A14 - Champion Country, Tuesday, Aprt 25, 2006 Hornby dean-up is re-scheduled Tbe ramn won oui over tbis pasi weekends planned Clean Up Horuby Day, with a new date scheduled for this Saturday Tbe arnount of water in the dîtches and the danger of slîpping played factors in the organizers' decision to reschedule. AIl details of tbe dlean-up will rernain the sarne. Participants are asked 10 rneet ai 9 a.rn. in the parking lot of Horuby Park and can either choose their area or be assigned 10 one. Gloves and bags will be provided. A free barbecue will be held ai noon. For rnore inforrnation, cati Peter Vaughan ai (905) 878- 2620 or Erik Kowal ai (905) 876-15821 N COLDALT SEDAN LS Automatic Ai coiditioning AM/FM stereo with CO 817,100 jg*828! Automatic Air conditioning -200 HP V6 Pwindows & loCkS - eyes rtry - Aniti-ock - 4 Wheel d i brakes iown gets government funding to replace Lower Base uine bridge By Mélanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Barnstable Bridge on I ower Base Line wili soon be replaced îhanks 10 a funding announcernent rnade by the provincial and federai governrnenîs Friday The Town's slaîed 10 receive up 10 $726,400 frorn boîh levels of govern- rnent to take oui the singie-lane struc- ture and put in a two-lane bridge. Local politicians gathered on Lower Base Line Friday rnorning tu dîscuss the funding and bow îî will benefit local citizens. "Replacîng Barnsîable Bridge will irnprove the qualîîy of life for residenîs in Milton and encourage the econornic developrnenî of the cornnuntty and surroundîng areas," said Halton MP Garth Turner. "The governrnent of Canada is pleased tes work witb our provincial and rnunicipal counterparts on ibis irnportant project." 4LIBU LS ng -AMFM sereo wt CD roie keyless entry & more 1,95jg*285~c t ECHEVRIJIET (iUuN8qfl Tax 905m878u2393 HWL' Y. 258S. AT 091E M., MIO www.richardsonchev.ca *$0 Oown Pmt. Lease based on 48mos. 20,000 kmn/year No security depost Sales prtces are plus applicable taxes, freight, admin. license due on delivery. Vehicles flot exactly as shown. See dealer for complete details. Turner added he feels governrnents should work in partnerships such as this. "We ail need to chip in," he said. "There's only one taxpayer." Haiton MPP Ted Chudleigh said hes happy to sec the funding corne tbrough for bts constituents. "Bridges are a part of infrastructure that people don't think of, but they're terribiy expensive," he pointed oui. Thle rnoney cornes frorn the Canada- Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF). The federal govern- rnents contribution is contingent on tbe successful cornpletion of an envi- ronrnental assessrnent for the work. Mayor Gord Krantz also applauded tbe announcernent. "COMRIF funding for thîs project is great news for our town as it wili allow us bo irnprove road safety for the travel- ing public, scbool buses and ernergency vehîclcs that rely on tbts route," be said. Ktantz nted partnersbips between the various icsels of governrnent arc starttng to becorne more ol a rcaliîy 1 think tbe public dernands it.' be satd. The TowAn wiil kick in the rest of the funds for the project - an arnounit that could bc up to $2.1 ilion. Town Dîrcîor of Engineertng Services Paul Crtpps said thercs a chancc ssvork on tbe bridge cottid start titis ycar, but constrcion wâi rnost likclv commtnence tn 2007. T hc bridge rcplacemecnt is part of an overali reconstruction piojeci on Lower Base i me between Trafalgar Road and Regional Road 25. Itii include replacing another single- lane brtdge, in addition to tbe Barnstabie Bridge, and realîgnîng pari of' the road. Tbe reconstruction won't involve widening the road beyond its current two lanes. COMRIF is a five-year, $900-rniliion initiative that responds to local needs îhrough infrastructure upgrades to pro- vide clean, safe dninking water, better sewage systerns, irnproved waste rnan- agernent processes, saler local roads and bridges and mnore. Melanie Hoîuîesscs ian bc reached ai mhennessry@vmIilt ncanai a I campion.com. 7eJIef$ On page 3 of the Zellers circular dated Saturday, April 22,1 - Friday, April 28',h 2006, The "Heritage" 5-piece Dinette Set was incorrectly advertised at $299.97. The correct price is $399.97 We apologize for any inconvenience this rnay have caused. E--