i A20 - The Canadian Champion, Fnday, March 24, 2006 r'1, r M.1c 1'. I /ioLa,~u 41 Ji> rvze,~ 0/ Ilalufli PRACTICE N CLINICAL AND COUNSELLINO PSYCHOLOGY, PROVIOING ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS AND COUPLES Dr. T. Murphy a Associates: Psydiologkal Services cf Halton offers a range of assessment and treatment services for a number of challenges and problem areas, including. Anger Problems Bipolar Disorder Career Transition & Development Eating Disorders Oeneralized Anxiety Disorder Orief & Loss Health Anxiety Major Depressive Dîsorder * Marital Distress & Conflict * Obsessive Compulsive Dîsorder * Panic Disorder & Agoraphobia * Phobias * Posi Traumatic Stress Dîsorder * Relational Conflict & Problems * Social Anxiety & Shyness * Stress Management Our approach relies upon up-to-date research and established pradices n the fields of Clinical and Counselling Psycholog~ including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Dr. Todd Murphy is a licensed Psychologîsr, registered wrth the College of Psychologîsts of Ontarjo. He works with both individuals and couples in the f ields of Clinical and Counselling Psychology. 311 Couvnercial Street. Suite 108, Milton. Ontaria L9T 3Z9 t 905-878-9665 f 905-818-0866 efylail: infoetmoephy.com web. www.tmurphy.coen T M~phy P&ydmloge Po goe~aI Coepoe*ioe Iroowvahaumummoaauaravh=~w-mcaI ~ ~ ~ L.E.LLLLOmSEi ,esiedeee ~pçay 56e e 15> aere,,,,ab~ ~ aaaysorpvvvase 015e R EGISTRATUON 2006-2007 Season March 25, 2006 Milton Sports Centre (Banquet Room) 8:00 arn - 8:00 prn For more information visit ~Rogos W robot March flyor j j f ho Motorola Raz on Ohe back covor 5 flO longorexclusrveOo~ No ECAC titie repeat for Gleed But local blueliner and Corneil stili have shot ai Erozen Four berth MilEons Ion Gleed and his Corneli University Eeammates got schooled on Ehe finer points of powerplay proficiency by Ebeir fellow lvy Leaguers Saturday nighE. Unable to siay out of Ehe penalty box early on, the Bog Red feu loto a 3-0 firsî-penod hole against Harvard and gave up five goals overaîl wbile dowts a man en route to a 6-2 defeat in ECAC cbampionship play rn Albany, New York. The tiEle loss spoîled fourtb nme in five years Ehat the two Cornelîs bld for a repeat and marked Ebe scbools bad met b Ebe conference final "We were pretty undiscrplined and - Ebey just kepî capitalizîng," saod 22- year-old Gleed, a senior defenceman and ion Gleed assistant captam with Ehe Big Red - wbo spîls a pair of 4-3 games with Harvard in regular-season play "We drew witbin one in Ehe second period there, but a weak goal shortly afier really deflaîed us" He and Cornell reached Ebe FCAC championsbip witb a 2-0 semifinal wbitewasb of Colgate lasi Friday evening, but jusi couldn'î stop Ebe Harvard juggernaut EhaE's 00W scored 24 goals in the last Ehree games and cruised mb the final witb a 10-1 dismantling of DartmouEh. The Big Red sulI have a shot ai the national title and will now bead un Green Bay, Wisconain to take on Colorado College tomorrow nigbt in the NCAA Mîdwest Regional semifinal. If victorlous, tlsey'll likely do batile wiîb power- bouse Wisconain Sunday for a Olp to tbe Frozen Four Aprol 6 un 8 in Milwaukee. "We've just got to play good, bard hock- ey and ny to stay out of the box. Thatîl be buge," sard Gleed. ComelI came witbin a goal of reaching Ehe Frozen Four last spring, losing 2-lin overtime 10 Minnesota. Golf Instali Smoko ~ Alarms