30 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday March 24, 2006 Z ie Hep Ofie e ff elp Hospital, Hospital, Hospital, Hospital, Hospitl, Hospital, ~jîcnH lp MilMedical, Dental M ai Medîcal, Dental ____Merlîcal, Dental ~-~ Mericat Dental ____Me'hral Dtal CM__ Mpdiil 9pSotal -Fi ($401<45019) A rapîdy expaning Oakv//le baoed accouvtivg parlsrerohip has an immediate opening for the position of Accounting Supervioor for the practice, The position requires that you are an independent worker yod a team ployer that cen assiot wfth the growfh of the partnership. Your hando on ahi/nty will alI low you tv fiti the role as an accounltant firot, then as a manager lv asseso re- suifs, implement and maintain basic procedures in a changinq enviroomeof. You underetand lte business of lime billings for profeosional services rendered. The succesatal candidate wtIl poaaess: Skills aod Qualifications: "3rd - 4th year af a recognized accounting program with 5 years of accounting aod general office administration esperience :Stroing sirillo in Excel, Word & other Microsoft Office applications Ouickbooes accounting software knowtedge «Excellent interpervona and communication skitis that fit mbt a emat office envîroorment Heaponsithitiea Inctade: -Wore in-Proceas administration - Accounting and Financial Repsring Payrol administration " Administration of eoiotîng IT syerems lnlvresled candidates may send lias lemail their reoumes in confidence to Hendersan Partners LLIP Attention: Human Resources 2660 Sherwood Heights, Suite 103 Oakviiie, ON L6J 7Y8 Fax - 905-029-454 Entait apurpura@hendersnpartemttp.ca TELEMARKETING - PART-TIME Lataai North Wie are looking for a hîghiy motivated & confident indîvidua wit h etrong communication ekîlle to *lIS lJ profeosionalty promole and sti transportation WdtuIIIII Pmpgas services. We offer the succesoful candidate the fui Imanlts opportunily to maire their own wore hus This iv a Monday to Fr/day, day-lime job bhat requires a - l, commîltrao f t5 to 20 houre per week . ~~ef4Fties *s1ue: e ConductreearFvia internet and manufacturers directories for potentiai clients *Contact potentiel cuotomers by telephone to NnP icmui asseos the intereot thal lte client may have in sur ty based' organîzarîon transportation services m « dn *Obtain contact name and other relevant data 10 * hhuh update Customer database software tw Vsluatau * n mmunîcEation okilto on Englîsh epaAdl *Strong tetemarketing and cuotomer service skills ipv th anic *Accurate data enlry skilto literacy okîlis -Computer treracy in a Windows envîrooiment Pteaae mail or fax your reaumne te: .~ ~ tI 1075 Noth Sevie Rad WSuite22aei Oatevitl, ON L6M 2G2 BILINGUi Fao: 905-469-6222 PERSONI Are yoa fluent Int sae Do Dyou enjoy & Apil you do, lten finis may SafetyCane lnc. is an it CELLICOM WIRELESS prodeces and distitutes Canr"as Largest Rogers Tranngovideotapes and Wirîesa Osaier fa 6dm' Hiiia Onr Burtinaten office. ThesucessulCanidae msthave a prvntakrcr n Sales and poseess aae t rong TéPayer atie Mtve@celtcomuicoin Fax 416445-102 7Georgetown Company * Lea=d&ipçer of soit winnow casers * Please fax resemne wittr salary expect ions Looklng for an Excling Career Change In 2M0 wIth the MoslTrusted Noms ln water? Culligao, lte wuntdas teading source for beOter wa- ter is sspanding lio residential sales fonce If yvu are a mature, setf-raofivated acitiever and want to earv an abeve average sales income, lts talk. Cullgo offens yas. * Oaaateed incaras *Excelentcomapensanpackrage *Local ad naional advertisirrg support *Car altowarnce Are you concerned about waler quatity? Enjoy deating with people? Like te be rewarded for your efforts? If so, a career witit Culligan is si lte op- portsnity youve been looking for To appy, please contact Pauline Sergent ai. ioauline.sanqent@culligan.coa Or by fax et 905-877-9738 REGISTERED NURSES OPEN HOUSE Saturday, March 25ah - il arn. ta 2 p.m. Auditorium, Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville Ao se continue to meet the growing needo of sur grvwing communîtis, se have fuil-time and part-lime opportunitias for Ragisterad Nurses in ER, Medicine, Surgery. ICU and Mental Heath at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. We aioo have opporiunîts te loin our Clinical Float Pool. If yvu are eoperîenced and qvatîfîed in oneofv these clînical ures, se invite yvu tv come t0 our Open Hous and fîod out hose you cen be part of sur dynamîc, caring bease We look forseard tv meeting wîith you. Don't forget 10 brîng your reoume. If yoîî have a prier cosmîltmene, piese vîsît sur seebsîte tvday tv learo more about Haiton Healthcare, and to appiy onlîne. At Halton Heaithcare Services, s modern, progressive heslthcare vrganîoatîvn, you miii find a tease orîented envîroomeot and a cvmmuoity alseosphere that values your individuel contributions and celebrates yvur carîng apprvach and geosîne intereot sn our patients and their vii lbeing. =? ISalis Hslp kL SALES REQUIRED Englisit & Frenchi? a challenge? ho lte position for yau. ternational company wici ils own range of Safely manuala. Wsrking sut of thougitout Canada wit h quality mateiaietohelp ltera train Iheir staff in heath & eafety. The eucceessl applicanle' reeponeibtîty wtli in- voie wodeing with exsting ciments as wsti as deve- sping new business, eeclusivey in the Ouebec markt. Att the salas achit is dons ever the tele- pitone. Previeus sales experience ie net a prereq- uside, but the applicant muet be eeff-raehvaled asd have lte deeire to succeed in a cerapetitive sales evîreraenl. Piesea cati Ed Aasmi at SalCre lac. 905-031-0701for mors datait,. L ^tg@ o Y FURNITrURE SALES PROFESSIONALS We'rs seeking talented, eoperîencsd Full Tiras Sales Consultants wîth a background in eelting higit ticket items et retai. We have oponingo et Oakville/Mlsstaaauga Border, Brampton, Bar. filgtoa and North Misaissauga. YOU must have retiabte transportation, excellent verbal and written communication okilis, and a flex- ie ochedule ltaI pormito you bo worit on week- ends and some evenîngo. WE offer a gonerous Compensation Prograra, Company Benefit Plan, Professiona Training, Op- portunities for Adeancament and a unique opportu- nîfy 10 work witit Canada's fasteot growîng higit quality furnilure showrooms- Lazbay Furniturs Ctes. We are n0w taking applications by tetephone sniy 24 hours a day- sirapty cai Chîrlîs et 905-789- 5800 -whent prorapted to 'enter an eotension' - you dial 150, then diat #6151 10 resond 10 severat questions. New Home Sales Oaknille area Newe Homet Buder requires an energetic and dynamic Sales Representative The applicant should have 5 years mini- mum experience in flOw homes/ condominium sales. If interested, please fax resume toi 905-847-0620. Halton Healthcare If you are a...Th creative self starter, with good math RN'S and computer skills, who likes pepe Classifie ds hsexperience handling busy phns RPN's, AtraC and appointment schedules, For LTC tr c and have a keen interest in Natural facilities. Must be d s Medicine, our clinic is looking for you. FlsbeReil atenl atcu adcr ameina Plaefxresume to oaa h? ame an amplas? sant l tuee 90"78-98fa . preferred. saur Idnd' i îîimtdo mleaoan Affn:Place an ad ta dbm Ciaatids 9047-921 Assun: na àfatanty. Her, solUFBd ai1 905-878- 34 today 86-88 clasalfladO » ARE YOU LOOKING Otneainhrpo.o 75-#« ~ FOR A CHALLENGE?mltnnaach pîco Are yos fo*kig for a job that rewards hard mark, abave average wages, benehls, & have irrontrve N w h re etl & okn P/Tr: Please e plyto : 01HretrR- L fa e 905-7 841 Fa:447 q-32 PARKIEW CHILRENSCNREs Fulhii & ParTieEE or eree nerly Chldoo Ed oRN Per- e 7ce wîllbe gRde to aplcn s ie oldg:i the RegOaEilî, aproch prg6mRo8c/denwt e- warl: requmeby Aprl 3200 to hara lie , Escaie iec F a o: 9005-3 8-4656 ZMt qEaîmbian bjampioîî Classiflos April 4th - June 3Oth for Soasona HELP UJRNTED ,,,5tuidents Special Rates! v.A e miInternet included! Ph: 905-875-3300 classif ied @ miltoncanadianchampion .com Geor(leto,,eiii Hospital a Miltoti Distriict Hospital - nakville-Trafalgar Metîlortal Hospital