Gooding and Golden Hawks -I vie t or national titie repeat Ljhnjvy The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 10, 2006 - Al 9 *Und.Aw Magement Lauricr number one seedjor CIS tourney By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAIN CHAMPION STAFF N icole Gooding certainly wsasn'î marginais:- ing Lautrier's OUA titie ihree peai. But in speaking with the third year university hockey plutyer earlier this week, it scemed qite evident tisai this season won't be complete unfess she and ber Golden Hawks hoist another cbampionship trophy -- 'Yes we're definitely proud about winning a third straight- provincial championship, but in a way it just brings us one step clos- - er to our ultimate goaf (of %vin- ning the nationaf s)." the 20-year- ofd centre said Monday afiernoon - less than 24 bours removed from Lauriers 2-1 OUA titie win over the University of Toronto Varsîty Blues. "The provincial win - is dîfferent tbis year. f ts not quite e-. as exciting because we know G LE there's something bigger to be GoOLDNg i won. Theres stili work ahead ofGodn dsp us. ' provincial and Ibat work began yesterday medals. afiemnoon at Si. Francis Xavier University in Antigonisb, Nova Scotia, where Goodings Golden Hawks took on Dalhousie in round one of the CIS championsbîps. Laurier won the nationafs fasi year with a buge upset over the seemingfy unstoppabi e Aflberta Pandas - wbo'd went in as tbree-time champs and badn't been beaten in a wbopping 110 games - but certainfy isn't the underdog ibis time Anotber year of hockey, anoîber trip to tbe nationals for Dan Rogers. An intrncate part of tbe Georgetown Raiders' Royal Bank Cup îeam fasi season, the 21 -year-old Miltonian is once again set 10 take on tbe countrys best - ibis time ai the university level, witb the Lakebead Tbunderwolves. Rogers and Shandor Aiphonso - captaîn of lasi years Milton lceHawks - eamed a spot in tbe CIS sbowcase Sunday nigbî, wben ibeir. Tbunderwolves doubled up Wilfrid Laurier 4-2 in fMT EUUMM collision & Paint EÏhV 8 MI U5fLW WI Cali Steve Boers 706 Mfain Streel, Easl, Mlton, ON (805) 87e-i110 around. With thre quarters of lasi seasonis team back and a 22-3-1 record as of ycsterday the Golden fHawks headed into national cornpetition as the numiber one seed - and ,vith rnuch greater cxpectations than 2005. "id say our chances arc very good t0 repeat," said CGooding. The Golden Hawks' favourcd status this week- end is due in no simaif part 10 the continued strong facc-off and defensive work of their resi- dlent Miltonian - who's been a thorti in opposing snipers' sîies ail season. According to head coach Rick Oshorne, Gooding was particufar- ly effective in the OUA semis, wben she pfayed a huge roi e in Launier's 2-f victory hy shutting down Guefphs top fine. "Nicole had a bit of an up and down first hait of the season, hut has definitefy picked it Up as of fate. Shes been reaff y strong in the defensive zone and on the fore check," expfaîned Osborne, whom f ongtîme junior hockey fans wsf i recail as an assistant witb the Merchants' 1997/98 Aul- Ontario champîonship squad. GIRL: Nicole "We've gos two speedsters on her ays last year's fine now and it seems to be work- national gold ing." Af so compeîîng at thîs years nationafs - whîch run untîf Sunday - are Alberta, St. EX. U of T and MeGifi. A Laurier-Alberta cbampîonsbîp reinatcb looks to favour the OUA champs, wbich have 16 players back from fast years team compared to jusi rine for the Pandas. "Alberta was obviousf y supposed 10 win fast year, but f don't tbink thats tbe case ibis lime," said Gooding. tbe ibird and deciding game of the best-of-tbree OUA semnifinaf s in Waterloo. The victory also earned Lakebead tbe rigbî to hosi McGill in ibis coming Saturdays OUA championsbîp. Rogers bas provided some sol id deflense so far in tbe post-season, wbile Aiphonso bas fîve points in six games - încluding tbe eventual winning goal in a 4-f senies-opening decîsion over Launier Wednesday in Thunder Bay. Tbe CIS cbampionsbip is slaîed for March 23 to 25 in Edmonton. Mil ton Import Vw Go Jeb, Gu à DiTD 5 Speednr VoIkswags - Fuel lnimWlo à Dieslds GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., MiltonJ -Ù.i~m *new menu0SN Nu y Road Call for a tee time: __ 905-878-3421 Hornby -_ 1 2006 RATES Glen Trafalgar Rd. Mon-Thur S48.00 Mon-Thur $40.00 seniors Fril Sat & Sun S55.00 iwiiight $40.00 MM 1 Earl.ybird mon-thur hefore 7:30ain S10 00 F.arlybird Friday before 7:30am S50.00* GALLINGER PRE-OWNED aeal 1967 PST & OST INCLUDED ON ALL PAYMENTS! *Payrrients include PST &GST 7.951/. owr6O months, payments N-weekly. OA.G., orily extra charge is licerice tee and ext. warranty if neecW. Limited tirne offer. See dealer for details. GALLENGER J pam Une 655 MAIN STRFET FAST. MILTON viurw.ij;illiritlerlottl -col il (905) 875-Fâ D 3 6ý7 3 Advertise IYour Auto Service Business HERE! Cal çu-JoLce at 905-878-2341 (tj&àfQio ext. 217 Rogers, Aiphonso set to battie for OUA and CIS tities with Lakehead ' e I *o Adets in thsscinpes *lfoc t95882;1V1 Frdy .a* Tues. . yh Sýa.tsalrday *CEIDSGN Serving Milton For 1878.3f STOP AND CHICK TWS OUT Pl A