The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 7, 2006 - A9 Man charged with serious speeding High Point Truck and Car Collision aie 1 .n.a RgoalRad2 ndSxh LI hcsa PoliceD-.,.. A 17 s car- idl Rocklssool mnaIe lias hec n char,' t 'Wbran charged with drunk driving A local 's oman \vas chatgcd \vith inpaircd drivtng Sunidav j ust aftet il puti. a drivecr \vas stopped i thc arca of Kingsletgh Coutrt atid Kmngs Court Crescent, police said. A 46 vear-old Caves Court ssornan has heen charged wtth \Video store targeted hri Rgr deonindSretMh d1 irai gaines [rom tIse shelf and then rau outside and lied on hi, hike. The los., totalled $220. The suspect ts ss h e jcfoot-six, Il10 potands w i hrovs n hair He ssas xx caning a gres hoodic and hlue partis. If soti Itai e aliv iîtfoîs îii iot rtat leuds iii (jtiti nvst titis oi an.v otitei ttaîtic, vor tmav be eiible toi a is 1d iesvail f aIl I -800 22-2-TIPS (1 -800-222-8477). DS R. T, Mu iR & As so c AE s DR. T. MURPHY PS YCHO L OGIST PRO 1CLE 'o.J c-N N Cc JNS- ýLACP5 ' - PRcVIcisc oSSESSNP7 SEf Dr. T. Murphy & Associates: Psychological Services of Halton cers d-a-iqe oflaeie i-d *iea.,tî, e-: serex, , ùia e-îqeî an r-Au;îe-î,c - a5 Ange, Proýr - B calar O sordie' Career Trars;i o'-& Ea*:n ErgOr oiers cema, ec Alxe'î Gr:ef Q Lns siCa r Ars se-s %là , DeLr-e5-.e D, 311 Commercial Street, Suite 108, Milton, Ontarie L9T 3Z9 t 905-878-9665 f 905-878-0868 email: ceb: ww - ""Pl --- 4 u-e.vt- t Once pme-r C 'oe Marýai DS s"ess e& Co-t[' Ob;es-cýe C!-P.. 5s-.e D ocae PascDcL)de&caLC 'ES? 'Aa-ea-j K--- I~ I .0u M ' Sandblasting M 20,000 Square Feet 0 2 Paint Booths M Friendly Courteous Service M Serving Milton & Area for ovor 22 pears Imnpaired charges laid Police chargecl a Mississauga wornaîî wt clrînkîng and drus tng cars- Suniday tnornîng afier a ciltzn tcportcd an errattc driver. Police arrestecl a suspect at the Peiro C anada station at Steeles Avenue atsd Trafalgar Road. A 44-y'ear-old woman ssas charged wiîh tmpaired dru ing and havîng oser the legal lirnt If aioho i n her hlood. 10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Real Estate Agent Whether You Decide to Seil or Buy a Home on Vour Own, or lire a Real Estate Professional to Handie it For You, There are Certain Key Factors That Can Literally Save or Cost You Thousands of Dollars HALTON - Not ail real estate agents are the same. If you decide to seek the help of an agent when selling or buying your home, you need some good information before you make any moves. Picking the right agent is one of those cnit- ical issues that cari cosr or save you thou- sands of dollars. In this FREE report, we give you the specific questions you should be asking to ensure that you get the best representation for your needs. Before you bite any real estate agent, caîl and get a copy of a FREE Report called "«10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire an Agent To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, cail 1-877-617-1275 and enter ID #3006. You cant cati anytime, 24 hours- a day, 7 days a week. Or visit us onfine at Find out the questions the others wouId prefer you neyer ask. L'lnw o n r i oOr erforu ing r su.Neba ecridh Inroutoy rgra.96 Piasno, ree loanof Gintrumntfo F Dreom tiieairbooks f er on a e ha bri e n i 555rm ManS.E nit 7ai for3 eariacbnaideam piano 8r8ckb0nda S I I .caem -Ifmu i TÎI~~~~ Braces for Children &Adultsonspeal4 Smles that last a Lifetime.. 311 Comnmercial SntretSuite 209-Mihon. Tel.905.875.2995 An îii'esirnent iii dourselforyourfailij, For that svinning smile. please calI our office to arrange for a FREE Initial Consultation'» D 9S. MSc. ,5. FROD(C) Lac tlatrnicai la tbe nerai ,nembrr ai anc foU-lime teacbiog saof wbo bias bren cith as for 2 year. He aladies Jazz guitar and theory priatel v and plans ta attend Unicernii' in Septembrr for Muir..NHia musical influencez are Pot Mfetiteny. Victor Wanen & BilFrisell. Hla enthaniati, easy-ping personaliy encouragea titi Ic« oi muasic Ia i otodento. He teactes priate & trnup glutar fesson, goiler titeory and rock bond. ira Mrctbe n'on a oladeat ai the Academv of Music prou-mu ap, wciere site learned a aries of mnaic fan- domentoa tai site noir tiactes ta ber aiea oladints. Site ban cnnpleedl bier G. 1t Piano and gradonird Moaick Courge euth o 3->'ear.asie dipinato. Jen han bren ai the Acodent ' of Muoic for 1l years teaching pri- ante & grnap lesans for ciidren and odnla.