Thse Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Marcs 14, 2006 - A5 BUINS Seminar on building marketing system GRAHAM PAINE/I CANADIAN CHAMPION BSE OUR GUEST Holiday Inn txpress owner Barkat Ismail and wife Malek loin Mayor Gord Krantz in cutting the rib- bon to off icially open the Hîgh Point Drive hotel recently. With thees are staff associates and sons Arif <second from right) and Nad (far right), wbo are co-owners. Local entrepreneurs can learo how to aîrract new customers attse Region's upcoming 'Building a Marketing System' workshop. The one-day session on March 22will show business owners, executives, marketing professionals and students how ro develop a suc- cessful marketing sysrem. Participants "I discover isow to develop and execure marketing sys- teris for their businesses risat work ro generare qualîfird leads, more prospects ibrougs the decision- makîng process, optimize close rates and leverage existing eus- romers ro generate more business. "Tise key to any successful busi- ness is systemnization," said John Aylîng, director of the Regions Business Developmenr Centre. "Developing marketing systeins thai drive predictable, profitable revenue growth is a step-by-step process. Tisere are no sisorteuts. But, if it's done with commitinent and discipline, results will isappen." Tise event takes entrepreneurs risrougis tise process of developing a marketing system focused first on a companys growîis objectives, and then on identifying any roadblocks to growts. Ir will also help partici- pants identify target segments to make sure market opporrunities support growris objectives. Einally, riose in artendance will develop a marketing and sales process ro systemize efforts and cre- are a marketing communication plan to support tise process. Tise worksisop will be iseld attse Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 pi.. In addition no tise upcoming ses- sion, tise worksbop will also be offered agaîn in May, September and November. Tise regular registration fee is $266.43, but for a limited rime entrepreneurs are being offered a special discount pnice of $99 plus GST to attend on Marris 22. Registration is limited for tise spe- cial offer. For more information or ro reg- ister, contact tise Halton Region Business Developinent Centre ar (905) 825-6000 or visit www.isal- Lii Astrid Lakats Charîered Accountant -WE MOI JIST OMMIE YOME FUKNcL NMERS, Wi mmw Tg4, îO MFvo YOU w vooe YMusus MD m~M PEROMN U oRTAEuf.* SeiÀg YoulIn M7e FolloingAnu: comuwng * Profit Improvemnent Analysis 4* Strategir Planining + Business Plans + Succession Planning # Key Performance Indir Acemmfing " Audits, Reviews, Financial Statements " Cash Flow & Budgeting " Govemesent Filings " Bank Proposais Inome %b " Personal and Corporate làx Returna " SR & ED 'Iba Credits " lbx and Estate Planning ACCLEATE QUAUr SENVKE M A 1IELY, FREILY MAMR. Mme" OF Instali Smoko Alarnis It's The Law. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instali them in your home or cottage todayl AStrid Lakats [~I~I~ Chariered Accountant Phase cal us at 905-875-3936 ASTRID LM<KATS .S.. MkA. CA m akt. Beat Thne Tox-r Man (instabnent #2) What's the secret to flot overpaying your taxes? Take advane ge of tise tax Iaws and use every deduction, credir or strat available to y ou. eélow I've listed a fewof he redtsanddedctins avalab tOrividuaWsltCecandsci n might apply to you. ADOPTION EXPENSES CREDIT New for 2005 is a tax credit for adoption expenses for a risild under age 18 at tise time the Adoption Order is issued. Tise credit is 16% of tise lesser of $10,000 and eligible adoption expenses during tise adoption period. CAREGWVER TAX CREDIT If you are living witis a parent or grandparent aged 65 or older wbo is dependent on you for rare iserause of a pisysiral or menta inflresity, you may be eligible for a raregiver tax rredit. Thsis rredit isn't available if you'v already claimed an equivalent ro spouse or dependant tax credit wiris respect ro that person. DISABILITY TAX CREDIT If you have a "severe and roogd»pyiai or mental impairment, you may qualify for a disabilit tax credit. To e eligible, you need a dortor ro Il1 out Foresn T2201 that states that youzhave a disability tisat markedly restrirts your aisility to, perform a daily acriviry suris as isearing, walking, risinking, dressing or feeding yourself. TUITION & EDUCATION TAX CREDITS If you pay more tisan $100 fosr tuition fees ro, a rerognized post-secondary institution you ran claies a tuition rredit. Over and above risis is an Education Tax Credit tisas slows you ro, daim $400 for earis fitrime month and $120 for caris part-rime monts tsar you arc enrolled in a qualified institution. If a student rant use ail of tise ruition and edura- tion aesount, tise unused amount, up to, $5,000, ran isc transferred ro, a spouse, parent or grandparent. MOVING EXPENSES Claim moving expenses wisen you start a new job or business or go ro scisool. Ail tisai is required is tisat you move at least 40 kilometers doser to, your new place of work or srisool. CHILD CARE In order for esany parents teo go to work, risey have ro, inrur risild rare expenses. Tise lower inrome spouse ran dlaim risild rare up to $7,000 for ecri riild under tise age of seven and $4,000 for otiser eligible risildren. Cisild rare ran inrlude nursery srisool, day or overnigisi camp or sports srhool or an eligible person providing risild rare services. (Please keep in mind that the follwing ideas are =1nra in natutre ami are flot intended ta serve as a replacement forprofrssional advice. You sudcosu!t withyour charteredaccount- ant regardingyourparticular set ofcircatmsrances.) ACCURATE QIJALITY SERVICE IN A TUMELY, FRIENDLY MANNEIL ASTRID LAKATS B.Sc., MBA. CA