A10 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 31, 2006 la tadîon RedICosss 1111 ' \Nort Halton youth more negative about police: report People who cty Vnianie I-eîniessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Y01t119 people n itnot iiilitî lîîld a mo1re iegatise perceptioni el poilice- titan Ileui coutînterpatis li the sotî acctord- in, Il) it sll1îS on îli i îttl Iîli irelatioîns. ThIe recently released document prepai cd hy a consultant for the ycîutiî- police relaittions wori kng cominiitee shedls sentie liit oin how i iaiîîn youili ageci 12 te 24 years [ccl abouit oflîcers itii 5 lici ils lii biclidinc i Itliils c tise reiationship) betweeni tihe îwî grocips. hi idlentifies thai one tif tic chai- letnges is yîiuîl perception of itolice bebavictur, pariicuiai y ini nîîrîb lialion. "Ytuth in the itil are mruoe nega- TRUCK SYe J $E1000 TOWARDS GENUINE FORD ACCESSORIES AT NO EXTRA-CHARGE <ra N --------- Chrome tEhaisi tip %EUNE FORD %s --ESOR - 1 1 When you Purchase or Lease a 2006 - -15W, F-Series Super Duty or Ranger. Sl ona oe Running DVD Cargo sport Tati Lamp Bed Vehicle Boards Player Organizer Liner Surround Hooks Security CUSTOMIZE YOUR TRUCK MNINE AT: WWW.DRESSYOURTRUCK.COM THIS YEAR'S BEST TRUCK DEALS ARE YOURS RIONT NOWS Ranger is Cauada's fls SélNng Compact Pick-Up F-Serles lu Canada's lest SelIlin Vehicle* 2006 Ford Ranger Sport SuperCab MX 2006 Ford F-1 50 Supeu1Crew 4X4 XLT wMU lIN Package - 3.01. 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R5 S e RAM 5_W ý ýt 4 jt W i ORiii5li1i1Wo9r PolU o .--aoROie~rAm W..dUeee fp.q e mem8r Pi 16i5 67 -1-ç -,epX 120,Fb w bÇC £ýo * m .d-çMi - 1 M ï d1 .L1 5 Ký *ýýçcC WS . ý2 W1 -w - RU Nu, bw MUms»Mo .W a f »- ,dNMe1U i fee*,î ," ,"b,&. tM -Wâwii el fl »,Xdi E RAWu1 esiâ FM xU _ em ft-W ..X -ebw« uml Nwl -a .,4:W r. fii .> We P A R M , u 0 oamiNWeA ,z D0 :Wfta " tWel w 5W lg», , sW., 5flsa, 5ieý -k Or I b,-M9 "" ýW MWt « M Dit W . O, > % 1qie- ý ý1 t S91 MW 4 M e ý - : C M rýei i)- ?ý)b r 'e Y eU p i, ik oeM . 1,&b x 8«.CJ m114-AMt.MWû&MDwý-ù.1ý-A y' FRuAe -o e o, ueraai « ý - wit .eOo ame.ducwNpDl%,. ReeONm el Pai B uRM -,i RýEJý [ 'Service (IIRPS), as compaied iii other police services, than are youth in the south," the siody reseais. "They, staied thai they aise were more iikev te beblave clisi eýspectfuiiyý te the police." it gees on te say [beise dilferences wbether resuling lrom ineonsisten-. tics in service as ailahility or- [rom behaviours and attitudes ef police anti y'outh shouid be lurtber examîned." Qiber key findings in tihe study include. - Police and y'outb generaily helieve they need te hiave respect for eacb other and they sbouid treat each other polite- 'y. . Theres a wiilingness on the part of both youtb and police to iearn more about appropriate behavieur, the role of police and the legal rights and obliga- tions of youth. - Police typicaily believe their rela- tionsbips with youth is reasonabie and respectful, wbîle youth don't sec the relationsbip as positively. *Relationships wîîh yoiith division officers and miosi bigb scbool liaison tîfficers arc excellent, wbîle the rela- tîensbtps wîîb pairsil olfîcers in cars are tentions. - Youth wbe toos part in tbe stuclv ptecess miade iern commients about racial issues ancd racial proftitng, but said some -kids lel udgecl based] on ibeir name or cultture. Youtb-police relations commitcee chair Jennifer Speers pointed otut the study enabies the community tii bc informned et opportunities te improve upon the existîng relationsbip between youtb and police. "Tbis review must be ongoing, and we are confident the Haiton Regional Police Service will embrace the recom- mendations of the committee," she said. lu addition to identifying areas for improvement, the study bigbiigbts the positive aspects of youtb-polîce rela- tions in Halton, sucb as the programs for young people tbat've been devel- oped by police and the communitv par- ticipation by officers that facilitaies pos- itive interaction wîtb youîb. "The fialton Regional Police Service bias aiways promoted open corninuni- cation wîtb the cîtîzens oif Halton,- saîd (bief Fan Algar. "(.ommcînitv,-based peiicing is the coi nersionte ef our setrvice deiivery see 650 on page Ali5 Touvaiuedcustomers Weapologizetoraoynconvenioe oeused bya an o our iiyer daied Match 24-30. jPrdu:On p 2RooMah24th iyer sgae Uhchcrnes fee Rit Nito Racirig Wheel, Ras a sta, alu o S9ý9. n ac t ilS a $59.99 value, SKU 1006671 SWE BUY & SELL MO0ST COIlNS. 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