Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Mar 2006, p. 14

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A14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 31, 2006 Community theatre group is at risk of closing t3y btephanie f hiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF To miany residents, tfie Mifton Playets Theatre (7rou1p is a local institution. Only the longesi-time resitienis cati rememi- ber when the group wasi perforiiig wîîh passion and ahil- iiy. But ihai mnighi bc ahout io change. The voli unter'oiy giiitp is curreiitly' experiencing such finarnciaf dîfficuliies ihai, if sîimeifiing doesn'i change siion, iî mnight hasve io fishantf. \Vieoui- atiendance is going up - \Ne's'e liad siiiing titket sales sti far titis s-a e- if ss'e donit start ii pull ni mure mioncv' . WC fiiijeci ihai \vc \ill gouîtnder as earh' as tht' entd tuf, nexi seiar, suid Plas'eis piestleit I ynette Austin. fis, a s ery, harsl., ticue icality ler at ing.- Rising tuisîs for things lîkec ,îdsertising and tehcarsal space rentai mneans the non-profit gruiup isi iaking iii enouglu mioney to conitinue. AntI ils curreni ftînrraising, ss'hith inclucles putiing on murder mysieries, isn't enoui. The financial issues are thuise heing faced hy a smiall tuiwn theaire group ihats qluickly iurning into a large tow n theatre group, Austin satd. antI stîl iinto every production,' she saicl. But ail is not lost. Measures are heing taken to fîght for survîval, and one such measure is sîepped-up f undraîsing effortS. This includes the Spring Fling Dinner Dance heing held ai the Lions Club Hall, upsiairs ai Thtmpson Memnorial U.ena, April 8 [rom 7 p.m. to midnighî. Tickets cosi $40 each and include a chieken dinner fol- lowed hv a performance hy local comedian .lason Blanchard and a nîght of dancing. Rounding oui ihe cxciii ssill le lip'synthing, limhui and twîst cîînîcsîs and duior prizes. "'vV're cxcited about the esent. lis-, sure io he a lot of fini and \ve hope lui see lots of' pueople frim the commlunîity oui iii enjoy the ccnîng,' Austin sairf. Thle Spi ing l'ling is the fîrsi tif' a sertes ioi ftintraising activities. The group wîil alsul hc incrcasing tket prîtes to ils shows. fi hasn'i yet heen decîded whaî the new cosi wiii bc, hut the grotip is irying tub keep the increase minimal, Atustin said. "When wc raîse the ticket prîces, we huipe our loyal audi- ence wilI continue to sîay ltoyal and undersîand why WCe've iiicased oui )1ts Austin saiti F'or the past kew years, show-only performances have cost $15, while the dinner-theaires cost $35 per person. The Mil ton Players wîf I aI so he applying to the Milton (onmunity Fund and wifl he tryîng to get some corporate sponisorships, Austin said. Because of ihe amount of work each show takes and the fumnerons fundraisers, one way the cornmuniîy can help is to hecome part of the group, ejîher on stage or bhhnd the scenes. Auditions notices appear în I he C hampion months hefo)re eachi show runs, but sonietimes s erv few p)eople turn oti, she said. Althuîughi nbosi shows are siîfd oui l'ridlay and Saîurday nighits, ots usually only haIt-fuil I hursdas' nights. Austins lîoping the next shuow will consisîenîly seli out. Alter ail, there aie suif people iii îown who hase nes er seen a show, sfic said. Residents mnay also want tii hell) by making a cash doinatioîn to ihe group. The Players started 27 years ago when a group of peopfle interested in forming a local iheatre group gathered together in response to an ad in The Champion. Several months fater, those 14 people put on their f irst production. Sînce then, they've performed in a number of locations, including their current one ai the Milton Seniors' Actîvity Centre. Fach year, the group stages three pfays, with show- îmnly produictions and dînner theatres. l'he dedicaîton and ttimmitmcnt required tif its mîeînhers, whîch include actors and the hehind-îhe-scenes crew, is stag- gerîng. One play reqcires almosi 2,000 production hours. G reg Nelson, presideni of 'Arts Milton, of whichi the Players is a niemnher, said fies optimistic the group will pulf throughi. -'Tlîey've heen arounid foi oser 25 years. That in îîseff is a testament to its resilicec. But the group rneeds îo continue champîoning its cause to the puhfic, he said. "This (shoîws hy the Pfayers) is enîertaînment in its purest formi. Here are peopfe who simpîs want to show their crafi and eniertaîn at the samne time," he said. [fie Players' nexi show wifl Ibh Funny Money hy Ray (oonex; and will be presented May 5 to 7 and Il to 13. To purchase tickets for the Spning Fling Dinner Dance or ftr more information on the Players or how to help, cafl (905) 875-0629. More information can he found at www.mif- tonpfayers.com. Sieplionie Thiessi ci ii i icat lied ai sîlîiesseiî@milioncaî'a- diîîiic îcîiîpiîii.comý I~1 THE! 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