Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Mar 2006, p. 28

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A28 - Thte Canadien. Champion, Friday Marcht 31, 2006 TURNER: Borry, Lama uare delîghffed to itroduce Iheir first grunichll, OWEN ALEXANDER TURNER sou of Cumeron aud Tanyn, boru August 24, 2005 in Waterloo. Phkeuv.owSy'sIfrfIAiuo&xlt M in-Meoriamj IP&E:nemorîaàI Si L. uMR. JOHN MAYES and1 youw6 W ive aS veecli fo May 25, 1927 - Api 2, 2005 Qq , 1 fOue vear bas goneby nî snce younwenr avay yMs, bearr sil aches everydas, [be day is remembeed. - ~ 4j,1,4*1,~asd quîerly kepr r...n Jr.I¶tucjNo sunrds are needed. .j s iE HENRY, Joyce Elaine; - Soddenly aI her resîdence, Belwood, on Monday Murit 27, 2006. Joyce E. (Colegale) Henry' in her 82nd year, beloved wite of Roy V. Henry. Dear moter col Linda and her hunband Richard Moore of British Colum- bis; Robert and his wite Joanne of Guelph and Sasan and her honband Doug Ferrier of Cambridge. Loved grandmother of il grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Dear nister of the laIe Ted Colegale. Sorvived by neveraI nîncen and nephews. Dear sister-rn-law of Mary Hunt. Crema- lion han taken place. A Memorial Service mil be held on Saforday, Aprîl lut, ai SI. James the Aposîf e Anglican Churcit. Glasgow & Paisley Streels, Guelph, aI 1 o'clock. As expressions of nympalhy donations la St. James Anglican Church or the Heart & Stroke Foondabion moold be apprecîated by the family (cards availabl e at Gilbert Macînfyre & Sont Fu- neraI Home, DUBLIN CHAPEL, 252 Dub- flin Street North, Guelph 519-822-4731 or condolences msy be sent 10 www.gifbert- mscintyreandson.com) PEODIE; John «Jack" Milton Passed amay peacefully wilh famîl y by his aide on Wednesday, March 29, 2005 in his 901h year. Loving husbsnd of the fate Jean Peddie sndf the fate Harriet Peddie. Loving lather of Doug (Willi), Jim (Audrey), Janice (Ken), Joanne (Lamne>, James <Judy) and Ronald (Susan) aIl cof Miton. Survived by his msny grandchil- dreni and greal grandchildren. Prede- oessed by his brothers Albert, Frank and Harold sncf his sisters MabI e, Jean, Mary and Myrtle. Friends will be received ai lte J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James SI., Milton, 905 878-2669 on Fridsy, Match 31s1 from 10 AM onlil the lime osf the Memnonal Service aI il AM held from the FaneraI Home Chapel . In lieu of Ilomers, donations la the Parkinson Foundation or lte Miflon District Hospital Foundalion would be spprecisled by lte fsmily. Online Condolences may be made aI www.earfyfuneralhtome.com J. SCQTT£Ly I shall nover finger For ihose we litre don't go away Ibev .ilk besidciis cvcLrvdav Unseen aundtinheardý but always neir Se lod, omivred. and sorver vdear Forever inmy heart Ti11 we meet agin Lare Wf &Famîlpy In Memoriam donafions fa The Wîllow 185 Oviavo, St. S. Foundafion Milon ON LOT 2M4 are frufy apprecîafed. 905 879-4141 ei 85 s Cao Thanks Car fThanks Iwould lîke lis express my deepesl and negtoîsu e in s Ispriv wlomt tinraIltiego o nerles ol er thau alth relatives.fins, friedu aJ nîghburs hu bone, ses rt visitationa nrai for ba ing ho ughor Allfs pec alanyuomenad ad Wîlelm ou au taib er y ark cul Gaîr pcia ak t e ahano at. t r. voan îl fo rcs tturro Cnin Legu.ioin Bîraîr 3 olrir irnrr als hc cared s ait therr lgiss for levc, myrter, ; A ],anr ,n H21rles MILTON famîly lookîng lot daptîme port-lime Mulberns Helper, to belp milS totdiler twîns snd oemborn. Il your onergeîc & rnterestedi pleone tnrward yonî te- sume and relerences to. smcil @sympati- go Avilble Happy louîng environ- ment, eop. lodoar/out- duor creatîne play, ru. tritrons meais, t p/t or t/t upac o ltyt to SK,' close te Em Foster' Alysun 905-876-229 COUNTRY daycate tn Biooiiviiie aiea has space suariable, 12 yoaîs eoperîence, CPnI certlînti, recoîpîs & reoi erences proorded. 519- 856-4376. ECE Mom, wrth 10 sears eopiretcn Nutritions meain si dour/uutdoor acirties. s ale enurooment. F ul anti part-lime ausîtabie. Upper Mrddle r 6th Lino ares. Refererces atraiable. Cai 905-844- 0969, FUN ENCOURAGEO Sale enoîîonmienl, heailby lunch & snacks olleted. Scheduiei se- huîtries. ful lime anaîlable, Hawthforne Village, Lîite Adeentur- ers Daycore Service, Jennîler 905-884-1111l MATURE, eoperîenced part-lime belp needeti t0 assint te tise cote of 3 chidren anti baby. Hoasehoid duties, snnme evenîngu, ap- prun. 25-30 bru per monis, transprtation a mont.1905)864-4759 n llalth à LIVE ti Nem bealib & melînens magazine 250,000 copies. Coul- effective ditector, adn, motd adn. Cai todsy to book forthie Jane issue 416-493-1300 eet 276 ndugaay@melroisnd.rcom FISH 4 TROUT In Campbeiuîiie is nom open. Frshmvg license no roqurred. 416-587- 9739. nas tislr4lrout.ca OPTIWAV Scooter toi senors. delnov modni. Eoccllent conditronr. tsteiy oneti, 056109 $2,200 Cali 905-878- 5690. BAUMARK boucs dots, wasber & drynt, in cors, goo4 condition. $700 00 000 (paini 905-878-7056. Rafflean Gantes Tickets $ 10.00 in Advance $15.00 at the door ArilsWanbod LOOK BEST Cs$b$ Ps d- Artles~ table, 8 chairs, buffet, butcb, dovetail con- sruction. New stiîl in buses, Cost $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pîiinmîop Mat- tress Set. New tn plas- tir. Cont ste00. sel for $450. 905-5e7-9459. AIL Steel Buildings many colbais, 20's30 $500 25'xOd $8f700. 30'x40 $10,500. 32 x50 $14.0 Od 40xonn $20,000, mooy orbers 1- 800-504-7749 wwwvv.ponerbuiidings.ru BED, Amazîng bargan, qonen nrthopodic nul tomtnp set, rnew in plas- tic. marrant, $250 905- 567-4042 wîill deiner. BEDROOM Cherry- mood, Beti, chest, drenser, 2 nîgbtstandn. Dovetait Constructin. Neyer opened Cusi $8.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-5e7-4042 cARPET i troue seuerai 1,non yards ot tn Oti Mosior & iO0n ylon cri pet. ntii do living ron & hall tor $389. ttctodns tar- net. par0 & installaioun (30 ysards) Steon, 905-633- 8192 cHILDREN'S oatdoor play centre, wnoden, înclodrtg ail accesso- ries, ram. seso.00 905-257-8259. ENGLISH satdile wîtb bri- die $1000 or besr uffer 905-844-3843, Fao 905- 844-5t47 HOT Tub /Spa) cuvers besi prico. Best qoaity. Al shopos & colours. Cal t1-ses-5oos05 mmm ihecoorguy.ca ~em Atileated BE5T Cash. We boy tl ail. Antique foînsbmngs, Royal Doulton, Hummel, Moorcroff, dinnerwate, crystal sîluer, dlocks, mcil- sary Otms. Partil s l esto en. Ed. 905-634- 6300 km cmiz AUSTRALIAN crs hord, Bichon-Po. Bos- ton Terrier, oldondun- die, Golden Rtriever, Keeshoti, Lhasa Ap- 1993 iord Lscori actj malle, 3-duur talthf- bacli. Lady drîvet. As i $800 niso Cai 905- 702-9739. TEACH ENGLISM in Canada/Overseas Gel stlrled wifh TESL Diploma/ Ceritcale HELP CHILDREN- ECA Diplomna/ TA Cerfificale Now acceplieg applications for May /September programai. Regislered artd approned as a Prinale Career College ander PCC Ac, Mînisfry of .raining Colleges and Universiea 905-896-000 www.BEATEACHER.ca M Caeiz gfl Kennedy Ford Oakville Career Opportunity Witb the expansion of Ford of Canada's Oakville Manufacturing tacihity and recent promotions. we are in need several additional Sales Professionals and are prepared to train through a professionally presented.. 1Free Seminar Leam about thse car business before making a career decision. If you love the challenges of deating wvitb people andi are self motivatei. ibis may be for you. Encellent commission plan car atlowautce and benefit package is avoulable for the nighl candidates. MaIe aund female applicauts are encouruged. META HEALTH NURSE Explore this excifing opportunify wifh fhe Ministry of Communily Satety and Correctional Services, Vanier Cenfre for Women, ta work with menfally disordered ottenders. You wilI: assess inmates for signs of mental illness; collaborafe with mulfidisciplinary feam f0 develop/implemen facility-management andf discharge plans; develop tracking systems; idenfify/access communify mental health resources; acf as client advocafe. Location: 655 Martin St., Milton. Qualifications: currenf registrafioni as registered nurse w/fb the College of Nurses of Ontario/menfal health nurse by the Canadian Nurses Association; advanced knowledge of mental îllness and current frealment modalities, usually acquired through enrolment in/completion of a posf-diplomraldegree certiticate program in mental heallh or supplemented by evidence of continuing education in mental health/psychiatry; welI developed clinical skills morking with mentally /111 persons; well developed feam-building, communication and client-advocacy skif/s; knomledge of infecliouslcommunicable diseases. Salary range: $1.066 -$1.251 per week Resumne and covering letter must be received by April 18, 2006. Quoting file CS-1067, send to: Bonnie Montpetit, Staffing Assistant, Central Recruitment Unit, Ministry ot Community Safety and Correctional Services, 777 Memorial Ave., Orillia, ON 13V 7V3. Fax: 705-329-6695. il is the dpp//cdnls responsibî/ly 10 prmnt a confirmation of SUCCef[u/ [ax transmission P/ease do no1 rd/I te0 ansure receipf. On/y Ihose. dpp/brdnls se/ecled for an nerview wu// be contacted, Ar Anti es C~ol .~ ~ su, ri Pin -.r En lectibles, China, Crysta, lîsh Sheep Dog, mont I'Tucs1rSl Silcor, Figurines Royal Highland Terrier. ltt uk frSl Doultn Swaroskî, needîns, ueî checked, 1999 Dodge Dakota Olaus, Puttery, Etc. do-wormed. micro- Spr.Blue. Mini coni- Estate Specralîstu, chuppedf Ruffîns Pet tin Ca playor. Top Cash. Cal John/ Cettre 900-875-0475. îelu,oocoîm $9.000. Tracy 905-331-2477 Cui 416-938-5362. CareT Tanng km cmr 1-71cmr Fast. Accurae. Friendl.. Are you up to joining our team? WVe're a rapidly growing retail nerwork specaixng in dogtal desi and printing. For aur lacatian in Oakville, we seek an enterbetic, servce-oriented individula ta loin aur team. CUSTOMER SITE - PRINT & MAILROOM MANAGER Yaur ability ta provide exceptional cuacamer service in a fast-paced enviranmient marks juat the beginning of yaur qualifications. Able ta provide guidance an camposition, inks, finishnes and speciaity stock, you completely understand the entire production pioceas and ita impact on the custamer You alsa possess 15 + years' experieen digitali and offset print production, a honed business acumen and autst:anding leadership skilis. f you'd drive in a progressive, team-based «Mwemagtahmpemuv Oeo n a beri", ~pléief M o éiie t PROUD, Elizabeth Jane (Rayner> passnd amny peacefully in itur 92nd ynar, Monday Marcht 271h, 2006. Belaved mile ofl William Proud of Lînlowel. Mathor of Ann sncf hosband Gary Mahoad oil Pal- merston, Ken Proud sncf mile Disne oul Udora. Gruodmolther Io Aprîl and Mi- citelle Maitood and Coortney Ano (Ma- itood) sndf iusband Jason Howleltt Great Granddaugiter Koîllyn Hamîsît. Lovîng nîster 10 William anti mite Morte RIsyner, and lte laie Gordon Rayner ancf wîfe Mo- rtel. Fondly remembered by nieces sncf lteir families. PRIVATE FAMILY FUNERAL. In Memoriams in the form JI,. of donations f0 The t - Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreoiated.

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