Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion Tuesday Aprît il 2006 I its eser~ parents ssorsi nigirtisare. As an etght y'eaî aid ehtid siroils aiong tue side~ aiE on tire way' honte iront schooi an unlantiltar autantahile appiaaches front hchind. As the s ehîcie poils alangsîde tire youngsier. ris di sers ode wtndoss rolis clown and a siranger wah a hîg smiie peers oui and grecîs tire chrici. The sti anger reports has' tng iosi a pctpiw în tise aiea and rs asktng iot tire ehtici asststanc e ta seat c h tire netghhoctritooci Ps cal h sitoîîiîi anis iakc- a less min cites airci the sîraîrger prom tses ta drive tire ehtici rîgiri haine ,riter tire ciag is found Vs hai wouid surir ehiid do? \Vcritid ire poiîîeiy relctse ihe offer anci continue waik ing an bis way? Vsauid ire say na and naît assas trois the sîrangers s'ehîc e? iii' wartici ire itusi tire inait wîth tire irienciiy lace, leel soi t y' or itîna and praceed ici gel îîtîtr tire car? il tirsicaci ihe sîrarîger approaeiteci anci stispis tirciereci y'aur cittici itria utc s ehicie, 's auid tireir respoirse ire aity' dtiieî eiti0 A reeeîrî sirîng ai mci- cicîrîs tirvaiseci sehaaieitiici- i eîr hetîrg apjrraaeiteci hy' sîraîrgers aird askeci tir get iii s eirîeies \Vitiie tîrtîsi tri ihe eases ns triseci inen. titre reptiri tir i3ctiiiitgittit iraci a ss antan askrîrg a i 0-yeai isici hsrs ss iris dtîitr i i~itass ici tsi get tutti a sait \\'irîie ~rcîiîce iras etr i triit ciaiiv sîffet eci any' ihetîries ahcrut airy' coîrîres ittrîr heisseeti tire tîrcîcienîs tires reetintîsenci parents i'evîess iheir ehiidrens sîreeîîrrtrtri îng skilis DEAR EDITOR: ina wnîîng tsi respand îajsîe Heur> s ictier whteit, in tri> apînitîn, crcaîcd eonsidcrabie eonlusîon aver iiucrricia- tisin and ehiorînatian in Mîiîon. Milîcînians votcd in ihe i970s ici rc]eet fiuorîdaîîon and etrîrtînue ici rejeet fiuoridaticrn hecause us a hîgh eosî meîhod af deiîverîng a produet ihais readiiy avaîlahie în a muiiipiietiy ai inexpensive fcrrms, ineiuding hoîîied lluoridatcd waicr. Town eouneîi dehai- cd the issue as recentiy as Deecîsher 2002, and rejccîed a motion ta cîrdarse Iluoridatton Mîiton daes have fiuaridated waîcr in the new subdivisions thais suppiied b> the Oakvtiic waîcr station The hen- chia and risks aI fluorîde have been the subjeet of debate for decades. A report reicased on Mareh 22 hy the Nationai Academy of Sciences reeommcndcd that Iluoride ievcis in drinking waîcr be iowered, sînce hîghcr ievcis can create beaiîh rîsks inciuding weakening bancs and severe dentai Iluorosis. soeieîy has changcd con- rabiy since the 1960s when iluori- dation was popuiar in cammunities across Narîh America. The idea of forced medication is now considcred ta he a vioianon of haste human ngbîs. The citîzens of the iows tif Miiîon in Washingîon State ehaiicrîgcd Iluorida- tion un these grounds and foreed Town officiais ta abandon iluaridatton. Henrys iciter sccmed ta suggest that aur cammuniîy aiso has an issue wrth chiarinatian, raisîng the specrer of w Vs'aikertsrir. iie sseiri su lar as iii st.iie thai "tire staihis qua sut an sîpîlîrti iherehy' tapi> iirg tirai trut ss aîer isîr i wcii inanageci Many readers wiii he reiîcved iii kntiss ihai as a resuit tsf ihe deaîhs tir Vs'aikertttir aird ',tn exîcîrsîse puhite ittqutry, ihe gîrs ernitrent cri Ottiariti inîroduceci ses erai significaiti new' sîaîuîcs înîended tsi pîcrieci drtnking waier. i he trcw iaws tîrciode tire Sale Drînkîng Vsaîer Aci. îire Susiaiir,îhie Viatet and Sewage Ss'stettrs 'Xci aird tire Naîrtent Management Aei. Ms suhdîs'îsîsrn has a s irmirrunit>' weii. which requtreci extensive upgradcs tsi ccrnrpiy ss'tih ihe ness regu iaîions, inciudîng the addîîîaîr ai chia- rination equipitreni in addition ta ihe exîsîing uiîra-vioieî îrradîaîîsîn sysiena Severai limes a week i ohscrve empioy- ces from îhc Region af Haiton visiting the tesîing station and monitoring ihe watcr. The Region of Haiton aiso has waîer quaiîîy reports on lis Wcb site. Contrary ta Henrys assertions, the 'status qua in th~ furni uf the Region of Haiton foiiows sînngenî guidciînes estabiishcd hy the Minisiry ai the Envlronment ta ensure ail consumers receive safe drinking water. Sînce the standards for waîcr purification are set ai ihe provinciai ievei and admînîsîcrcd hy the Region of Haiton, îî wauid he a compiete wasîe rît tîme for Mîiîon couircîl ta dehate a suhîcci ihai îsn'î under us jurtsdietion. SOPHIE CHENEY CAMPBELLVILLE Recycling pick-up should indeed be done weekly DEAR EDITOR: i fuiiy agree with Caîhenne MeKînnon who recenti> expressed hcr eoncern uver recyciing pick-up in Miiton. When i moved ta titis wonderfui town over two years ago. i îao was surprlsed ta icana recyciing was oniy picked up every second week. i was even more surprised that each househoid la aiiowed ta put aur six bags of garbage every week. Wiry boîher with overflowing recyciing boxes when you can reiieve your home of refuse that much faster just by put~ing it ail in the garbage? Where la the incentive for peopie ta reduee, reuse and recycie? Our grey box geta sa heavy with papers, lis very dif- ficuit ta carry out ta the curb Haw do seniors manage it? And windy days are a nightnrare, since everyones boxes are overilowing. Orîr streets and iawns quickiy become strewn with uninîenîianai but unsighîiy huer. i often read how i-iaiton la 50 progressive witb waste management, but ibis seema sa contradictary A îruiy progressive sysîem wouid heip citizens make tire effort to save our environment by himiting househoid garbage ta perbapa three bags a week, and adding more recyciing pick up services, Personally, i look forward to tire green box sysîem, should h ever become mainstream in Milton, We make a great effort ta reduce aur garbage in aur borne, Were swîtehing ta ciotir diapers for aur baby and we make sure ail packaging materials - cana, botties and otirer items - get crusbed 50 that we can fit more mb our recycing boxes. And by eiiminaîing foad serapa from our garbage bags, we usuaiiy put out oniy ane bag afgarbage a week. The effort la worth la. im positive my chiid wiii thank me as she grows up m a worid with fresir air, green spaces and minimal waste. KARINA SINCLAIR MIII STREET Worst nightmare lu cv'n~ Osiatit Cts~tts w 5s~tpapeît itttsîîaîîts 6~NA 5~,supîrs~tAuuo~asti ON - rYSUCTON N i 5s tSkttk stîts,,,, ~ arHF:s r 4,ias-ds ~~YYMC4 ShawcaseM~ion " atia~ cIlla ~4sad ~IMt &xnabian 'Cljampion M s' yN t t' 86 875 Mars St E Mitton Ont L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editonat Fax' 905-878-4943 Advertisurg Fax. 905-876-2364 Ctasstfted'905-875 3300 Circutatton 905 878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher tlî'î 'Ils Advertising Director tics'. s. tfA 't t ut Managing Editor K sic s' Sissith Production Manager 'Fiai fi Circulation Manager Office Manager Tirs C'Xt.'s.' T5, Casaduasi (Saisipîts îchlîfisi tutiy tilt5t tus titI, fitisis if M lit 0sf 50303 iii, 55 s s' t lit ittît îiiftîîilîq Pttitithit'5& Dîsîs tilt] iii liii' il f ilsîttfiipili iiitiq'itiîfltd.. lit f il55]la5t I tsissî tilt' pililluif ilfîttissi t' i lit tipIs h lhîsilî'îtcîitîtlîisihsî,s.ih tîlttt titis f issîtîs s, stîts haigsî f f îîîîshatsî,fiftsî,tsiîtîtt' s, I paifili titis appit Ste itît fît f ,.tfiuflhlttii tiil5tîilil tisthitts,'îtlistsifitu CCAB Audited Readers Write Send os yooo letters ta msltaneci@haltanseaech com or drap thern off ai 875 Main St E Letter on fluoridating water was considerably confusina

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