Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 2006, p. 24

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A24 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 7, 2006 HA WTORNE HANDYMAN Speclalizing in SmaIi Jobs Docks, Fonces & Shods Framing/Drywall Replacomont Windows *Hardwood Floors *Rssflng ropairs *Dimmor SwItchos Eaves & Siding GElectricai GCormmis TIIo/Backsplash GPlumbisg Bathrooms/Kitchons .. and more *Coiliog Fans/Lights For FREE ESTIMATE caU] S Gary Hannah oremai hadhvnhadyaf@îço.u PATIO DOOR SPECMAL _ Vinyl Shutters $69900 vinyliit' :CUSTOM BLNDS Iiuua - Iflj A ENVA1 *4 O CasscHm Reoaion brone source front A-Z " KITCHENS - BATHROOMS "Complete basements e Ceramies -Hardwood Flooring aDrywall/Taping sPlumbing/Wiring e Excavating -Concrete Work & Repair 25 Years Expenience and Gua,'anteed Satisfaction1 S. McE,]tACH'REýN & SON Complel Csiom; Building & Renosations ResidentiallCommercial 24hr Emtergencv Door & Lock Service since 1987 For a FREE Estinaie, caîl Sheldon: 416-303-4208 BUILO TECH CONT Tony 905-854-5623 CELL: 416-999-9614 e Ceramics /!Taping / Drywall / Flooring o Kitchens / Bathrooms / Basements o Stone & Concrete Work, etc. o Additions /Garages!/ Decks ieff WaIIU General Contractor Desg and Bud Rec. Rooaju Souspendedà -eiinçaa .irrriDrY Wall Specialisf j Fr -Honme an dCannwrrual Renovauiao .Crown Moulding I~ I DISCOUNTS FOR MILTON RESIDENTS Tel: 905.876.9034 I.,.S COMPAN Gamge Doors - Electric Openers Sales, Service and installation UWndoSm, Enumone Door,, Storm Doona, Polio Doors TEL: 519-853-2114 (AcToN) Specializing in d1EEEEEEý Cùsto»iFîtted DELREX FIoinndal AkorillISWdi 8.1114 Fasci and umbama 13kýmiagh Lu 5 YE TIrWARK RO.N WiIORKMSHIP COMMLE Basement Ren atos Competitive Rates For FREE Estimate Cali Wiliam 905-878-7417 * 416-528-9651 Spucwoo Carpuntr LM. * icsn&bathroom Rersovations " Hordwood Floors " Homo Offices " New basebooird and Window Trim " Custom Book Cases... And Morel Free Consultation and Estimates Mark Spence 905-875-7872 Fuly Insured SA WE ASEE AMilton Tradesman skilled in: -Bathrooms & Kitchens Basements & Electrical *Sidings & Windows sDecks & Sheds -Plumbing and more! For a FREE ESTIMATE please cati 1905-864-6553 ~BRRY'S MASONRY aCHUMNEY SERICOES MILTON & SURROINDING ARIA .Renovations by Como Complele BasementRenovation, O ComleteDqwallSelnces ITony 90469439 Who HOME IMPROVEMENTS D oes It... To Advertise in this seelion please callfoice at 905-878-2341 X217 à

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