Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2006, p. 19

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Future Iooks bright for Price( The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - A19 1 Frozen Four finalist BC infali Mati Prîce linîsbed watching Saturday ntglits N( AA Division i miens hockey chatnpionshtp) game with a little disappoinîment and a wboie loi of optimisr-n. Of course tbe I 7-year-oid Miltoniani wouid have preferred a sligbîiy differeni ending, as the Boston Coiiege Fagies - whom heuI begin play- ing for ibis eoming fail - were eeiipsed 2-i hy the bometown favourite Wisconsin Badgers in Miwaukee. But gîven tbe cireumstances, îî wouid bave been awfuiiy difficuit for Pnice not to be encour- aged about bis future in Beantown. Afier ail, Boston Coilege got to the Frozen Four final witb one of the youngesl rosiers in tbe Division i ranks - one ibat featured 10 fresbman and seven sopb- omores, including starting goalie Cory Schneider. And wiîh ibe Eagles iosing jusi three players ibis spring and just four the year afier that, the future looks pretly brigbî for Price and tbe Eagies. Matt Price weii lthe>, dtd, said Pt te Sunday morning. -Tbey got a snîii of the chatnptonshtp ibis year artd thaî'l inake îhem want îî ail the more nexi season. Now tbey know wbat t takes to gel tbere (rbampionsbip) and îhey can share that with me." Now a Milton Iceflawks graduate, the speedy centre wii gel a sneak peak at bîgb stakes play in the Boston area nexi monîb. wben be competes wîîb the NHks Centrai Scouîîng Ontario leami ai a tournament in Walpole, Massachusetts. Piaying alongside feiiow iceHawk alumnî Jason Bergeron - an Ancasier native - the five-foot- i 0-ineb, i 70-pounder wiii be part of a 40-plus îeam sbowcase ibat xviii be vîewed hy boîb NHL and NCAA scouts. The tournainent runs May 12 to 14. "il's pretty excîîîng. fil get a preview of wbaî iî'ii bc like tbe nexi four years," said Prîce. qe~ ~ ]Brampton Golf Club Friendly, plqyable and located near the 410 and 407 Affordable Private Memberhips available ejoin before May 31~ sand SAVE -Extended payment terms For details, please contact Ilona Doan, Membership Co-ordinator at 905-457-5700, x221 or visit us online at www.bramptongolf.com Bertoli nets winner in return. to Trenton Win gives ?Titans some momeûntum for best-of-three quai fying serfies By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Scott Bertoi wasted no lime reminding New Jersey fans just how valuabie he is t0 their East Coast Hockey League team. Retumning to the Garden State afier a three-week stînt with the American Hockey Leagues Norfolk Admirais, the 29-year-oid Milton native noîched the game winner in the Trenion Titans' 2-i regular season-ending victory over the Reading Royals Saturday nigbî. The thîrd-peniod deposit - a wrist- shot that beat goaltender Cody, Rudkowsky on the giove side with seven Scott Bertoli minutes remaîning - was bis 20th of the year with the Titans. It aiso aiiowed Trenton to snap a îbree-gamne iosîng skid and head into their besî-of-tbree quaiifying sertes againsi tbejohnston Chiefs wiîb a uitile momentum. Contributing a goal and two assisis in six gaines wtith Norfolk, Bertoli oncc agaîn led Trenton sconing titis season wiîb 67 points - whîch marks the tîfth tîme in seven ),cars that be surpassed the 60-point plateau. The fonner Milton Merchani and Princeton Tigers pro- duction and leadership coînbîned 10 sec him named captain of the Amenican Conference for the 2006 F( Hi Ail-Star Game in Fresno, Califorrna january 25. Hîs recent eaul-up to Norfolk was the third - and longesi -of bis pro hockey career. Bertoli hasn't enjoyed neariy as inuch teamn success tbis season, Aith bis defendîng Kelly Cup champion Titans strug- glîng offensîvely ail year and finisbîng ai a iackiusîre 31-36- 5. Tbe quaiifying series with Johnston began iasî nîght and continues this evening, wiîbh game îbre if necessary- siated for Thursday Team and individua/ entry Safe &-fun league iait Sarting in May at Milton arenas (905) 875-6893 wwwhaltonbkLca U _!Ê2ý

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