A22 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprl 7, 2006 Sajè &fun league Starting in May at Milton arenas (905) 875-6893 www./Ialtonb/jtca 1 t Yvlear-GepUn A mnutsnirs oawk Sales Corne and meet Charlie Wray (tN 4~ April 22nd 11 am - 2pm 4460 Fairview Street e Burlington 905.333.45,45 www.carraoutdoorcorn Smoke Alarms It's The Law. The Ontarioî Fire Code requires that 1_ every home working smoke alarms. Instali them in your cottage IN VOUR FACE: St. Brigid Bears' Taylor Hollywcood gets into the todlay! face of Carly Fullerton of Holy Rosary as Bears teammate Camîilla H ak Paluck looks on during North Halton championship play at Guardian ~S5~ Angels School Monday afternoon. Holy Rosary successfully defend- ed theirNorth Halton tile and now bas a shot at the regional crsarif1 ~ x< Halton bronze Monday with a 26-15 win oser Guardian Angels fClairke'"s Gol final four www.clarkesgolf.com Holy Rosarys girls basketball team CORNR O MAI & HOMPONbas securcd one cbampionsbîp, and CORNR 0 MAN & HOMSONremaîns in the bunt for anoîher. Less than 48 hours removed from their North Halton titie Arin, the Hawks R7 & RS advanced to the regions final four witb REDUCD TOSELLa 34-32 squeaker over Oakville's St. REDCEDTO ELLJohns Wednesday afternoon at Bisbop Redîng Secondary School. Tbe too- close -for-com fort victory pushed Holy Rosarys lady cagers - #~ N North Halton champs four limes in the las ix IXears - as far as they've gone in recent memory "We were well disci- p lined today and played as a team," said bead coach Cindy Jobnston, moments afier edging ibeir fax oured Oakville opponienîs. "Plus our defense was awe- sourie and we worked the fast break wbcn we needed it.- Alex Scbroder led the quarterfinal win witb a dozen points, wbîle Lauren Wilso Pro Staff Furik made back-to-back baskets earlv LT Hybrids Graphite IN pce graphite in tbe fourtb quarter to put the Hawks REG 0" 0 REG4 00 O abead to siay. Also standing oui wîtb nine points was Carly Fullerton. SALE Holy Rosary put itseif in the quarter- SL 00 SAL 9 0 final sbowdown witb a 1-1 round-robin 6 9 O 4 9camipaign \,WedniesdaNM cappîng is splît wîtb a 32-25 (licision over St. Domînic. Tbis lollowed a Nortb flalton chaîn- Wison golf ballis IlPjie Set pionsbîp repet over Gecorgetowns St. Cabretta Gleves Logo o/runsWisnjaz Bii ocyafronatGrdn Adams, Striker 1 rgdMna femo tGada Angels Scbool l'lie 24-15 final was a luthl niore decisîve tban tbe score PE F F would indîcate, as St. Bnigid sank a cou- .7 9-57 9-spIc of lasti minute baskets after Jobnsîon îbrew in bier supporting cast Men ad ades Ail Ladies Apparel Free to finisb oui the game. Ves Umbrella Fuerosîeele îtr'xibI 2005 product 0With Ves Putter points, wbîle Scbioder cbîpped iii fixe. REDUCED TO SELL O FA iock-solîd dlence lacioredbexil Purchase itito the von as well. 18 Tàt)nlbsbmàilt.. [nit7&8 Miltbrl [lic 1 la\c ks xx ill fois & (ol)cie ini Ilic S.Halion sentin rals Apnil l8 ai Joaî of 9 0 -8 8 - 8 1 Arc ini Cakville, and il vicioi ious xl 'cloi 10_Ili' regional cross ai Oaks'îllecs tl rNÇý 5ýj9,t 1rj3MadeFool, Il T sias AcWtýjî^;~i-j