The Caný1dian Champion, Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - B9 LIESA KORTMANN / SPECIAi. TO THC CHAMPION ON BOARD: Toronto Police Sgt. Larry Zîmmerman (rrght) and Halton Regronal Police Const. Andy Dennîs are now at the hefm of MADD Hatton-Pee. Police officers head local MADD group By Howard Mozel SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Halcon-Peel has received a much-needed boost with the appoint- ment of two police officers as preoident and vtce-president. Toronto Police Sgt. Larry Zimmerman, a life-long Burlingcon res- ident and a married father of five, now heads up the agency Halton Regional Police Consc. Andy Dennis, a maried father of one also living in Burlington, la bis rlght hand. Togecher, they've seen the tmpaired driving issue fromt the streets co the courtrooma and armed with chis expe- noence - corne of ic oye-opening, much of it craglc - theo chapter can't help but bonefit. After ail, MADD Halcon-Peel has been struggling against financial pres- sures and a dearth of volunteers, and bas had difflculty deliveririg aIl the pro- grams and services that staff feel the communîty deserves. in short, it needs moriey and volun- ceers if its to surive as an effective defense agaînse the hon-ors of impaîred dniving - not an easy cask considering the chapter serves two regions wNith a combined population of roughly 1.6 million people. As a result, both Zimmermari and Demnis say chat. in addition to continu- îng co get the antî-drunk drivsng mes- sage out co the public. their immediane focus will be on aîtraccîing board mcm- bers anid voluriteers plus raîsing furids No the chapter cari carry out its man- date. Both officers have simply seeri noo much flot to n-y'. twrvsted wrTcckage. shatcered lives and a court svstem chat is ofien îoo lenteni, constdering the hornific damage involved. Both men have also heard every excuse in thc book arid wish they could get across to every driver chat beîing drurik anid being împaired are riot the same rhing. Boch are chargeable offenses. "No one thiriks they're drunk, but even if you don't blow over 80, you can still be impaired," said Dermis, adding chat marijuana lu another growaing problem affeccing the safe operaciori of vehicles. "Thats a new one... that makes reaccion cime slower." Another soi-e spot wlch Zimmermnan is chat somne judges donct cake lmpaired driving as seriously as they should, especially when no one has been injured and chey see it as a "viccimless crime." Another area of concomn involves drivers in the 30 co 45 year old age group - the worsc offenders - who donct appear co, be geccing the message. "Drinking is social," said Zimmerman, who makes it clear chat MADD members are not prohibition- iscs. "Drurik driving ss criminal." The sad part. said Demis, is that drunk dniving i0 encîrely prevericable. In the meantîme, ho explained, police officers will continue co make the dreaded knock on the door to tell fam- idies a los'ed one is elîher snjured or dead. "That's the hardest chîng co do," said Demnis. "Theres no good way co do it." Boîh ho anid Zimmerman recaîl sco- ries of aîcending collision scories and smelling the atcohol-nainted blood amîdst the crushed metal. They have also atcended autopsies of people who are lrnerally dead drunk and smelled the booze. "As soon as thev cur the cheot open, boom.",' satd Denris, who added chat orie drink to coo many if you plan on driving. Zimmermari was bori tin Hamilton, but grew up in Burlingion. (He attend- cd Lord Elgin, riow Robert Baceman, High School.) He joined the Torontco Police Service in f986 and spernt 12 years on paîrol tin Regerit Park. HeÎs time with the îraffic unit - includîng his work as a Level 3 reconscruccioniat - really opened hîs eyes co the impacts of drunk driving. Zîmmerman joined MADD Halcori- Peel in June 2005 after reading a story ini the local press about the agencys dire need for board members and vol- unceers. He hopes to bririg aIl his expe- nience - [rom police officers co viccims - co bear on impaired drivirig in the regions. Dermis ta originally from Toronto and joined that cicys police service in 1998. After a scint wlth 14 Division and traffie services - also earning hus Level 2 reconacructionist designanion - he joined Halcori Regional Police in 2002. Derns decided co jocin MAL)L last year for several reasons: hus wife's friend was killed by a drurik driver tin Calgary and in hus rote as police officer heus laid far îoo many drunk driving and impaired charges - wvith no end in stght. "Complacency is a huge problem," he said, explatning that he anid Zîmmermnan voluriteered for the execu- cive positions with MADD and encour- ages other community-minded îndtvid- uals co think likewise. "People have co scep up. Ifs a great organizaton." Also wetcome are htgh school scu- dents who cari apply cime spernt wtth MADD no their communtty service hours. For more information or ro volun- teer. contact MADD Halton-Peel at (905) 844-0096 or e-mail info@mad- dhaltori ca. or výisit the chapters \ueb site ai w.maddhalcton. ca. Or drop by thc MIADD office an 466 Speers Rd.. sutte 5B, tin Oaks-tlle Monda>' through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. co 3:30 p.m. Itowne-, Dr. Tony Wan B.Sc., D.DOS. 905-876 118MN - àN M .twowne .COM AMn Preventive Dentistry For Chikiren :W lit aprevetiv deatbafr A. Preountive denlistry for children includus: brushing, dental duoulopmenf, tioso- ing, tîsorides, oral habits, orthodontics parental inoolvement, propur diut, oualants and sports satuty. 0., IWily la preveaive denite>' inqartaa k Preventive denfîstry means a hoafthy omile for pour child. Children with heaithy mouths chew more eaoiiy and gain more nofriento tram the toodo they eat. They learo te opeak more quickly and clearly. 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