcock, and Ross Dawsoa are Ibrer memnbers of the Milton commauiîy wbo kuow the ropes, aad bave experieaeed the persoual rewards of volaateerism. ln 1991, Hal Watson was lookiag for a way 10 get iuvolved in the Mtlton eommaaiîy. Hts father had bren a voluteer for the Uaited Way (then the United Appeal), s0 Hal saw the United Way of Milton as a familiar organiza- tion and a logicaf place 10 apply bis efforts. He kaew the itmportance otf the work beiag uadertakeu by the Uaited Way. Today, Hal rentains eommitted to the orgaul7ation and its goals. Hal svas a member ol the United Way of Milton prior to heeoming Campaign Chair an 1994. After conduet- iag a verv succcssful campaigu, Hal heczime Chairperson of United Way of Milton annual golf tournament in 1995. This golf toarnarnt is always on the list of avid goffers and is coastantly sold out mouths lu advaace. Certainly, the Milton conîmuatty has benefited from Hai's cuthusi- asmn but Hal doesn't sec it that way. -The itetrestiug tbing,*' he says, -is that 1 have corne tb realîze that 1 have receîved hack mauch more thau I have ever giveu 10 the United Way. I have had the pleasure of wîtrkiug îvîtb lots of wonderfui people and have nmade some Iasttag frieud- shtps. My chifdrea have been iuvolved in differeat ways oser the years aud have beeu iuîroduced to the uotion of the obligatiou t0 help others. 1 thmuk they will take that with them throagh die. There are few thiugs I do that give nie a hetter feeliug, thau beiug iavolved with the United Way. You really do gel more than you give." Cbristy Babeock coaldat agree more. As a past employ- ce of a United Way fuaded ageacy, she kaew how uon profit ageucies struggle for fuudiug. She decided the Uuited Way of Milton was where she wauted to douate her time. She fa-st joined the Allocations Commdter, aud was astounded aI the in-depth scrutiny of fanding applicatious, ftnaucial reports. aud visits to the agencies requesttng fundiug by the dedicaîrd conhmittee volanteers. This com- 1dýý The volunteers of Halton Healthcare always take that extra bit of time to care for our patients. their families, and our staff. We have corne to rely on the compassionate nature and smiling faces of our volunteers to hbnp us provide quality healthcare to the residents of our commun ities. dl Hfean'felt, 7hanik Fou to our incredible volunteers. Your dedication and talent, help us continue to lead the way in protecting the health of millions of Ontarians at risk of heart disease and stroke. Volunteers are the "heart" of our Foundation. Thank you for helping us flnd answers -for 1îfe. Wewould especially like to thank the over 1200 canvassers and businesses =hosupported us during February. Heart month, helping us raise over $130,000! Volunteers opportunities available. 4 or erailvryCsfca iL F NTAg MI fletfitM *uIS TR'KFESS wet CENTRvvE f è We Listen, We Cars (905) 849-4541 Serving Oakville, Milton & Surrounding Areas THANC YOUU on ur dedical.d volunteers ir commilirint <md for... istenirig with their hearts omforting those in need ~iving of their time & talents ~upporting the organization hrough leadership Memtuîs Agency Ilalton I-lealthcare Volunteer Appreciation Week April 23rd - April 29th, 2006 During Volunteer Appreciation Week, please join us in thanking the many dedicated and helpful volunteers at Halton Healthcare. Provllng support and »M»elo ta chlldr, and aduit with specia needs in Halto Huis and Milton mins 19%5. Thank you ta al of ur vahnwm who hulp us towaid au vision; mAn inclusiv communfty, wheo ovoyone belong. » We grsutlympprclg. aul «Mtyou do and#h dlffsoncyou make Ih i e f olo. Your contribution is invaluable! mncte afforded Christy the opportuuiîy to learu about progratîls offercd to the residenîs of Milton by United Way fuuded agencies, aud to feel conflideut that hier own fiuauctal doua- lions were betng well managed. lmpressed hy her experîeîîce svitb the Allocations Committer, Christy saw sitttug as a member of the Board of Directors as her uext opPortunity to eaun more about the Uuited Way and the Milton commauity. She also applied ber considerable energies 10 the role of Chairperson of the Christmas Hoase Tour, and belped out wit the aunual Dianer aud Auction. Says Cbrisîy, -Workiug ou these committees sbowed me what a great commu- niîy this is; the local basinesses are very gen- erous and caring!*' While mauy people speak rtf 'giving back tii the community., Cbristy has fouud that volun- îeering has heeu benefictal t0 bier "It bas prot- vtded me with opportunilies to meet a lot of new people, many whom have become friends, to have the satisfacttitu 0f lcading aud svorktng witb a tram to prodace a fiuancially successfaf event that many conîmuuity resideuts loîok for- ward 10 each year and bo leara nec, skillk and have tan. I'd recommeud voluuteermng to auy- one, Ross Dason concurs. "Vol anteertng for the United Way of Miflon bas proscu io be a verv fulfilling'*sperielkce. The vol lteeriug expert- ence bas affowed ttîe grows personafly and gtveu nie a chance tii belp iu a very gtviug and c.îriug coîîîriuuity." Ross served two terms as presideut of United Way of Miltou thea becomtng Camipatgu chair' for a vet-y succcssful campatgu ta 2005. Ross bas fouud vîtluuteeriug with the United Way iu these varions capacittes gratilyiug. l bas aIllowed bini lt resolve challeuges, aud îaagbî him about the workings of a flot-for-profit eutt- ty. Further, be bas developed a goîîd auder- staadtng of and appreciatioa fttr the important rofe Ibal the United Way agenctes play an (lit communily. Bat perbaps most tmpotant 10 Ross bas bren the refaîionsbtps forged throagh bts vol unteer participation. -Through the United Way of Milton I have developed mauy acquaintances aud friendships,- be says. 'These personal contacts have proven anvaluable iu my day-to- day fife an Milton." Like Hal Waîsou aad Chrisîy Babeoek, Ross Dawsou chose to get involved an the Uited Way bteause he saw it as playing a leadership role in the support aud developmeat of hamaa care programs ta the Miltoa commaaiîy. These tbree tadivîduals chose îto devîtte Ibeir skiffs aad their lime 10 voluaîeerîag for the United Way îtf Miltou because lhey svaaled lis gise back to thetr coitmuaitv. But it is what îbey guI back frîttî sîîfanîeeriag -skiffs, f rie'ndship. and a sense of pride an oar conîmu-

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