28 - The Canadtan Champion, Fniday March 17, 2006 (1 fullm -1p rii e Position Summary: The position is oCfice based and is roaponsibto for proxidîng excellent front-lino customer service f0 ready-mîa concreto ordors, aiiswnring ail exils in a timeln and pratessional manner; caltecting proper and comptete order information, proceaaîng tickets and paporwork related f0 coatamer accoants; computer andt systema maintenance; report gonerarron or reconciting. Esperience & Qualifications: The successful apptlcant wli possens: *Minimam Socondary Sohool gradaelle *Previous oapenienco in a tasi-paceit customer service envîronment. -Knomledge of gonorat office procedares *Strong muiti-tasking capahulity ExCcellent tolophono manner and communication skîlls * trong ixtorporoonat skilis that inctudo the capacitv to work moul mîthin toams. Repty Ta: Applications muai ho receixeit no lter than Maroti 23,2006 andt ho sont to: Mark Tumbuit Fax Numbor :905 876 3960 575 Harrop Drive, Milton ON, L9T 3H3 Learge ta an Equat Opportunlty Employer. W. embrace dl eerslty in aur people, producta and ides. Lafarge adhère au principe de l'équité en mtièr d'emploi et noua souscrivons à le dtversité de notre personnel, de nos produits et de nos Idées. Mass be computer literate and able I ademfifine smitchboard. jAlternate eenings and weekens. I Plasef esur1 o 905-877515 1 ROL-LANO Ferma Ltd. msshroom tarie tocat- ed in Camptielnille is carrentîn seeking an ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLEI CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE This position is a contract position tor appreai- mateto 1 year. The idea candidate witl pessess a minimum ot a hîgh school edacation witti 2-3 years castomer service experience, or a cottege diptoma witta 1-2 years castomer service espes- once. Esperience in Accounts Rocoixable/ Collections, Escet & Accpac roqaired. The saccesstat candidate will have protessional telephone skilîs, ho acourate & detaîl oriented, and must haxo escellent English communica- tion skîlis. Interested candidates plIense appty tn Person et 7345 Guelph Urte, Campb-.I..îta, by fax (905-878-7897), or by ornait (Mmlattlirollandarma.com. RECRUITER Tired aI Cre commte ? Mitron-basset recraitmont tirm ix carrontly seek- îng an eopernonced, reaalts-oxiented protes- sienal, You are enpenoencod. enthusiastic and a selt-starter, roady to take advantago of thîs commissien-based opporrunity. Avant Conaultanta toc. 905-76-7053 A clari bus, mderncomuterzedcollision shop *needs a computer lîtorate, mature, organized oeilf- staterto ande icluingreceioablea/payables ail *aspects of a set of compaterizeit books. take to 1trial balance and prepare monthly tînancia sbaej ment. Experîence/knowledge of Mitchel Estîmatîng Business Works and Excel moult he benetîcial. Appty ta Mr. Lampkin, Uptain Collision Gexrgetown 905-873-1067 Fao: 905-73-7408 a a PROJECI MANAGER mith eatensive espeience in 10w dise construction. The candidate must have at f east 3 years expertence in such position, proficient in MS Office, soit Project. Satary basei on experience. Position avaifabte immediatey. Fax Resurne to 905-849-0217 ILOT PERSONI Nonded IFuiI-tlmeI BURUINGTON HYUNDAI ACen: Newe or Bob Fan: 90-3381 a i K Georgetown Company * Leadisg supplonr f self wîndow cxxers an ino hardwar feeks s eered I Please fao rosume with salary expectioans~nt am e I I oPer 05-8734 88.34 Ask UsAbo ut... be(ice lü ùviî i iîov M11îoî ,USîoî:1rr;Qîî H ctvand enengy is looking to grow ils Commercial Market. Commercial Territory Account Representative Union Energy as loaking for tecirnical sales represenlatives to aggresively grow ils Commercial Marketa business. These reaalla-focased, 'hantera" wili be re- sponsible for growing eeîalîng territoriea by generaling sales leada, building le- long relalionahipo with cualomers while prooiding expert consaltative asivice. Additional reaponaibililies inclade bailding and maintaining conîractor/dealer re- lationaltipa with a Incas on cualomer service excellence. Opportaniliea are available for Toronto Est, Toronto West & the Burlington ta Niagara Corridor. Qaalified candidates must have a prevoos record of ooceeding basineas ta business sales largets witti high closing ratios and the ability to provide accarale q otaions. PasI eaperience wilh Boilers/Hydronîics or HVAC eqaîpmen an d Commercial sales ia ideal. Must be orgsnized, self-motinated and have a desire ta sîrine for the top af the leader boards. Pisase send yaur resume ta: Lisa Coppins, Humait Resources Consultant at Icopplns@unianesergy.com or fax tai (416) 756-8938. If you are interested in a career in sales with a progressive - Ca Ford dealership, thon we are interested in you. Ford Uncoîn THREE PRE-OWNED SALES CONSULTANTS This position offers a career with: 'Strong management sapport 'Professional Training a Monithly bonus levels 'Health and Dental Plan 'Opportunity to grow mith as 'Blue Ovat Certitied dealership, «Company Car- aUnlimited Earning Potential A serlous cornltmeint ta escelllng In vehitcle sales sa necessary Submnit your resume ta the attention of Lazo Borota Fax: 905444-4472 - Oak-land Ford Lincoln Sales Llmlted 570 Trafalgar Road Osireille, ON, L6J 3J2 Email: lborota@oaktandlordllncoln.ca We thanir ait ÇpCcents In adeano, heweec aoly tffheae selecte for an interview ilC be coniactd w _ Looking for an Exciting Career Change in 2006 Ith the MostTrusted Name in mater? Cuitigan, tho monlda leadîng source for bester a- tor ia eopanding ifs reaidentia sales force If vos are a mature, aelf-matîoated achiever and mont ta earn an above average sales income, Iota bath. Cottigan offers you: * Guaranteoit income * Excetlent compensation package * Local and national advertiaing support * Car ailomance Are you concerneit about mater quality? En1oy destins mîbh people? Lîke Io be remarded for yoar efforts. If sol, a career mîth Culligan is aust the op- portanity voa'vo been looking for. To apply, please contact Pouline Sargent at: paulineareWntecutigan.icoin Or hy fao ai 905-877-9738 VON HALTON Administrative Assistant Requirex Part-ime VON Halton Branch- Nurstng & Health services announces the immediate open- ing for a part-turne Administrative Assist- Cnt (4 days per week). PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: Providing administrative assistance vvithin the Nursing & Heatt Services program. Assisting in scheduling of foot caro & fis clinica. Maintaining databases; assisting in proparation of orientation packages; cresting & publishing tormnt; ordering sup- plies and maintaining orderly fles. QUALIFICATIONS: 2? year Community College Business Ad- ministration Program or equivalent. -Minimum 1-2 years relevant esperience. Strong communication akilîs. -Exceltent computer skitîs, including strong working knowtedge of MS Office Qualified individuals may appty by March 24, 2006: Humait Resources, VON Hallon Branci Fan: 905-827-5476 e-mail: humantresources@vonhalton.ca Please note - only thon. applicants sel ected for interview wilC b. contacted. fic oqreexysfor me.Atornity ae mus days axeln wnerero, taninaira Jan ul Esdco pueriowenc.Dteiue preferred inR ppontmns ilig n E sitR gpatent nowr ahi rsociea waope exettosb Reuie Cforter taf Part 3ime jCasi Cace aitf: ~n a socatsphere. Golf Course Bar and Grill requirea 3537 Fairviem St., LINE COOKS. Burlington PREP PEOPLE & Ail Kitchen PRO SHOP HELP Fax rosume Positions or bning resumne to Great psy rates. 1401 Bronte Rd. Apply in person. workôj3 Chaps requxres OUALIFIED - LUNE COOKS - HOSTESSES -BARTENDERS Top $$$ Paid ta Qualifiait applicants Apply in Persan: 3315 Fairviem St., Burtinglon 78-23 -4-1 lai Medical, Dental aurant