Miltons Community Newspaper Since 18 60 bdiio (APPLE Auto casse Up! oistery F<epais Windsi ad Papairs IM 781 MAIN ST. #1 & 2,1 1"MILTON 876-47851 N EW S Land use policy ra.tses concerns S PO0RT S Heinz buys Jr. A Raiders A &E Poetry is far 0OMB approves initial phases of subdivisions SCARY SKATE: Storm Burgoyne pIays a wich in a segment of the Milton Skaî ng Clubs carnival put on every two years - held lait weekend at John Toneli Sports Centre. See more photos on page A2 1. Il'be lîrsi pbases uftîwu resîdential subdis isions pruposed lur wesi Milton hasve been appruvecl by ibe Ontariu Municipal Bouard (OMB)." Ibe receîîî decîsion gave tbe go- abeacl îu appruxîmaiely 1,300 humes planned fo)r tbe nuribeasi corner uf Derrv and Fiemaine Ruads and about 500 buuses slaîed fur the souîî sîde ut Main Street \Vcsi abuiiing tbe f N rail hue( Buti develupnienrs - prupused Bs' Fieldgaie [tomes and Main Sireei Milton C u)rp. respectîvel, - sere aclu- alIy appealed lu îbe OMB3 bv the devel- upers îbemselves. Thbis was dunc largelv because tbe Milton Heîigbis Landowners' Group said if a cusi sbaring sysîem wasn'î negoîiaied wiib oîber area landowners Citizen tries to restrain car thief Pulice are looking for a suspect afier a man caugbî sumeone lrying îu break int bis vehîcle Monday and unsue- cessfully aîîempîed lu apprebend bina. Ai abut 5:45 pin. a Mîssissauga man was reiurning îu bis Cbevruleî Traîlblazer in tbe area of Hwy. 407 and Britannia Road alier walking bis dog. He saw a inan smasb tbe window of bis vebîcle and ihen gel insîde. Ilalion Regional Pulice said. file confronîed and aîîempîed îu resîraîn. tle mani, whu began swiiiging a serewdniver ai tbe vebîcle ownei. Tbe owner released the man, wbu R-ed tbe area iii a green van. Police laier deîermined tbe van bad been siolen earlier ibai day in Peel regiun. *see POLICE on page A13 Io) pa1 for necessary regional inifrastiUc- turc, the group would appeal aIllsubdi- svision plans as bes comne loi-ssai-d A cu-si sharing agreement bas since been reached. lielcîgate ultimiaîcîs' iants ici creaie 1,845 bouses ai Derry and ircînaine cunsisting ut a mix uf single detachedl semnicletacbie and to\wnbuîîîies, is plans also cati for iw vo sillage square paiks, a viuudluî, green-lands anti parceis sel asitle for a ness eiemneniarv sebuol and commercial develupmeni. Meanwhile, Main Street Milton C urp. intends lu builci a tutal uf b08 buses un Main Sireet West - alsu being a mix of single deîached, semi- detacbed and îownboînes - along with a village square, iwo parks, îwu woudlur.s and greilands. Only tbe fîrst phase uf boîb subdivi- sions cuuld he appruved ai ibis lime since ibere~s ciîrrently water and waste- ,waier capaciiy available fur tbem. Inside Todlay's Champion OPINION AIS CLASSIFIED A28 DATELINE B5 REAL ESTATE B15 www.miltontoyota-comn GORRUD'S AUTO GRuip