The Canadian Champion, TuesdayApril 4, 2006 - A19 Duo enjoy milestones in AHI 'Reding shines in Iia(yckul iluts Jt')-goai 1nc(i'iz, IzectoiU iotdwisju-si inarki j ýý Milton's top txso professionai hocckey players enîosyed their share of mîfestones last week. A tourth-year snîper wîth the Aiccericats Hockey Leagues Miîlwaukee Admirais, Darren Haydatr delivered hts t irst pro hockey hai îrîck is Wednesdlay night's 6-0 whîtewasb of bost Rochester. fi was a natural hat-trtck to hoot, wtth ail thtece îtarkers scored on the powerpla), - one in tbe secocnd perîod and swo tn the ftnali tramie Tbis aifowed the 26-year-old wtnges to hît the 30-goal plateaui for the tirst tîîue witb Milwaukee. lie now bas a total ot' 84 points - ,ilso a career bigh - wbich is gocod enougb foir fiftb i overaîl league sconing. Milwaukee recenîly overtook Houston for top spot in the West Division and now sit at 46-21- 6-3 - wbicb gîves tbemn a 100 plus point regu- I ar season for the second time in three years. Meanwbtle, Scotit Brtoli rccoerdcd noeth bis tîrst AHL point and goal i back-tos-hack outings tbîs pasi weekend. Tbe latter camne on a weil piaced wvrisi shot ttc tbe ftrst period Saturday ando belped ibe Norfolk Admtrals heat Btngbamiton 3-i. Frîday nigbt thce 29-year-old winger assisted on defencemnan Brandon Rogers' first-perîod deposit su notch bts firsi AHI poct and aid in a 4-I victory ocver Albany. A long-time standout witthe iEast C oast Hockey i eagues Trenton Titans, Bertoît was recently called up To Norfolk anc is likeîy, tes remain there until the end of the regular season. It was bts thîrd cau -up su tihe AIIL. He bas 19 goals and 66 total points wisb the Titans. Norfolk, clincbed a playof t spot over the weekend and sits tbird in the East Division as 39- Darren Haydar hi was end of the uine tîme lot Muston's two majoor junior bockev play- ers ibis past weekend. Botb Elgin Reid oct tbe CHus Ottawsa 67s and Erîck Lizoîc of tbe QMJHLs Viesoriavîlle Tigres were eliminated ttc first-round play by beavîly-favoured opposition. Reid and tihe 67s were ousted witb a 3-2 loss to the Peterborough Petès Scinda>' afternoon. Ottawa bad evened the sertes twice before suffertng back- tu back one-goal defeats, tbe first of whîeb calme in a 4-3 overtice loss Instail M Smoke Cai It's The Law. Don't tell r our celet Join us for the "Real Men Can t in Support of D and Crime Stop The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instali them in your home or cottage today! Fridayý A 19-year-old defencemnan and assis- tant captati., Reid hacl an assist ini Ottawa's 8-4 game-two victor. The 67s had pulied off a huge upct swseep of Peterborough last sprîng to capture the Eastern Conflerence titie and advance to the Memoniai Cup. Lizon and the Tigres looked poised to make their tirst-round series wtth the top-seated Moncton Wildcats com- penstive - taking the openiîg couiiest 4-2. But îî was ail Moncton f'rom there on, as Victoriaville dropped four 5th Annual Cook" Charity Eveni .A.RE. (Brug Abuse Resisiance Education) pers of Halton. sîraîgbt lopsclec aflairs - inciucltng a 7-2 series clîncber F'riday. Tbis mrarkecî tihe end of majsor junior hsockey for Lizont, a 20-year-old Winger aîcd assistant calctin wbo speici the iast y ea-r-atcd-a-bait îîsîlîng witb tbe Tigres atter a bncIe stînt wit tbe Tier 2 )r. A Ssr-eîsvilie Dertvsý n--------- - Saturday April Bth, 2006 6pm - 1 arn St Volodymyr Guttural Centre (Fourth Lrne and Dundas Street, Oakvtts) Don't miss ouf on thîs one of a kind eveni. Tickets are oniy $60 each and includes the "parade of chefs" featuring the Halton Regional Police Pipes & Drums, a buffet dinner with dishes from ail celebrity chefs, live musical entertainment, sulent & lîve auctions throughout the evening as well dancing untîl 1lam. A great cause for fhe Halton community, tis eavent has sold oui each year. Cati 905-876-9776 or email us ai For more information please visit our website Tharcks To our r generous sponsors - -irTE L U S' ~~~~WOOODBNEW '_"7 C J badmintoni play Bisbop Redings badminton seniors detîvered sonice ssrong sbowings last week in Icreparaton for their oe î tournaîneni this Tbursday Friday tbe Royals competed at Resurrectîon Ilgb School, wnsb Sean Mathe and I indsey Eurik leadîng ibe way wîîh fîrst-îclace bonours in the mixed doubles dîii sion. Younger hnîcther Lee Mathe and Graham Sharp were secocnd in tbe mens doubles class, wbîie îakîng third tn the women's doubles îoop were Erika Mînkborsî and Michelle Serafini. Also compeîsng were Lue Hartwick, Caitlin O'Connor and Laura Wilson. Before ibat BR placed fourtb as a teamn at tbe Hanmîlton District Badminton Cbampionship, wbicb came on the heefs of some standout individual efforts as the Woodstock Toumnament. Amocng îbemn was a second-place finish for Mînkborss and Serafini. aeam ana inaiveauai entry Safr &fun league Starting in May at Milton arenas (905) 875-6893 www.haltonb/jL.a Receive upto a I s1,OOO ' 25 Off 1Instant Discount a Duct: 1 with purchase of a qualîfyîng I l I Clain* * Lennox' home comfort tystem'* 1 *m g Cati us and ask for fuit details. STERRY ROWLEY mec han ic al inc. 925 Main Street East, Unit 3, Milton, ON L9T 4H8 905-878-1979 24-Hour Service A vaillable. 1PH142 Dave Lennor ÂPREMIIER DEALER- Oller expires lune 16,2006. 0 20n6 Lernoi Industries les. Lennox deaiers inclede irdependently eenee _________ and operated busreesses 'See leur partrspatreg Lene, deaier for detris One oiter nuerinble per qualrfying prroase lnstent ircount otter is unid ws - ENN 7, the purchase et qualrftrng Lenns, peeductsul -Service offer apeies to ewtee M custsmees ssi - e e e eaa 27-4-4. Scott Bertoli I- - - - N'~ Molç MU Major-junior locals ousted from playoffs