Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 2006, p. 9

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The Cunadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 4, 2006 -A9- r IGH SCHOOL REPORT' * * AR FOR TH ROAI AHED Next cou 2 WEEKENDS May 6,7,13,14 9:30 arn -4:15 pm rses: YOUNG DRIVERS%&f Canada 2 WEEKENDS kM\liec t urie June 3, 4, 10, 11 Yu iec osrie a 011 -. a Moisu1 905-8é75(4RJJwww.youngdrîvers.com lSO 9001:2000 wwvw.yo ungdrivers. com Registered M7 sriC c i,vss 5 :"',v i -Lc- sm ÇY E Meghan Sinclair Meogan Cheama Sari Kilmury MILTN DISTRICT MISE SCEGOL Hello Mustangs! The flip flops are back. and the sunglasses are on because spring bas finally arrived and MDHS students are celebrutirg! Spning sports are starling. and exciting activites. are helping kick off the last stretch of titis scitool year! The girls soccer team traveled to Oakville on Tuesday for their first tourniament of lte year. Altitough lte girls came up short, tey gave it titeir aIl and fans got a glimpse of titeir potential for the upcomning seuson. On Friday. the junior boys soccer teain boarded the bus and participated in teir first tournment of te season. The boys wvon one garne and lost titree. but tite experience gained by te newer players svas tite real itigitligitt of lte day. It wvas a good limne for aIl and Mustangs fans can .t wait to sec tite boys in action later tn te season!. MDHS's very own impro% team travelled to Toronto on Thursday nigitt to compete in tite Canadian Improv Gaines. It 'sias obs tous front the start that titis .A-teamn %%as a crowd fasourite. Tite team did extremelN selI and receised 3rd place oerall. WXav to go guy'ss The Student Athletic Assoctation is follots ing up their tnp to the Raptors gaine. ss ith a trip to the Bue JaN s home opener îonioht The Raptors gamne \%as enjoýed hx aIl as it 'sas a s cr\ succest'ul. sold out trip' The Ja,,s home opener is also sold out and is proiiing to bc a .crn enjoable trip for staff and students' \IDHS is on thc rnoe azain. this tinte to Washineîon and thte BiL Apple. On April 28th. the Mtustang-s board the bus and head dovs n o \Washtne-ton for four da,.> of htstors and ot course. shoppin,' And speakirie of shopptng. rn Ma,- the arts departient is headin2 dots n to Nets York Cits shopping capttal of the storîdi to experience the urban culture first hand. Thex vs til be spcnding four tabulous da',s vsiiting the arnazing museuris and strollîng_ the streets of Manhattan hoping to soak up somte of the artisitc lias our that îs Ne\% York Cîts With the 'seatiter heating up it is oftentirmes difficuit to do homets ork anid studx for tests. Beîng outside is aIl 'sou cani think about and the %sarmth of the suni makes tl haLrd to concenrate. But don't gi' Onîx three more rnonth left of v,.'hool and then if .s parties and barbeques ail sommrrer lon-' So esen thouit the suni is callinel sour naine. tr and keep xour nsînd on the science homessork in front of sou!. Alrighft mustangs, hasýe a gowod sseck and take il easy' Laantra Dubos Lolofie E.C. DRURY Bien SCEGOL3 THF IDIOT'S GIDE TO SURVIVINGHIGH SCHOOL, Fiestm Get Your QuaLificat As you att thopefutty) know by nov.. gradaîng does sut sîmpty entait passing att your court es. There is more to geting your dîploma than receiving gond grades. A passîng grade on the Lîteracy Test is a mat for those who isant to graduate afler grade îwetse. The grade reus recentty completed itis year's Lîîeracy Test afiter weekt of preparation. and tireir cotlective sigit sas audible fmmi lte top of the Locker Bay. Thaî's one lest thîng titey have te, tsony about! Many thanks toi Mes. Nesucombe. Me. Adams and Me. Keane for att their hard work. This feeling of worry is gripping many grade tîselve stadenîs who are scrambung to complete their forty hoars of conrimi insolvement. You cannt graduate stbout ail fonry houri. so get cracking. tf you're thont on ideas. contact the Guidance office for many solunteer oppontunities. The key 10 a itealtbx hîgh scitool career is heaithy living. There are plenty of oppontumiies ai Dnu'y te, stay active aud competitise. anrd %5e ur vou tv check them out. The Girls' Rugby Teaiv iv kicking off teir sea.son. and stili i.ompetine agaînsi ssthcr local hîsh schioolt on Apri luth. Hopefully ail iheir bard stock astIl pa> off Bai rememiter %% inning inus as important as bas ing fan' lIn iiber spots tiens. te Boysý' Sccer Testa bas ber birvosîsu: rc,.ntly. but our osurc.es sas, bhai bey bav e bren rapidîs imprisitne os er 6ct pasi test stocks durnnt pris. ice 'sie expect 10 se some lire sccer-tpasn iu n luthe nesi feuisseks. Keep up te Scvsl ssork' ITierc iasariers ofiaytoit.iseyour .oîs.chs.srd.s Drui-s.and 'se 52c rte 10 dvsssn oit ill of item For all the seniors oui 'bore. promni rîgi around tho 5core lThe result., are iu iront rte s,:h,-Kl saiivtionevl scisus lou-s,.h itnc antioned vote tit i 's rla,.e ast stock lTse rs. 'o uto sanctioned Thank te-, s11 -it, s isos antd soced dicor opivion' 'tu '.5,,uld tuanner ses :nslsod suitit ial oirleio si e Grie vs iii te ,,mpetin£: su te trkill, (,iess:ion ai Roteri .ssomun Hi :t S,sl vn Burlington or 'spnl -tt asnd i src sseiorr.s Ttcero i i 'rea ss.sriad or [echi ciasso, trom Drirs susit a, 15'v Video Pnsductisn. 'eo Desîsu-. Culinars5as AutoKecds .Con>tns,.rion and mnary moro-s.ompersn: aoasusi sîiter ss.ccls The .ompeisrssci itesns asii arn ana m-us untîl -51pm. sus roundi up rthe torils anrd check soui, Fmaàlls Epand Ytoui Horizons toere.iro aluassoppotuites ai Drurs, tss ospicro rthe tonld beyonst s:arrpus, sas.5 as ieldl trips Mud tssssnaitent. ltbe stuJsento suit, ti.,s lei so ttaly base bren resains t d us su ith tale, or toi[rajdsetre,. so.-npi rth photo proot. -ana titoroissitls snjised tes srip Ir, NdI- 5 'î Koaros« Ensîsith ,sse itah se 5tànce to ýisit lorLoc,, o 5 e a missý1 .'n ittarit 55 rit, aud itad Ire rimre Iiof hu lisesat bu' r,'e '.ocse Senior Sý,itsol Roa,.i lecar ni 's Hamislton on \tarit ':-t rot ttosr fiý, sisurnament lthe season s, noný oser. 'sus dcc s 555,5s sie leaher seru, Stmdentzs losnarrient. uhih n il tako plas.e aî ste sorani steks 'bell. 'drere %ou base eý. tc'ikc Our Idiot , Guide si Surs vine Hiiet Sàit' 'sie itspe it suas beipful. and %ne espes' aiàl ot sou 'o mecs Drurs s quaiiri.crtiinsuNr. isri aus 'et Ln% o1% sî%ee oiu urss sueeke ",E ROYAL REPORT"1 frio Heftheriuin Lindsay Johnitoa Camern Smith Julia RJdall Oscan Cant DISDGP MEDINS 163 SCIGOL Greetings from your Inside Sources! Antention aIl Bishop Reding athletes: lry-ouls for spring sports are note beginning! Whelher youire ito basebaîl, sofibaîl or soccer doesr't malter. tehat dors malter is thal aIl of these sports are currently brgirmng. If you haven't bren irvolved jr the great Bishop Redîrg sports program, note is an excellent lime to juin. The try-ouîs for Ihese sports are beirg urrourced daily. su get irvolved! Sports are a greul wuy 10 stay jr shape, mcceets fnrrds and muke memonies Ihat wîll lasI a lifetîme. The rext lime you heur an anrounicement lookirg for soccer players, baseball players. or sofîhaîl players, donft just puys it by ;take the opportstnity 10 go oui andi have some fun. Oser lthe tient fets weeks, Bîshop Redîng tejîl ho busy ralsirg morey and ats'rrness for a host of important causes. As merîtonrd in an cachier addition of lthe Royal Report, Humiltonis Esther Pauls takes a trip to Haîli every year 10 help the lest forturate huîld orphanages ard schools 10 improve their quality of lîfe. Lndec lte direction of Ms. Lee. BR is rots shovsirg their support for Ms. Paulti inspîratiotial cause. Frora Muret 27 urlîl April 7. cacit grade is rally îng together to cuise as mach money as titey car for the peojeet. On Titursday April 13. the Grade 12 Canada aud World Issues Class stîlI be runîrng a paîid cîsvtes day. Or Morday Aprîl 17. Bîshop Redîrg %01î proudly peeseut titeir contribution 10 Ms. PuIs and hopefully ste cati demonstrate the iremerdous impact ber tsork andi dedicatior bas itas or us. lu additison tr rthe Haîti tundraisin2. Ms, Leois Canada andi W,,orld Issues class vsilI also be munuîng rte Easter Foodl Drive Icoin April 1 unrîl April 13. AIl students are ercouragesi ro hring uor-pcristale fooit îems, ruro teir homeroori classes, Titese items hiouldi heo f iîgi nurriorsl value. Special titatiks 10 ail sit1 sud studet' stito pai'tisipate rn titese stortty caSses Ou April 2; ut 7pm. rte Bîitssop Redîug Choir %sîll ho sîrgîng ut a Blue Ja\x s ame, Ibis Came sý hotuscen rthe Baltimore Gnioles andi rhe Tornonto Blue Jaxs. aud te cs'st sý S25. Ibis ircludes a hus, at tipri eor Bîsiop Rrdîng to rte pyare. and trom tite came vs ber il suds. lThe tiscker,: tror titis package are leýel 10() seats. If %ou ha', more titan -4 tickert, rte'% are only S23. ins.ludîng rte trarîsporrartor Mes. Camuarais citoîir aill ho sînging rte Canadian sud Amerisan national aititeris. and titev have hocu peacrîcîns diligeurîx toc montts. Ibis is a haie 'tep ton rthe :htoir. as, rtýey hase neyer had titis mach expîssure isetore Corne out and sapport oae chir'. As rte stocksb pusit or. use oct closer anrd loser to tite sumnmer. Make the mosrt of tite remainiro sciool year hx geîîîrg ruvolsesi suit tite vanioas eseut_. clubs aud trams, rtha make Bîshop Redîrg so urique. \Ve suivit you ail tite brut rn the corntng tek

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