~-- 7', GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION ROLLOVER: Part Credit OPP affîcer Dan Pyrah investigates an accident that caused a Volkswagen Jetta ta raill aver at the side af Hwy. 401 Tuesday afternaan, and a taw truck aperatar prepares ta right the vehicie. The driv- er, a Carlisle man, suffered a braken callarbane. The car spun aut in the westbaund lanes, east af Regianal Raad 25, after being hit twice by anather car that had aost cantral. The ather driver wvasn't hurt. Na charges were laid. June pre-trial in mortgage fraud case A pre-tnial for a Milton couple facing numerous charges in connectian wit a series af mortgage frauds will be heid june 8. The pre-tial - whicb is a meeting bcld ta hammer out legal issues hefore tral - will takec place at Superiar Court of justice in Newmnarket. The date was set March 23 at anatber pre-trial meeting in Newmarket. Frank Basso and bis wife, Catherine, were cbarged wîtb a tatàl af 16 and 10 counts respec- tively af fraud aver $5,000, conspiracy ta commit fraud, uttering a forged document, obtaining monte), by a forged document and obîaining cred- it by [aIse pretence along witb tbree other non- Milton residents. The charges relate ta two incidents in 2001 and 2002 in wbîcb fraudulent mortgages were arranged on bouses unbeknownsi ta the owners -relatives of tbe suspects - to obtain money York Regional Police allege $1.7 million was pocketed by thc five suspects from, a total of tbrec incidents in Toronto and Vaughan, anc in wbîcb no charges were laid agaînsi the Milton couple. Thp (a:eig (hAmnnn Fr ni 79SlR-A Ladies lRqkt White Grofid. 3 Stone Trinity Ring 1.00 ctw, SI Clarit» E Colour Replacement Value $6300 $299500 40%o Diamond Sale Continues.. ~ALç c®rkO" MEMBERSHIp OFFICE Open: Mon. - Fr1. 9 arn - 4 pm Mississauga 905-826-6464 WNTOX N The.Milton Dc)iÎntown LTON Busin0ss Imiprovement Area Mèmbersý would like to Kimberly, Glenn English and staff of -àCOUeTRy M4ILE FURNITURE, HOME ACCENT5 & GIFT5 ~v (O p pe-t~o~ y~44- die~ ~oizZvs~e61 ~i.sCce~ 14V e. e g e Milton/OakviIle 905-878-2303 1 Il 'IONSH 1 P 18 [IOLE GOLF 0[-,'Rs- E