AlO - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprîl 11, 2006 New Main St. location a littie bigger and more visible il Lîs..iilcîli- n stil iooiiuliiig toIliiiiciliîiîc, 55 hii.Ii lia' sci s cil b draw notre customers îo the llagship Milton siote, (dcnn saîcl. In addition io the Milion location - whîch the Englishes purchased lrom us existing owners, who opened the store seven years carlier in the cuneni plaza - ihere was also a (ountry Mile store ai a Burlingion maIl, which closed îwo years ago With two y'oung children, the couple said the îimïng was right to focus on just one store until the kids are in sehool fuît ttme. Wîîh Glenn having a hackground in the finance industry and Kimherly having a degree in merchandising communi- cations, the pairs a retail force to be reckoned with, each con- trihuting different skills. g(iod o lias c oiîc 1)1 tac i i. ,lcmi '-aid ( usiomer service is cxîremcly important io hoth ol ihein. We're keeping thaî small hoinetown leeling Kîmherly said, addîng, lis more lîke youre visîîîng wîîh lriends. Moving to the new location is someihing ihe couples heen waîîîng live ycars for, Glenn said - evet since they learned the KFC would he leavîng. The new location is slîghtly htgger, and everyîhîng wîll Be on one floor. Also, it can he seen more clearly from the street, someîhîng Glenn saîd he hopes wtll attract more customers. Milton archîteci Brian Wîllîams has helped with the design of the new store, and the conîractor - Brush Up Construction - is also local. A litîle cale inside the store is just one of the changes the Englîshes have up their sleeves In the summer a deck over looking the creek will have taBles for an outdoor cafe and Norm Webster, Auctioneer has been instructed to liquidate this superb collection of new furniture and accessories at a "NO RESERVE" auction. 3 piece sofa sets from traditional to contemporary to designer Iooks, from 100% Italian leather to the highest grade fabric on the market. Gorgeous Dining Room suites, hutches, and sideboards. Elegant bedroom ouffits to include a stunning 8 PC. Oueen Bedroom Suite, a fabulous 8 PC. Queen Sleigh Bedroom Suite and a Gigantic Cherry Finish Poster Bedroom Suite. Texas Holdem Poker Table, day poker chips, home entertainment SIot Machines. Huge assortment 0f coffee, end tables, jam cupboards, gifts, entertainment units, and lamps. Assortment of electronics and home theatre: Various sizes 0f TV's. DVD players, ail under warranty. Selection 0f hand tools, ¼" hammer drilîs. Many framed pieces of art, Limited Edition num- bered "Group 0f Seven". Bombay Chests. Quality Mattresses and box spring sets in single, double, queen and king from the highest quality pocket cou pillow top sets on the market. Laptop Computers Bakers Racks. Tiffany Lamps. Vases, sign boards, and crystals. Pots and pan sets from Germany, 65-98 piece China Dish sets. Cutlery and Knife sets. Tribal Art, Masks, Porcelain Dolîs, 80'xl 1' and 5' x 8' carpets. Handmade 100% Persian Wool Carpets. This is partial listing. Many more stunning items not listed. Subject to additions and deletions. a: ~1 ~ r~I :~ ~ ~: I ~ i~ ';~ i ~ iïil'i ~\'~ I ~ ~ ~ Ample parking. Delivery Service Available. Payment: Cash, Visa, M/C, Debit. i OY/0 Buyer's Premium. Everyone Welcome' For more information cail 519-821-5623 Please visit for more information soies (, cou cxpl~iiiîecl 'lis kind 1)1 like a ( hapiers wîîh a Starhuîcks. (lion saîtl addîng, We'îe cxi.itcd to puî our dreams inio plav' QI course, Baving their own parking loi will also Be a plus. wîîh 12 spoîs Behînd the store specîfically for their rus- iomeî s. Sîepliaiîiî' Tlîiesseîi cati Be ieac lied ai stlîiesseiî4i>iu iliiîiicatia diancliampîiî Nissan may move Nissan has put forward plans to move ils Martîn Street dealership to Steeles Avenue. The company has proposed a 12,000-square-foot dealer- ship on lands jusi wesî of Harrop Dnve and a second huild- îng on the same properuy that would he leased to another automohile dealershîp, Town Dîrector of Planning and Development Mel lovio said. In order lor the plans to go ahead, the Town would have 10 approve a zonîng Bylaw amendment for ihe suhject prop- erty A puBlic meeting wîll he held regarding the potential deal- ershîps nexi Tuesday ai 7.30 p.m ai rown Hall Victoria Park, 43 Brown St. i he meeîîng will take place during ihe administration and planning committees regular meeting that starîs ai 7:30 p.m. n Milion Council (hamhers. No decisions wîll Be made during the puBlic meeting. A recommendaîîon ol approval or refusaI (rom Town staff wîll go Before councîl ai a future meeting. Expansion proposed Toronto Auto Auciions is looking to expand its vehicle storage area ai us Lawson Road property The auction has applied to the Town for a zoning Bylaw amendmeni to allow storage on lands adjacent to ils Business that ils leasing lrom Hydro One. Town Dîrector of Planning and Development Mcl lovio saîd t would he a gravel-hased parking area that would accommodate 2,185 spaces. The proposaI will Be ihe suhject ol a puBlic meeting nexi Tuesday at Town Hall Victona Park, 43 Brown St. h will Be held durîng the admînisîration and planning committees regular session, which starîs ai 730 p.m. in Milton Councîl Chamhers. A decîsion wont Be made ai the meeting. A staff report with a recommendation as to whether the zoning Bylaw aînendmenî should Be approved or denîed will Be Broughî torward for councils consideration ai a laier date. in T.dal; Canadiar~ Champion! Selected Areas On/y Mi1ton~~~~ 28 Bronte St. N., Milton, (905) 878-2391