Bad movies mfaking good money i-nox nes gettîng rnw gond rnoney. And l'm even more tired of film crilics telling me that had movies are good movies. To Most Of us is a warning ssgn whien a film criiic gives a great review, but we don't often heed the warning. and then we're mad when we see the movie and haie i. The problem is ihat film cnit- îcs have differeni agendas than we do. They're looking for a good film, we're looking for good enîertaînmenî. Sometîmes the îwo collide, but ofien thev don't. They waîch a ton of movses every week, while we may watch one or îwo. They're not lookîng for the samne îhîngs as us. Thats why 1 make il a ruie neyer to read revsews hefore i see a movie. 1 read îhem after- ward by going to rottentima-, which îs a Web site thai breaks down the good reviews and the roîten ones. This week 1 waîched three differeni movies ihai came out on video recently, One was the highlv acclaimed Good Nîghî, and Good I uck; anoîher was the famîly movie Dreamer thai received mediocre reviews, and the other was the raîher violent Historv of Violence, also recciv- ing good revijews. Movies are often a malter of personal preference. For exam- On the loose pie, somne people lîke martial arts movies, and i haie themn; I like British movies, a lot of peo- pie don't; 1 love war miovies, bu t they're noî for everybody; i thînk Harry Potter movies are stupîd, other people love îhem; i think romnanîic comedies are good enterîainment, others fail asleep. About the only îhing we can agree on, apart fromn Multon's jenniler Smith, is thai Canadian movies are generaiiy honible. i'd ltke to see movies broken down by the type of person you are and vour inierests, as well as why yon want to xsatch the movie. Let's sîart wîth Good Nîghî, and Good Luck, a movie about the '60s and news anchormnan Edward R. Murrow and bis bai- tde agatnsî Senator McCarthy and bis crusade agaînsi commu- nlsts. If von are a mos-te cnitic: 9 Familv fois: 0 Hisiors' huff: 3 If von re oid enough t remnember when Murrow was an If you're nos old enough to remember black and white tele- vision: 1 If you like artsy type movies in black and white: 7 If you're having trouble sleeping: 10 There, see how it works? i couid probably fit about 10 motre caiegonies in there, but along with a bnief synopsis of the movie, it wouid probahly prepare you a lot more. Lets îrv another one. Dreamer stars Kurt Russell and Dakota Fanning and is about a horse thai breaks uts ieg and then atienspts a comehack. If you are a movie criiic: 3 Family fuî: 10 Film student: 2 If you need your spii uplift- ed: 8 If you are a hunch of guys who like car crash movies and heer: 2.5 Fînaily, theres A Htsitorv of Violence. I liked iî, but thats just me. i sometimes enjoy watching people get kiiled. If you are a hunch of guys who like car crash movies and beer: 9.5 If someone once took your parking spot and von dreamned about rex enge: 8 If Bambi is your favourîte movie: 0 If vou're sîîîing dlowvn wvth the kids and popcom: -5,000 The Canadien Champion, Friday, March 24, 2006 -B5 presents: I Fun Fashions A Fundraising Event.. 0 7 featuring the newest fashions for ail Seasons! Clothing items wiII be available for purchase on-site! When: Where: Time: Sunday, March 26th Seniors Activity Centre Auditorium 500 Childs Drive Milton, ON 2:OOpm - 5:OOpm Includes: Afternoon Tea Fabulous Door Prizes For tickets and more informationM please coul Rena Smith at (905) 693 -17 05 Tickets: 5L Looking, forward to seeing yo -u there! ,WAL*MART®(9 -- Ail terrain lread design Ete Pwr aPolyester cord body e~ 3-Year Free Replacement mod un nu Ch.g? eSmoolth quiet ride WIM Trde -Dependable ai weather P153/50 tOit 37.9 33.9 P215/ftQtt4 6.6 29 1558113W 45:96 39.96 02057081 99 5M 9,96talanw nsokPerzi olff Ptt75/60813 47.96 43.16 P215/709 55M ui9 - onu lbiaio h apial PIns/sosý3 49.96 4596 P175/sAiis e.9 546 Energizer 19-3-T 3 15 point inspection. P/St/tOIt(W 59.96 59.96 P195/65Rl4A 699 65.98 3-Year Roadsude Assistance P215/75R 1 5(W 9.96 64.96 P2l9/65614i5 9 6.906 9.96 bAa P //75Rl4M6 6.96 57.96 P195/5tl5t/5 76.96 62.96 3-Year Free Replacement ) 9 0225/755W 71.96 965.96 Pl 5/50R 4î5/i t 59 nu 70.96 rdeI J P23t/75Rl 50 79.90 73,96 P195/W6H1t/5t 97,96 79.96 1Apitetaalbe Plit/itîltil 47.96 39.96 /205 60R55/5/ 96,9 829 7 PlOt/tOIt 49.6 59 6 97 el,9 Ope Sundays and Evenings P 85/tOIt(W 5&.96 52.1M P21t/601316fflit 87,96 92.96ý 6 9 (hr prite 59.96 55998 56OH6t 89.96 83.98 P205/tOIt4( 63.98 59.98 t Tînad pattern dItfeet -G7O ý (Pries eff entiveuiMarch 31",2006,1 WE _____ __FOR____ _____ ____ r 4#04 -en'. et 4 T -Î-. -1-iT é #. .e i, **_*,* *