Town and regional councillor r~~ric-t ~r~cstor By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Mion's [eny Lamnbert has ihrown bis hat i îbe ring as a caindidate for îhîs fails rnunici- pal dleclien. Tbe area residen i s running for the position e 'Wairds 1 ,and 3 ceencleor - a scat îhaî repre- senîs Miltiiauis ai ibe lecal anid regienal conrcil tables. Wshile Lamberti whos lived n iewn for six vears new - is a newcerner le the pelitical scene, bc-, already gel big plans îbaî he wants îo nrnplernent if elected. "1 becarne inîeresicd in run- nîng fer ceuncîl because 1 was alarrned by the îralfîc conges- lion, raie cf tax increase and senouns ernmes beîng eerrnuied (in Milton),- be saîd. "My nurn- ber one pnionty will hc te bning new, fresb ideas te ceuneil te solve these îbree tbings.- On the traffie front, tbe Ward 1 resident said be ibinks the Town needs a -beîter deal" wben i connes te funding frorn the Province and developers te brîng local roads up le par before aIl tbe new bernes are built and occupied. -We sbould deal %viib devel- epers frorn a position cf strengtb and say, 'Lels bave tbe roads bujît beforeband'. If we do îî now, we won'l have traffie congestion," be said. "its irnpor- tant te bave an aggressive and effective voice for Milton an dealing witb tbe Province and aise for establisbing a new arrangernent witb developers." Larnbert said be'd aise like te reduce or freeze property taxes tbrougb re-exarnining the Town's costs, priorities and pos- SMOKING wlîs7the point? Somsday, you'II bg offtrîd a cigargttg or hi lgmplgd 10 smoke. Belore you siart, lhink about il: îvery drag yoo lobe scrîws up your body. Smokiog Cao caose permanent damage 10 your body. Once a person caris, il bicornes iotrnmely lougb 10 quit. And did wî mintion ail thal cash you'II hi hlowing in the procios? So, if you'ri lemptîd lui slart, aoh yourself, "What's the point?" This message hrougbt 10 yoO by: Qanabian Qllampion sîble sources cf revenue. "We sbould ask for tbe input o)f tbe cîtizens on tbis,' be saîd. I believe we cani get 3,000 to 4,000 people to respond if we use e-rnail." Tbis tics int anotber of Larnbert's priorities if bes eleet- cd - îrnproving cornmunica- lion between council and Miltonians. "Tbere is a commiunication gap between cîtîzens ansd ibeir council," be saîd, neting îbaî be bias a great respect for ibe cur- rent counicîl and isu't cnitacizing its rnerners but, -We're not usîng 2lst-century tecbnology te solicat input." Iu addition, tbe 38-year-old said be'd like te irnprove tbe safety of tbe town's neigbbour- boods and reads by equipping police witb tbe teols tbey need te keep crirne at a rninirnurn. "We aise need te look at ways of taking respensibilîîy ourselves tbreugb tbings like cernrunity watcb prograrns," bc satd. 'We sbeuld wiîrk doeser wiîb pelice." Oîber îbîngs on Laînberîs agenda include rnaking tbe dewniewn cere moîre "vibrant and alive" - sirnîlar te Niagara- en-ibe -Lake -anad belping selve Mions decter sheriage ibreugb neîworking, rnarketing and werking wiib tbe Prevince. Larnbert was hemn and raised i Toromnto. île's been a1 steyck- breker fer 13 y'ears and c urreni- ly works fer I)D Waterbouse. tiecs aIso tbe îeounder efthie Milton Safe Cornrunitics Association and tbe Milton Taxpayers Association. Thbe current Wards 1 and 3 Councillor is Barry Lee. A fcw otber local resadents bave put tbeir narnes forward to nin in tbe rnunicipal election. juin Tirnhers îs vyrng for tbe postion cf Ward 2 councillor, wbîle current Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Scbau is boping te keep ber seat for a second terrn. Also registered to run is Milton Ratepayers' Association presideni Kevîn Braeklev, wbe's seekîng the îiîle of Ward 1 count- ciller. Norninations eau be tîled ai tbe Town Clerk's office, located in Town Hall Victorna Park, 43 Brown St., until Septernber 28 between 8:30 arn. and 4:30 p.rn. and on Septernber 29 between 9 arn. and 5 p.rn. Il cests $100 te register as a candidate. Election day is Nevernber 13. The terrn of office wiIl run frorn Decernber 1, 2006 te, Novernber 30, 2009. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennesseyilîeItn- *Brake Service -Tires *Steering & Suspension -Auto Electrie & *MOT Satety Inspection Charging Systems *Computer diagnostics -General Repairs Air Conditioning___ *Conveniently located within walking distance to GO station I_ .. e nit The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April ,2006 -A5 Meet Our Staff A CADEMY 0F since 1982 Danielle Rudhaa hegan piano leasons ai the Academy of Music ai age Il and siaried vocal several yearn oSter. She bas compieied ber Gr.2 l5eory and Gr, 3 Horniany and as correaîly aarking an her Gril Piano and Vocal. She lavea aingiag claaaical aad eajaya leaching a cariety ai atylea ancladiagBradway, Jazz & Papalar niusic Biaaca Warkaa begaa aindyiag piaaa when ahe waa 5 yara nid and alared gaîlar ai agi 14. Sbe campleled her Gr. 8 Piano and Gr.2 tbeory ocrerai yeara aga and in - currenily niadying Hiaiary ai Yoark Uiniversiiy eîib a (" i .. ianrn Maaic. Sbe ban been leacbing ai tbe Academy * f Musicinfr 6ar. Jabnny Brown is a 7 year aileron ai tbe Academy af Muaic; affering a broad range afi nstracton nn the gui ter, baus & drauas. Wb le gradabng near the tnp ni' is clasn audin englneeriag and prnduction ai Treban > li iue af Media arta bealadd mdm ia cprwvaelyaundcr the bilelage ai neverai top inslraclara Jnbnny la a aeli prada imed «rocheaonnosear, be ban kaowedgc ni ail muaical genres and a lauc passin Ibl la passed an 5 7 la bis aladenla, 139 M ain St. E.o Unita7rto Fb-ila 90587-53509 Our foi commungly welcomes new parishionersi PASSION PAL SUNDAY 5undqy, April 9, 2006 Blessing of Palm PASSION SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 9:00 arn., 11:00 arn ., 5:00 p.m. MASS 0F CHRISM Monday» April 10, 2006 - 7:30 p.m. Catfiedral of Christ the King, 414 King St. W., Hamilton Blessing of Holy Qils for Sacramental Use Throughout The Diocese of Hamilton SACRAMENT 0F RECONCIUIATION Tuesday, April il, 2006 -7:00 p.m ta9:00 p.m Wednesdlay, April 12, 2006 -7:00 pm t 9:00 pm. EASTER SUNDAY- APRIL 16/06 The Resurrection of Our Lord Masses Sunday 8:30 arnm., 10:30 arn., 12:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGES There are no afternoon Masses on Easter Sunday anywhere in the Diocese of Hamilton THE TRIDUUM Holy lhursdoy April 13, 2006 Mass of Lords Supper - 8:00 p.m. Good Frdaoy April 14 2006 Celerolian of the Lords Passion e Chiàc;e' Passion Celebration 11:00 a.m. (For Families with SmaI Children On>) Good Fridoy Solemn Liturgc - 3: 00 p. m. HoySdro April 15, 2006 Moming Pra>eer ande Blessing of the Easter F"od - 9:00 ar. V% pil15, 2006 Service afi Ught, BapiSm and epton of New Cathlic Christians, Renewal of Baptismal Promises - 8:30 p. m.