AIS - The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 24, 2006 OPINIO Voters have right to feel betrayed Anger among electo rate justified 'e'sbîlc etbics coîntnissîoncr Becrnard Shapîro cicared Prime Mintster Stephen Harper Monday of' brcaking any miles when Harper persuacicd Davîid Fmcirson tu switch parties shortly alter the January 23 federai elcc- tion, the decision is ttnlikely to appease vuters in Emersun's Vancouver-Kingsway riding. Nor sbould it. Voters there have a right tel feel betrayed by Emerson who they elected in good faith as a Liberal. The situation is similar tu that of Belinda Stronach iu Newmarket where the Tory-tumed-Liberal pulled a party switcheroo between the last two elections. Emerson's justification for the move - that he thought he could best serve bis constituents from the Tories' cabinet table rather than the Liberals' Opposition hanches - is weak at best aud dishonourable ait wurst. During the last election he openly campaigned against Tory policies, and against Har-per, yet ait the first opportunity joined the Tory ranks. As an MP he was eiected by the majority of bis vot- ing cunstituents tu be their voice iu Ottawa. Ciearly they supported bis anti-Tory message during the cam- paign by giving him a heaithy mandate. To do a party about-face is a siap lu the face te, al who voted for him. While Shapiru says nu rules were broken, he admiLs many peuple were angered by Emersuns muve sud feit their votes were devaiued. "lu the final analysis the most appropriate place to settle issues of this kind is not in the office of the ethics commissioner but in Parliament itseif," wrote Shapiro in bis report. Its a dehate that our MPs should begin in eamnest as soon as possible to ensure future voters aren't hood- winked again. Rn.eaders Write Sand us your lettera to rniltonel@haltnnsearch oem or d&op themn off at 875 Main St. E. Debate needed on fluoridation DEAR EDITOR: i have tu take issue with some of the letters flying back and forth regarding the fluoridation and chionination of ssater here iu Milton. \Vbat li ail shows nie is that theres indeed an urgent need for a formai debate with our leadership with respect to how the waîer suppiy iu town is han- died. You sce, i grew up in Waikerton. i knew peuple who dted and were made sick fromu the crisis that resulted frum mismanagement by govemrment offi- ciais ai ail leveis. The Koebel brothers - not the Strobel brothers - were the peuple who pulied the trigger, but the officiais eiected and appointed were the peuple who handed them the gun. Everyone was equaily complicit. That's why i thtnk ots important that a dehate around the waîer suppiy, and what gues into lit, should be addressed hy councîl and not dtsmtissed outrighî lîke Couincillor Ron Furik bas suggest- cd. Our water is too important to our future to do less than that, and the sta- tus quo isut an option. JQE HENRY LANCASTER BOULEVARD Ibr (caîiaian c1Ljarnpion Mltoi Crriro lNo.:paper Since 1860 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Heil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Tom Colos Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teni Casas l'ne Canadian Champion, published every Tueîdy and Feiday ai 875 Main St E., Milion, Ont, L9T 3Z3 (Box 248), ia ne of thse Meirolatsd Pninting, Publislsing Si Distibuiing Lid. consmunity newspapers. Adfflsieg i acceptl on thecondio liatin thCe evecc f a 5fflaphical effoe thai portio of theeadveruseg ipace iouied by th' eroceo Cee, tgocter wit a reasinabe alfowance for signa lue, Msi i obechaiged for, butthe balaneeof teeadverfieeeolall bepdfor ai theapplicable rate. lh pulciher reseres thle ight Io categoîie adveclieocent or lecie ccAB Audited Sfecaqnic e for 'xcellence by Onaio Communett5 ûCria Newsepapers ssiation Caeadiae Commuicty C C A Neaspapee Assoiation SSuburtan Neaspapers SKI o Aeif Finie to put our foot clown whcn it cornes wo mental Wlness in today's society, slowiy but surely aware- ness of mental health issues ta starting to sur- face. Previously they were overlooked. Mental iliness can affect anyone and everyone. No race, gender, culture or socioe- conomic ciasa is left out. Six to 10 per cent of the population is depressed at any given urne and depression is mosi common hetween the ages of 18 and 44 years. in Milton we have had numerous encount- ters with mental illness, and i'm tired of hear- mng about the tragic endings that go with themn. *Now, 1 know that we do have some men- tai iliness services in town,. but stili they're * not enough. The Halton Regionai Child and Adolescent Psychiatric lnpatient Service, located at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, lis the only psychiatrlc unit for youth in the entire region. Because theres to ha heard. It can ha as simple as trying to only one such facilîty in ail of Halton, its very stait a walk for mental heaith awareness, or hard to get into. getting in contact with the gov- The number of people today ernment to n-y toi get a psychi- experiencing some sort of mental atric ward at Milton District health illness is increasing. By Hospttal. Every littie effort 2020, according to the Canadian ~ ccounts. Mental Health Associatton, Our town has suffered: as a depressive iliness wiil become the Jresuir we have iost lives. ifs time second leading cause of disease esatptigorftdwn world-wide. Su its important that pfyu ting your foot down. we attend to this issue. lgnoring lit fering from a mooid disorder or isn't going to make it go away and -N me M .l someone you know might be, go overiooking it is dangerous. to Web site wwwdrgrant- We need te ftght to get a psychiatric ward at Milton District Hospital. 1 believe it can ml. it won't provide a diagnosis but cana give happent. you an ides if you need to, receive heip. Su you might ask, what can you do? Kimberlee Burchat is an E.C. Drury High One voice might flot ha heard, but a whole School eu-op student cun-ently undeioing a town ta going to get some attention. You need placement ait The Champion. The Canadian Champion is a prouct media sponsor for: Haon Ceathcar *à* UNtTED WAY 0 0F MILTON TY AUCTION ~~YYMaCA Showease Mi n GALA