Halton's pandemic plan in demand o infna ý\ llinil£ illn fi]htl( o l ilic u The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 7, 2006 -A5 ON 4 "L I"uItA,àM uii Si ILI il Ica:> \ \s\xso l'i h National Aeronautical Space Administraition lias icjuiested a copy of tbe imacle-ini-Efafti Business (oniinui' bof1 Kit for Panidernic Planing, xx bic h assisis users ni clîsîr- îng tieir esseniial serices cari h main- tainecl cfcspiie bîgh ahseniccisin raies ihai inay occui luiîng a parilciuîc. HaionI has also i-cceixecd nuomelous requesis foîr tbe bool kii fromr bicalib deparîmienis across Ontario, oiher cities aîsd regponts. Working witîh oui cmoiinity partners and providing ai ssoui- prii oai l'oc us, siid Ffalioii Region Chairmant Joyce Savofine. The Region has dedîcatedi sîgnifîcani resources 10 prepare as au organization and to issîsi tbe cominuniiy îo bc able lîl respond effectîx clx, doring a pari clernic. fIt 2005 lfalion bosied iJperaiion Flu-Phix - a cîsmpreheii sixe pancnsie influenza iabfeiop cer-l gencx exercise thai rex cxx d Hialins abhiy !o rcspond 10 a pandeinic and îdcntificd Le>' arcas for refînienieni. Over 220 professiorials rcprcsenting public, prix aie anf x ofunit-er sector Portion of Thompson Road closed for next 3 weekends Thompson Road hetween Main Street East and Nîpissing Road will bc closed for the nexi îhree wcckends duc to work beîng done ai the rail wav tracks. The closures arc necessarv îo facîli- rate constrction of the Tbompson Road undcrpass, or grade separarion, ai tbe rail crossing. Thc section of the streer wilf bc slact doxxn from 7 a.m. Saturda, to Il p.m. Sondas. it'I close agaîn dcînng the saine limes Aprîl 15 and 16 andf April 22 and 23. Access to Milton Memoniaf Arena, incloding the Milton Horne Show and Lion's Sports Park, wîll he provîded on Thompson Road [roin Main Street. The grade separanion structure wrll bc borîr away [rom the train iracks, to tbe cast of the exîsrîng roadwav on the furure road afignimcnî. The reconstruction anci widening of Thompson Road wîf i begîn nexi y'ear once tbe Regron coinpfercs James Snow Parkwax heisseen Derry Road and Main Stîre. ilo.si1d a sion forum for public secior commnu ty agencies as wcll as a session attend by 50 Halton businesses 10 assist th in pandemnic planning. F-or more information about p~ dleii influenza and cfcveioping pha caif the l-falio- Region Hcai Departrieni ai (Q05) 825-0000 or v] ww\& balion.ca Monday April 1Oth at 10:30 a.m. AT THE AGRICULTURAL HALL MILTON FAIRGROUNDS ROBERT STREET, MILTON Auction on behaif of Doreen Carney from Milton wîîh additioans iii incfude a greai selecîjun of country and forma antique turniiore, lîghîing. glass, china painhings, primitiv'es, and much more. For full fisting go 16) www.medleyauctions.com TERMS: CH E.ISA, M/C, INTERAC JON EDLE MnwaINmE (90) 88-247 HtjUGE SELECTION 0F ONE OWNER OPTIMUM 10W MILEAGE VEHICLESPý ito, air, 42,000 km, Èite, 4dr, V6, auto, air, pw pi, leaâer, moonroof, ioaded, 81,000 km, Stk P3027 01k P3082a 1OWNEP tVtELf lu3 PONTIC ami 2 dr air auto S1k P3019 MlY 13,000 KM 2dr V6 auto. air cd. 65.000 km. Stk P3016 12WCUI 1POflWM 12MME91lYU 4dr. air auto. pi, CD. 840 km, t ,r 86,3aid air, pw, pi, CD, lt. t ,r V air aidoa p 1, pi z0 li0da beigà SP3029 ioad 18,00km à~ P3010 33000 km, Èege Sâ P3035A I ~, 13»G8 V6, pw. pi, lt, croise, loaded. 4r V6,3arpw, tilt, cd, iaaded V6, pw, pi, lt croise, iaaded. 4door ado air oniy 371000 km, Stk P3061 290 km. Stk P2997 ony 15,000 km. Stk PL3064 239 km. Sk P3053 4dr, V6, auto, air, pw, pi. lit, cd, 4dr, VO, auto. air, pw, p1, l11, ioaded, 58,000 km. Sik P3047A ioaded 28,000 km. Stk PL307 'oSpufICAln~GI V6, auto, air, pw, pi, tif, 74.000 km. Stk P3079A V6 auto. air. pa pi. iltý moomroot. tht iss heatd Joaded. 56 000 km Stk P3036A * auatrrI arnya 0dy/20 km IIu.ssl ecg p r,.na eg * I50 poin i setin i ,u as id si stnc 11111 .1 e i q_ ô; qp ý - . -£- . ni- i ist Califoria pits removed.7/0g arge49 roasted or dry roasted, salted or unsalted 1.32/1 00g i fresh roasted, selected varieties 12/ 0 SCoffee 69 SBeans 5»l Neilson .64/1 00g V BuR l k includingmacaroons f SChocolate lb seetd varieties .31/1 00g Pretzels lb selected vanieties .31 /1 O0g tami Golden YelIow .r13/1 01 g Dark Brown ugan~r. Qdl j wS - Herbai 9 Evening Primrose Oi 500 mg, 120 caps *9e9. Swiss Herbai - 1 Soya Pro Protein 90%, 4009g bag 8eU5ea Organika Diet Support 300 mg. 90 -caps 7.49.. Genuine Health Nutrilean + vani ara4Oocoottufe722.99e e ~ 4MILTON MALL (905) 693-9207 sMEAOOWVALE 3035 ARGENTIA RD. 905ý 824-3207- NEW STORE! SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE (905, 897 1210 ~ SERIN MILLSTOWN CENTRE (905> 569-3629 DIXIE OUTLET MALL (905) 891-0976 OAKVîLLE ý905> 257-7987 M pw,al4,î)mn e ass W5nppjs 1.1 01avt eIhtt dqwn