IRiMMM aîica Fo Sale Tm àe cm Caraar Traintag DUMP sites wvasta1ýd tion raad bîildîn moter EWERYONE'S INTERESTED in the Trades? -' . le-f vlW1 APPROVEDl lIIFIund FOUNO Panasonic Lu- mia Digital Camera, yarnd on Tramant Rd. Cal 905-4t66-421 MILTON tamily ivakîng tan an epenîescad live- in caregiver. Carîng fon two c hîldres wîth hausahold c hants Must a tfleible ta ft parant's shihtworti Sasd yoon resuma and retaranca ta: gais L@sympatîcoca MlILTON lîve in cartaie- an naadad ton 1 chîid, eyrs, cati 4ne-999-4320 an tan rasome taI 905- 791-5930. re STAY-AT-HOME mam haa Fulltrma spacea avaitabta. Police check,' CPR certîtîed.- Haw- thorne Village Area. Matissa 905-e7e-818e5 LIVE il! New heatth & watt- nasa magazine 250,0a0 copies. Cost-ttfectivt diracrary ads, ord atds. Cai taday ta bvk for tht J o n t issat 41e-493-1300 et 276 odagaay@metrv- STAIRLiFTS- Porch lits, atavatars, scooters, wheetchairs, baspîtat beds, Bay/ Sait Cati Sîver Cross 905-8,47-5504 FrSala COLORADO biat & greta spraca trees. vaîos sîzes. Cati 805-854-9989 or 905- 299-9677. FISH 4 TROUT Iv Campbetaîtta i o w open. Pishing ticesat sot reqained. 416-587- 9739. 9 pieca Roswood Div- isg set. $, brasa ftanr lamp $8000, Srassigiass table 905-878-5700 aiter 7pm DINING roam table wîth 4 chairs, 2 ateavas & Catch $200. 2 end ta- bits $50. 905-e76- 8378. A dising raam, cherry- waad, double padeotat table, 8 chairs, baffei, hatch. davetat can- struction. New sitl in botes. Coot strass. Sacrîiie $2800. 905- 567-9459. A King Pitiawtap Mat- treso Set. New iv plas- tic. Coot $1600a seit for $450. 9a5-567-9459. AIL Steel Baildings, masy coouro, 2a'x30' $550a. 25'n40' $8700. 30' $10.500. 32'a50' $14,0030. $4a'eea' $20,000. many others t1- 8a0-504-7749 www.pia- BED, Amazîng bargaîs, qotenr arthapadic pil- lvmtap set, naw in Pias- tic, warranry $5250 905- 587-4042 witi detiver. BEDROOM Cherry- woad, Bed. chast, dresser, 2 sîghtstasds, Dovatal Constraction. Neyer apaned Casi se.oo Sacrifice St1.900. 905-5e7-4042 POND Sopplies, atrators. ontaîns. blue dye etc. Stvckîng spaciat eRaie- bow irot S99cents (min. 100). Mort speciais & pnîcas 519-833-2559 iron ni esiioîy" FREE Printa, SconnertCopieeî FREE Software 17' Perivciiv ,IIiOws v' (*vank, Act v, - Plus S Il axo 1COl 1- 800-431-6814 Nowi CARPET i have savera t -00 yards ai new Stain Master & 100% nylon car- pet. Wîit do living rvom & hait tan $389, Inciadas cor- pet. pad & installation 130 yrards) Steve, 905-e33- et192 HOT Tub (Spot Covars besi pnice, Seat cioaiity All shapes & caivars. Cati t1- MUST SELL ASAP; Doubit pottoot coscir, neairai Goonrs, evcel- tant condition $150.00. 905-876-0253. POND Supplies, atra- tors, toantaîns, biat dyt, etc. STOCKîNG SPECIAL 8" RAIN- 60W TROUIT .89 (in. 100). MORE SPE- CIALS & PRICES (5n9)833-2559 wwaxti vercrteek ~s Alsntd BEST Ca$hS Paîd- Art, Antiqoas, Caitactîbtes, China, Crystat, Sivr, Figurneas, Rayai Dovatn, Swarsvskî, Giass, Pasaery, Etc, Etaae Speciatînts, Top Cash. Cai John/ Tracy 905-33r-2477 11-19K BEST CaSh. 0e boy it ait. Astiqua farnishing, Rayai Dovatn, Hummel, Mvvr- croit, disserwara, crysia, silver, ctacks, miliiary items. Partial/ full etaes. Ed, 905-634-6300 S; K _,ý ,f r c;c; CAREER SEMINAR Answering the Vin, what, where & how of stortisg a career in the trades. When: Mon. April.llth, 6-8pm Cali the YMCA in Burlingion @905-681-1140 toi register WOLVERINE World Wide Canada Distributor of Caterpflar, Hosh Pluppies, Harley Davidon, Merreli & Wotverise, fvvtwear os seeking a FINANCIAL ANALYST rforarptcmn contract, Oakville location Th eonlii e: Period accruals, eepense estimates and journal entries summarizing linon- cia transactions in accordance to GAAP prep- oration of fînancia statements, assiat in annua budgets, Ensuring the impiementotion ut interna contrat and csmpany poiicy. Analyze and inoesti- gate variance dîtterences. Reguirements: Bachelors in Accounting/Finance Desîgnatton OGA/OMA an asuet -2oyears esperi- ence in accounrtng - Abiiity oc commonîcate eftec- tively -Strong analytica skills, Email: CVs at Fax: 514-344-5973 »IGW I' Full Time Salespeople Higli Base Satary, High Commissions Bonuses, Extensive Benefits, Management Training, Emptoyment Stalnility Retait (commission) sales expenience preferred Fax your Resume to thse attention of: Dave at 905-637-5705 or visat the :1350 I-ae-Smw saret- location Cl s irteoaaio ieeours nday o Fiday Cas or Salej M~z DrveZ FOR Escape XLT r ira, 4W0, Ve, sunroot, rýnngbaards, leathar, 72,000/kms, $18e50ao 1886 Toyota Carola DX power brakes & sesig, air aibag, 87,000 tims, wel main tanad, aafety ceriicate $5000. 9a05878-3309. The Canadian Champion, Friday Apnil 14, 2006 - 25 GenrIHIp GlneaHoIp GenrHop atHep fi Il &.L zs CD eu CD ao C= ci ;; i = ce DRI VERS Detîoer new trucks thnaaghost thre U.S. & retors witir new trucks nrom U.S. Pants Motel praeided nigir y No coat family medicai Frequant ftyer miles Munt have AZ ticense w/OTR T/T exp invites you to.. Beat the Rush Stant free training now Stant drîvîvg n0w. 1akv the sommer att and get a batter routa for Svptembvr. Our opeatosae tandn .j 905-877-44« "Paalp lHelp H stp al 2003 Toyota Carolia M ý CE., red, auto, A/C, CO. LOOKîNG for Part- Fait lima p/a p/b, ruot prooted. rima affixe hetp in a 7t,aaakms, excellent omati Physîotherapy HELI' ' ANTED condition $13,900 car- Cliîsc, training pro- Receiving/shipping, parts, aqsîpmant assembty. tifitd. 905-e73-e969. vîded, bat camputer etc. Startîna mage $15.00 par haur. Par more skîlts ara an assaI. informatian yva car vîsît or websîte ' Contact Vaierie @v w [L.I Trucks for Sala 905-693-e043 Pitase fax or amati yaur raeme ta: 1 1 1T7mm Enterpriaes Lid. 1988 Blazer 2-doo LS Dotsi 9ep 204 Trafalgar Rd. Milton, Ont blc, ul laed M Hvi alp Fax: 905-878-7888 biafai y adn d Car te -Aaaîabl Entait: me lttmmenterpr aescern Mary ram parts, bis taI EXPERIENCEO clvan ____________________ prove Basi affer aven ina lady. aasanabla $6eo00o Colt 416-705- ratas. Cal Kim @ 905- R E IK R 0417 209-t1321.Y!I~r1tr Nts hifttorMiton arehouse Top wages with excellent benef ifs Own transportation recommended- Please fax resume ta: 905-878-9010 AfIn: Chris Nogato Services inClude: " One-on-One Employment Sessions *Assistance with identifying SkillsTraining needs " Information on various Community Resources " Ongoing support to help you reach employment There are now 7 new locations 60 serve you better: Brampton - Burlington - Caledon -Georgetown Milton * Oakville * Orangeville ee Cail us today to book an appointment: Ths roec i fndd y 1-888-336-9550 16 _________________Canada FE RN BROOK NATURAL SPRING WATER, Requires: *B0TTLE LINE PERSON $1 2.50/lir Continental shift work. FORKLIFT OPERATOR $1 3.5»/r Will require driving tect. Continental chift work. IN OUR NEW STATE 0F THE ART BOTTLlNG FACILITY. Fax Resumes to: 519-780-0082 "ACCURACYIs Our Primapr Concern' RGIS tnvenlsny Spaciaitîs is tire woanda olrgeat in- vertary service,. fossded in 1954. Our neputatian keepa as grawîs and bas created oppantuniries for yau raisin tire RIS teaco as an INVENTORY COULNTER or INVENTORY SUPERVISOR If yau: -Are 18 yaara ot age or aider -Are elîgîbta taI work in Canada iegaty - Have occams ta reliabia transportation - Are retiabie and bard working - Are able ta mors varied hours Tirer Ibis iv wbat you con eapect tram us: -Competîtîve mages startîng ai $9.00/hi - Paîd Traînng - Wage reaiema mth performance increasas - Roam tan great aduancement opportunitias Contact us immediatety for as interview. Phone: 905-304-9700, Toit Fret: 066-437-2191 Fou: 905-304-1932, E-Mail. wwRGISINVcom RGIS os an equol appontunity employer. We are iaaking for adlts (individoats or crews) who have a retiable vehicta (the langer thre better) and a desire to earn ev- ina mosey by detîvarisg sewspapera with ftyer packages 3 days a week <Wednes- dlay, Friday and Satardayal ta resîdesces thnaaghaat Oakniile. This iv tri a door- tn-daor detivery pragram and iv besi sait- ed 10 those seho ara sot afraid of hard wsrk and esjay workisg indepesdesty iv thre aatdloana Matunity and a strasg sasse 0f rasponaibity and retiabitity are mandatary. If you woutd like ta explore thia opportuntty in more detait, pleaxe contact Bob at 905-637-8795 Now Hiring for *Permanent Night shift Machine operators - injection mautding - Generai Warehouse staff - ait Shits Please emnail or fax resume ta: (905) 878-9211 or nequirea fuiltime permanent emplayees with Some piping esperience, (PVC esperience an assaI). Witling ta wontt sut af lswn/ haoe val- id drioers licence. $t6/hr start. We ofier group benefils after 6monlirs. Salany baced on esperience. Pies fax brief re- sume claling esperi- ence ta 905-825-0828 Lîft truck esperience requined for Heay Equîp- ment. Drivent ticense reqaîned. Doties inciode, receîsîng and offtoading Iracka and caurier detioti- les, picking and shippîng arders, indosnioutdoàr buitding maintenance, arganizatîsa of înventsry. Compater experience an asset, Excellent commu- nication akitis reqaired. Please fax yosr resame taý 90"493-9228 Along with Sstary eepectatians, ntank yo or appvvg, on4'qoaii appicavtv wiii be conix ted. THE 0f de Hîde HOUSE ar iigfor tïait riei empiympatrm hoda or a drewring srcHaeertin pis eqaiy n persan a 40 x Ch o r mina honecai pOese Complean noa50icati orso ana rac Tte rbtia pid osiatngbs we ndICI $ Yar abiiit foce produce n a apae ieam eorvîrlme miiimt rasort n an averagewa ai $00 tashl Drne phoe clv Corne tn and seIe if me can create a mark schedate that marks for pou. Looktng for 8-4 Failtlime & 4-12 Fait and Part lime. EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE Rvquîrad ton growîng impuni dealer. Competîtîve bonus structure and poitive work vnvirvnmient, Apply by reauma ta: Keuin Wilkshire, Gentrai Sales Manager Fao 905-873-8246 1 r1Al **. plac an ad ' 058824