B4 -The Canadien Champion, Friday, April 7, 2006 PDAVUNG LTD. Milton, Ilalton His, Campbsllvllle& Area 00531PAVET (7283) Toil Free 1-888-695-7283 I kind of like Charles and Camnilla after ail Su hicrc d 105, '.î,e in ndia onî bîîsiîîes' ,i2indiiw' miu l ailsînd ianItaik [bere wasnet a huge crowd oi people around at the lime, nty ber and a couple others. As ebey wenî 10 go by she funi- bled ehrough hier purse to gel ber camera hut was unabf e tn gel it nperational iii une. Prince (harles and CarnifIa saw thai she was sîrugglîng and actually sîopped and waiîed for her unfîl she w.ss ale to tale a pilceure. What a nc ebîng o do. Now I've neyer been a fan of tbe Royal Family. and par- ticularly nol al fan ni ehese îwo, but because they dîd tbai, att ni a suddctî 1 lîke tbem bneh. I unny bnw tbai works. I mean I've beard Prince ("harles ramble on for gond causes befnre and iî didn'î make me like bim. t remeînber waîcfîing him make a speech on saving penguins or squirrels or some such ebîng and my only tbougbî was ihal be was goo[y. He was doing somneîhing gond that helped many raccoons or goals or wbatever il was and I didn't care untit be did a mucb smaller tbîng and belped my sister. WEIGHT LOSS & NUTRIIO C ERS Carniage Square, Milton (the corner of Main & Martin Sts.) 905-693-9594 this time I reboIve Vo lobe weîght for T&,.he IaeV Vime! SAME NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION EVERY YEAR? FAILED TO FOLLOW THROUGH AGAIN? Had you stuck to your resolution and joined Herbai Magic in the New Year, you would be a minimum of 22 POUNDS LUGHTER... RUGHT NOW!R tse nover to lote to sIim down. Join Herbai Magie today and LOSE UP TO 3 2 POUNDS BY SUMMER!. you donit lîke me. 'tou thirnk l'm stu-- .j pid, and you say to On th~e your trîends or.. family " I doîî'î tike loose îbaî guy because fies stupîd.' Tben orne day you're oul for a walk and you [mnd yourself- surrounded b>' coydogs at their dinnereinie. t come atong and 1 stant beatîng up on tbe coydogs one by une and save your tife. Even thougb 1 may veîy well stîll be sîupîd, you dnn'î tbînk 50 anvimore. Tben you sa>' t0 your frîends and lamity, "I tîke that guy, be saves peoples lîves, încluding mine. And bes not stu- pid." Tbe Pritîce Cbartes incident reminded me of my own encounter witb a major cetebnoty and how it became quite an ordeal. Il was Meg Ryan and sbe kepe hieîing on me over and over until t bad t0 tell ber stop. Ob waîî, forget it, that was last nigbî's dream, and tbe nigbt before tbat, and tbe nigbo before that. Back on track, ils a pretey simple concept. If you're nice 10 people they'tl like you, and if you're not they won'î. If tbey don't know you ebey bave no reason to think you're nice because you baven't done anything nîce to them. And if a celebriîy is nice it seems t0 come as somne surprise because they don't have to be nice because tbey're celebrîties. People won't always like you if you're nice, and 1 can thînk of a gond example. 1 catI il the Pretty Woman Syndrome and I've seen ie over and over. Sometimes when a pretty femnate îs nice to a mate, the mate starts to thînk that maybe îbey're beîng nice for more reasons than juse beîng nîce. Then the mate starîs îhînking of themn as a future girl- fniend or wife, wbîcb îsn'î why the femnate was being nice. Once the mate is rebuked, be doesn't like the female anyrnore even ebough ber only crime was heîng nîce in the first place. Okay, so we've got ibis far and t don't really have a major point or moral to the stories. 1 don't kno\v what happened, I îhougbî there was goîng t0 be one and b>' the tîme I got thîs far there wasn't. I couId finish by sayîng be nice att the uime, but that would be rîdîculous. So, now >nu may be îhînking the wnîter is awfutly stupid and that you don't like me. Oh yeah? Wetl, waît untit you're surrounded b>' coydogs somne lime, and then give me a caîti lIlI change your mind. ma/ Pond Myths Debunked Many common myths surroond water gardening and ponds but water in the landscape is the hottest trend for this year. Over the sent several weeks we hope o dispel somne common myths and inspire a sense of confidence aroand the lifestyle. Myth 1: Small water features are less work. Faci: As water teafores get larger, they becomne easier f0 maintain. Aquariom bobbyists know it's mach easier fo achiene a healthy, stable tank with more mater, sot leso. Small water teatores rarely have the flow or capacity necessary for Iong-term stabilit, and son need lots of maintenance. However, properly designed ponds are able f0 achieve ecological balance. As water gardens becomne larger, they also become more stable mith each passing year as plants, bacteria colonies and other vital lite becomtes established. Listes f0 AM900 -.in H E CHML Î for more 1