Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 2006, p. 41

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 7, 2006 - B5 Datelin Dateline is a free listing of corn ing events only. The column is available to local community groups to assist in promnoting their future (-vents. Only charitable or non-profit communhty groups may use this service. We can only guar- antcc one issue of publicity closcst to the date of the occurrence although more insertions arc possi- blc if demand is low Noticcs for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 875 Main St. E., faxed to (905) 878-4943 or epnsailed to miltoned@haltonsearch.com lThe final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesda y's edition andi noon Wednesday for Eriday's edition. Dateline itemns aren't accepteô by telephone. Friday Apnil 7 - 17 Milton District Hospital holds its 'Easter Egg Hunt for Savings' at the gifî sbop with a selecîion of seasonai gifîs and no GSI. Ail pro- ceeds go to the hospital. Saturday April 8 Learning Disabilities of Halton prescrits a semninar on advocacv answering questions such as 'What is an exceptional child?' and 'What are special education placements?' Lt takes place from 9:30 arn. to 2:30 p.m. ai the Leamsing Disabilities of Halton office, 560 Guelph Lîne, in Burlington. The cost is $50 for members and $65 for non-mem- bers. To regisier, cail (905) 333- 1977. Euchre takes place ai the Hornby Co-operatîve Nursery Schooi at 7:30 p.m. Everyones welcomne. The Women's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale Mail at Rebecca Street and Thîrd Lîne in Oakville, hoids uts free Peer Counsellirig by phone or in person for women facing abuse, grielioss and rela- îionship issues from 10 a.m. to noon. No appnîiniment is neces- sary. A four-week semmiar sertes enîîîled Relationship wuth Self' takes place from 10 a.m. to noon ai a cosi of $35. It explores how îo baliance and release hehavioural patterns from the past. It also holds a semninar entiîled ýHow tsi Use Wîsdom from a Pasi Lite' from 10 arn. 10 i p.m. su Sovereign House, 7 West River St., in Oakvilie. The cost is $10. For more information, cali (905) 847- 5520. Milton Distnict Hospital holds is 17th annual Wellness Fair at Milton Mail from 9:30 a.m. 10 3 p.m. ht includes the Teddy Bear Hospital, where chiidren can bring iheir favounite îeddîes or dolîs for treatment ai a make believe hospital. The Nassagaweya Tennis Club hoids registration from i îo 5 p.m. ai the clubhouse in Campbeilville, whîch is ai the norîheasi comner of Hwy. 401 and Guelph Lîne, across Mohawk Inn. Beta Sigma Phi soronîty hoids an indoor garage sale at the town- bouse recreation centre ai 591 Childs Dr. from 9 arn. îo 1.30 p.m. featuning a bake table, the Pampered Chef, Pantylîte Candies and Mary Kay Cosmetîcs. Sunday April 9 Grace Anglican Churchs Chancel Choir performs 'Harvesi of Sorrows' hv Joseph M. Martin -see more DATEUNE on page B6 putlq \q) OSCOPE < ART OPEN HOUSE & SALE Friday, April 7 lOam - 9pm Saturday, April 8 1 Oam - 5pm Sunday, April 9 i 2pm - 4pm zumz«mEvent takes place at the ARTV (,o Burlington Art Centre cma 0% 133 Lakeshore Road Free Admission and Parking &4~ Presented by SARTS BURLINGTON OrmatV"etLife LorKion Or.at-W.st C, < CauitaI.e 41 Discovery Ford STRONGER COMMUNITIES TOGETHER"' *,-A* e e UI& 4>- Sa& ID, A&eID if- WJL.W , Hawkins Animal Hospital "" Dr. Debbie Hawkins * ~550 Ontaro St. S.9 Unit SA(9 r 8 568 (locale In Plrzaut Plaa) I74 8 8 "THANK YOU MILTON" AND GOOD NEWS, ESPECILLY FOR KIITIS 0 letter front Dr. D.hble Hawkins of HAWKIN manle te callte a Stff leoo, vhlc ailevu tLe amply tihe building work lu the waltlng room ares. ** ANIMAL HOSPITAL ladies te ait down, miii. a cuppa' snd catch a It wau tee noisy aud tee dust for Sauta te visit. *Flrstly, on beLsi of ail tLe staff at (Lis hosptl 1 breath. Hoveve, hll la comlng here this yesr. v.uld luke te thank tLe people of Milten whe vot.d The. Cat Ezasuluatlon Rosso sud Waltlug- Roont, as Mlltou's, Faveurite Veterinarlan lu the viii le dedlcated te "MDffy", our Hospitl Cat, vii. Very lmportaatly, I vould lke te thsuk ail of Our *> Champions Cholce Avards. We are truly very sente ef yen mal recall <lied In iuly 2003. Clients clients for belng se tolerant snd supportive *~apprediative d (Le avard sud fei very honourd viii rentember her veiy "la charge" attitude, sud thanughoot the. renovations. You vere ail se geod iFW. viff never take thus avard fer granted, sud fui her smazlng speclal glft d comfenting pets viien natured about the. procesa, even viies yeu could humbled that people teek the. dmn te vote for us. tii.y vere gravely ill. On (Les. occasions, she prohablytell that ve vere gettlng a litne fraugh. 60 We will always strive te keep sur standards hlgii. weuld lie alongide them sud console (hem by 4*.elther rublg her head on hlefs or hy nuzzling Last but net leat, I would 11k. te thsuk ail (Le 4 .* As charmlug, helpful sud akllled as Brlan luto, (hem, very quletly sud peacefuly. Often ah. staff who worked se hard durlug (Le building work IL Wlngfeld, our buider vas, ve are delighted te tel vould net leave thefr aide until they Lad passed sud kept our very husy pracice runnlng as q*you that " lle Las left (Le building" sud our renova. on. smoohLIy as It dld. Unfortunately for me, (or per. tiens are flnlshed. Thank gooduesa. We are back te Laps fortunately) I mlssed (Le majorlty ôf(the reno. normal, (Le duat Las se(tled, sud we are very Msny clients vltuessed (Lis very movlng eveut, vatiena, due te fact (Lat 1 suffered a Lernlated dlsc.I plesed vitu (Le nev look. We certalnly needed (Le whlch of course vould reduce us ail te tears, over Happily, 1 amn nov hsck at Work sud I vould like -r eo extra room. Ou. of our desires vas te create a sep- sud above (Le already desperate situation. Oflen te take tLIs opportulity te thank ail (Le clients sud arate uCat Deor, Waltlng room sud Examlnation ah. ceuld bu fouud lylng in front of (Le cage of a frlends viio sent me glfts, floyers sud verdi of Room ", for (Loe clients vii. prefer te hrlng (Leir slck pet, net leavlng (Le ares until ah. vas con. encouragement. I sam truly appreciaive, thank.yeu cata ite a "klnty friendly» enviroument. vlnced that "everyting vas alrlgit". She vas se much. 4e truly a wonderful cat, vii. vas very mueh loved. le Hovever, net wising te bu dictatorial, ifsa client She la very machi mlssed....... vlawihes te sit iu (Le Dog Waltlug Room, wi(L their AILe kltty, (heu they are very velcome. Tii. cholce la On a ligiter note, msuy clients vere dsappointed thelrs. Apart frees those changea, ve have lu tLe fact (Lat ve dld net mun our UPlcture wi(L Improved sud extended our Trestesent Room, Santa for tiie Charlie Fund ( Oakvlle Humane fr Laboratory, Phsnnscy sud storage ares. We even Society) lu December 2005. The. reason for (Lia vas 7 -

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