Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 2006, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Friday April 037, 2006 - 31I G en rH e o i l e a a a i l n& S aH l fieH BRIC LEYR-S nerAixn VVe are iooinîg for adulîs (îndvvduaLs or crews) who have a reliable vehicle (the larger the betten) and a desire to earn ex- tra money by delivering xewspaperx wvith tlyer packages 3 days a week (Wednes- day, Friday and Saturdays) to, residexces throughout Oakville. This ix trui a door- to-door delivery program and ix bext suit- ed to those who are flot atraid ot hard work aed enîoy workixg ixdependextly in the oxîdoors. Matsrity and a xtroxg xenxe ot respensibility and reliability are mandatory. If you would like ta explore this opporunity in more detail, please contact Bob ai 905-637-8795 Full Time Sales/Mîlanagement Trinees OPENINO SOON UN CAMBRIDGE! MiltI rain at the Kitchener Location) *HiaS Base Salary/Commissixns *Bssxses, Extensive Berref ils, Management Trainng *Empisyment Staxlity *Retxil (commisxsxo) sxlex experierra preterred Fax your resume le the attention et Gabef fi Kitchener Store 519-650-5472 or visiteour Kitchener location 4396 King Street East (lp) Sportsrorld & King St. e-mail: hrde lO2001audiovideo. coinm StephenS*n's RENTAL SERVICES HIOI4ER STANDARDS, TOTAL cOMMITrMEraT SALES ASOCIUES Stephenson's Rentait Services requires customer service oriented people tor our equipment rentai location in Milton. $12.00/ hr plus benetits atler 3 menths. Cuxtomer service experience and a mechanical aptitude are detînite assets. Muet be able to work weekends. PIsase tas 905-876-3367 or email careers@stephensons.ca. EDENGROVE LANDSCAPES LTD. We are an awari wînnîng laxiscape tîrm servicing the Cakvle and Mississuga area. With neyeraI positions uxailable, wie are lsxking tor experiexced individuals lx ansixi us in xervicing tus industry. Fuit lime Saiaried Positions: *Landscape Maintenance Fxrepersxns *Landscape Construction Fxrepersxns Yard lxcated in Milton Please fax reoumes la 905-603-0425 Emai et dakampon@ao.com Its nice when you discover the Job 18 a8 good as the coffee. Quitl Training - Incentive Programa Benelfta or Savings Program - Free Untiorms Full lime il Pari-lime Positions Avattabte Appty tn persan with reaume ai: 3485 Harvetter Rd. et Walkerx Lîne (new location) 5539 Harvexter Rd. ai Suila Dr. inaide Esax) or catiI805-228-3111 Fax remmse 90"-31-5666 Itasabot the Letyle Lnely 2-bedrxxm apurt.I * ment , includex heat , hydre, parking, centra ,ar] custdia / ai ulie, Aproimaely20 heurt perwee ona lve-n bsis Enoya cxmmunity- mînded, vibrant, upbeut seniors cemplex Stepe tri but, ahep, Seekx mature indîvîdual te eon sur teum.Earn $1,O75/mxnth. Fas rexume: 905-578-293 IWith terne experirce inota lxig xrgrxund swim j Imîng poos. The succeoxtul pertex w Il ws k *t 00am-600Qper Menday-Frxday $10.00/heurtl t arr. I2 às axto 19-59 Or emal te: cçwil$o@belinel c Residential cleaning: Moida te Friday. Weekly take home puy - $300.00 to $350.00. Training previcded. Car required. Paid mileage. For information catI: (905) 847-2210. Morry Maids aif OakviilMiton. Experience requîred Fax remume te: Humas Resources: 905-873-1903 er Appiy ix Persex te: WAL-MART 280 Guelph Street Georgetown By Menday Aprîl 10th, 2006 tuli-lîme CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSON Needed te uxeint custemers in a pool and hot tub store. Hours Menday-Saturday, 9:OOam-5:00pm, ttali 40 heur week. The successfi candidate ahIl hase knosleige oi pools, hot lobs and relaîxi chemîculs. The sxlary is $10-12/heur. Pleexe tas teý 519-438-9593 Or emal te îcwilts@bellnet.cx CONSTRUCTION LABOUR WANTED Eeperlencein cencretetxormingcarpentry andl *erectiex, Seme distant werk elles, Experience in *Fabrie Structures a detînite axeet, Transortatioxn Ios Erîx Ontaris a muet.I or Emal: storagesys@sentex.net No phone cele pIeuse. LAORER Mus Fuî Tvi e Pasnilng awes .Ms I e abe Hemltask and or xvs ll unfe rs sue Mut ae ox ruxrtal oeng in epublic. IFase onta t lHsfod t:9-8 3-7798 I OetaitlCis Plýreranu Part lime possbiy leadîxg 10 fll lime enperîencn pneterred however vie wili train the rieht person. sioénre suel il eApil 111h Oiler ofigerfnd. storae n the i BrMlon, Shfsar. ATTENTION 10 new Openig Average $20/Mr Ersmexton type work, Piece eirk compensation No Expertesce Needed! Training provîded ion Accepted xppiicanîs. For as iterview cati 905-525-7692 KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! -Ages 2- Wxnted for TVJ & Mev/e Jobsl No Fees! Men/ Wemerr 16-65 yrs. Needed fer samei No estras Parents cal (416)221-3829 H meor kes Ineeded te assemble prvdscts, stuiing en- velopes, muilinglpre-I Iceoîng circularei [j1eical workjaîal. apt 1 ,500./wk. ns esp. xeeded. Ile in- ici: www.cunudiax- wontstremhoeme.com reterexce 3-116 Telemarketers Hîrîng pull-lime even ingo telemxrheters for generating leads. -No selling - Ne experiexce necesxary - Muet be ostgeîng Cali 905-842-9447 kre you Jii A scae 4 years aid? JI s3cae can heîp Cali Building Services Consulting Firm requi res CONNECT Elecîrîcul DepI. Head, 3heridan Senior Engineers, Designers and Field Sheridan tnxpecters ton their Mississauga Office: -878-4956 Please send resumes ta hr@jainassoc.com. rDè4 Mions North End Nissan iras spexiens 1eýasS. . fr a clans A lecirnician ex a dru or 5th yeur atll"/, apprextîce. Applîcunîn siei have gosi i F a communicutien silîn uni altireugr dleuinxsîp - nperience os un asnsa, il ns nel requirni. Wn ar p offer competîtve ages, uni a benieît package. Ile Drie Tbru Send rn ime ail Service Manager BenefitsMîke Thomson fax: 905-875-3210 or emaîl mlkothomsonnstoethendnissan.ca Ts Assemble Producto , Slutfixg Envelspex, Mail- inglPrsceexixg Cinculuro, PC/Clericul Work 16-2 Available. Up Tx $1,SOOlWeek. No Experiexce Wile Retenence: 3-113 JOB ait Ladcp an Cosruto * - * - .. 905 -PRODUCTION Natalia 416-52S-4588 (After 6pm) Restaurant Hel à Wait staff Kitchen staff Dany 416»399-8259 Fx. 905-854-5382 nbluestra. da@yahoo.ca MMÉ Griel iv a worldwîdle leader in indusîria paukan îng pxvducts and services, We serve a wîde range et large lv strait & multinational to locl busînesses wîth a varîety oi packaging solutions, incuine Industriel Ohîpping Contain- ers, Cvntaîxerbeard & Corrugaled Preducîs & Timber. Currently we have an excellent oppor- funiy avaîlabie ton an experienced Production Sapervisor for sur Milton, Ontario tacility. Oaalîtîed individuels aili have demsnstraed Sirilîs ix tiraI lie supervision xl heurly produc- lion asseciales. Main respxxnîbîlîlîes wîll ix- claide, bal may nol be limiled lx, xverseeing prxduction shit eperaions, supervise shif empîxpees, sel-up and operule production maciiy prxvide training axd leadership t0 empives assiel in machine maintenance: moxi riveair entxrcemenl ef company polîcies and satety nulles; and assîsl ix the cxor- dination of the production procens to ensure suietv, qualîty, und efficiency in ail aspects ot production. Kxowledge xl production machinery und tihe production prxcess is essential, Govi interper- sonul si leadexship si, cvmputer skis abiy 10 noise problems, uni heixe detal vxîented une crîlîcalv tirte success of the candi- date. Aliit to work as pant of a teum, Plias 1 -3 vears wonkîng in a union indusnia plant experi- ence iv preierred. Il yvu are înlexesled in becomîng pant oi our teumn uni ment lire above renuiremexîs, we wecome your appication. Competîtve salary & henetîts awaît lire rîgirt candidate. Pieuse seni yvur reume, wîtir suiury islsry ts: Greif, Inc. Attn: Phit Zamperin 383 Main Street Miltos, Ontario L9T 1 P7 Fax: 905-878-5057 e-mal: PhtilZampentn@greif.com Equai Opportnitn Employer M/F/DN PLEASE, NO PHONE CALLS ELECTRICIAN Vos wîll have fîve years of work experience eoiendîng to PLC's, servo controls, VFDs power distributions, instrumentation and preventaîve maintenance. Vos possets an Ontario and/ or leterprovincial Certfcl of Qualification as an Electrical Construction & Maintenance 309A l/censee and Ceniticate of Apprentîceship. Email resumne to: à-careers@maplelodgefarms.com O-Uakville-Burlingtox reoidextial & commercial rnovulion & repair ce. seeku proleuxionuls with 15+ yeunx exp. Canpeetry, drywull, tîlixg, electricul & plumbing ubilitiex a must. Must have gssd communications ukillo, be bonduable, hxve a cileux drive record and youn san tools. Unîifom and company veicle provided. Cai 90I 3-77 Fax 905633894 fuir rLJ s, INTERNET -Cvntrucl wrr -Must have own veicle/ laider -Must have oan busic toeis - Must have basic computer uni installion si -Knowledge ot Catu uni coux an ussel -Must ire able 10 work on roofs -Hullonilîs urea Fax reoume: 905-203-2013 Wýe Hej ueepiuniH Secretary Fuh-lime Sulary & Benetits Email resumnes toi stepohenli intersationaL.com eok Looking for work? Cai - Stevens Resource Group 905-878-7789 BD/isa medcal technslsgy csmpanty that manufactures and sele a broad rangeaof medical supplies, devices and systemis The fxllowing position is currently uvailable in Cake/lie: Office Services Co-ordinator Resoneible tel preceooing lîlerature and xample requesto, co-eîdîxating maleriale tel tradesos, adminixtering direct mail pregramo and weîkixg wilh the marketing greupo lx maintaix approprixte înuerîery leselsof etiterature and sîher marketing materialo. Supports bolh interrai and externat cis temero in the areas et samplex, saiety cesser- sions, mxii, ceunier and silice sipl inventsry Management. Requiremenis: -Poot-secendary educat/er or equîvxlenit -Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, Lotus Notes or sîher emal package) Must be eetremely cslmer-iscuoed and detail orîerted -Slnsng srganisxnîsrxî ana prîvnîtîzetior skîlîs -Must be action-orîenîed and enlsy wsrkîng ulone un as pant six aeam ervrenment Fer cempiete lob descripion vieil wew.bd.com. Email resume la casadajobs@bd.com orifas 905-829-2069. Reieîerce position tille in tire subject lie. BD thanirs al applîcants but oniy these seecled toroan interview aii be contucti (no phosne cutis un agences pleuve) te BD <GERRME Capable of molli-tasking in a tast-vaced envirosmens, vos wili deal wîth data f51155, ansani a muiti-lise phvne system, maîxtaîn the filîng systen, and prvde lvp nolch custvmer service Your demvrstîaîed cleîîcal expellence is bucked by pves cvmputer, keybvardîng ard cvmunicativn skîills AI Cerrne Electri, vie oier a culture vfinîspirativn and chuilernge, job secuiit, anes/ixcertîves cvmmerssuate wîlh esperience, a full benetîts package, und cvntinuai traininx, Pieuse upply in confidence, ts: Human Resources Manager, GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED, 4104 Seuth Service Ilad lurlingtan, ON Il 4X5 Fax: (905) 681-1774 e-mail: HRgeecom Wrfelac foiîii an itrvireirs iee oniyuhvu Administrative Assistant, Oakviîîe Peosition entaiso general vffice tasks, fiig, typîng, dats entry: general cerrespendence; & CIher duties. Candidate rmust possevo strict attention to detuil; ieilew deiîed office prxceduîes; cemmunîcate et- iectîvely. Strong MS Office required. Adobe, Pub- lîsher, & marketing exp. pîeieîred, but net reqsîred. Quaificatior Requiremenx: Min. higr ochovl diplo- ma. Prelicient in Engiuh lwrîllen/veîbl Strorg lypîrg sklio. Be well-erganized, able te werk ailir minimal supervision. Send resume &couerîsg letteî by April 10, 2006: Nulemp Mechanical Sysîes Lld, Off ice Mgr. Fax: 905-338-6677 Em*i hrmanager@nulemp.ca FI«- 53Y 1 0; Cali F'ý ý

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