The Canadian Champion, Firidxy March 10, 2006 "A15 Residents pleased with news about towers *~ddh * :0::: REGION op, page AI deciuird lo insîoad upgiade ille curreni phono basedc svstin il uises (toi the waior mnitoioring nie-iwoitk, "Il (ant upgraded phiono ' stin) turrcd outit b hhneficil laie said. Vs\'hoio askod it %ivas iosidniits l'ceci- hacis ihai swNavod ihc Regions position 01o the- iowers, lie said il parîiailv iinipacted the final decisiOn. 'Thirs' no: question the rsidonis' input w as pari of' oui- ovalutation process." hoe said, hut noiod furihor dis- cussion wiih the NEC anîd a tochnîcal ovaluation also playoci iioo îlte verdict. iFor the residenîs who werc againsi the 50o,,rs. likoc David Franklin -who siarted a petition andi garnored ovor 910 signatures of ihose aiso opposed t0 the concept - the Rcgiofrs change i heari on the proposai cameo as w'olcomo news. - are deiightocl ai ihe docision for Proposai doesn't go with plan - from TOWN on page Ai Hwy. 407. i also identihes the mosi appropri- aie iong-termn land uses for the proper- lies surrounding the transit fine. In the study, Major's property is des- ignated for things like resideniiai or ofhice uses. Major aiso appied to the Town for approvai of a semporary use hyiaw that wouid permit outdoor storage of pas- senger and recreationai vehicies for -a three-vear period at the saine property But councti turned this dovvni as well, again foliowtng staffs reconomen- dation. A staff report notes ihai the outdoor sinrage cîoncept dnesn't conformi wsîh the Regions Officiai Plan, îsn't compat- ible with adjacent land uses and doesn't fuifiii reasonabie planning standards. WE BUY AND * SELL MOST COINS; BILLS I~L'Â'I& TOKENS WlllardBurton & W~LL..LJ Robert Beaton Located ai Crawford's in Norval Mie wIII travel to do appraisals or collections Tel: (416) 254-6569 Fax: (905) 456-9625 E-mail: b and B& W-COINS CItA.kM3§0. the RitiiO:os ilaI is aîopli a- lion"; hoe said.Ih diociai procoss diii appoar to wvork. The Milieu RZural Rosidenis Association - which (oaci called toi Hlalton bo stop the wlholo concept io ils i accs andc pul ih ihrough a pubhlic coi- suiltaition priocrîs - also applacicioi the' Rogiolo's noveo "ls, gircai n-ws. Weoro really pleasocl," saici associatiionx presiciort Miko (riiiow oioil. "C oitaiioi wo ioîo'i waî o iiiioîîoîîoozr tho ioecossîi) ii (oav' îng sale wvator, hui 1 îhînk ihoro arr tîfr hotior wavs ici cio that." Aioiong local rosidioîts' coîocernis NORTH sîc'c w loti îlle ItîsrI" s\u1 suîllItook likc. ithe î:reccbcîo ihosy wocîlc soi foi alliow- îng othor comm:nunicaion tîowers ion thoe escarpiroont anoc tho pioientiai imopact i hey wîocld have ion property values. Denîis sai ithe Regiion w iii inl*corîîo thr resîîbrîos who ircoisoci initiai non- f-icatîton toi the priopos-c îîowers that ihiose plans aro ni: lonoger prîoceciîng. lwo oîhoi sites îîo Miltoîn - the waîer îuower oii Stecles Avonue and the iancifiil oi: Rogiional Rînac 25 - woro aiso ortoposi- t bc h liocaions fior iîow- ors. Bcii, thai idea lias aiso heen caiiod oiff. I gals o Ihle c oîîoîoîîîoîai iii svsîonni are rocîuired ici enahîr thoe Rogiion t0 effectively noonîtor and con- irol the lcocal waîor faciîîîrs, and aIs: to mooet Minisiry <if tho Environnoent roqciriromnts regarciing data accfuisi- liomn. Deonîs saîid tho necossairy improve- moents to ail cof the norîh Halton moni- tooring sites, whîch arceoxpected ici he ciompiote this yeaî, arc antîcipateci îo cost $ 1.4 milliono. Melaîtir Hrîîîorssev cati bot irai od ai mheîînessey@ami ltionranadiaoi haîoopiiîî.r tOIT1 Byoooi~t q-h,ýk-t' .n'd -tgo c-'d . pooio'o LET'S SEA THE DEAL ON ALL UN-%STOCK NISSANYS r 006 MURANOS 3.8% ~ 1~ FIACN AV IAL $ CUSTOMER ~3OOO CAS'%H (ON &LL muRNos) *3.5L DOCH 24-valot V6 engîne (245 HP) -Xlîonic CVI Transmission *3,5001b fswîng capacîty * ABS * lB" alse wheelt (6-spoke) - Fog lights MONTHS (front) - Roof Rails - Croise contraI * Power healed sotoide mîrroro - Power ouldoor locks * Power siodos wîih Auto op/dowo * Power adlostaole pedols - Rearvies cornera - Ooloide temp dioplay - AM/FM/Caooeile audio syoiem s! 6-dioc in daoh CD changer - BOSE Aodio system (250 watts) LAE FORMJ FO $S BLUJ9 IMONTH' $ 2YFO IMONTH WM FOR 48 MONTMS 7 %FOR 72 1 $5000 Down tax-inci. - 3000 Cash back. $2000 Down (cash or trade> r-2006 ALTIMAS CUSTOMER CASH <ONALL ALTI&MS) LEASE FOR B FOR -2.5L, 16 Vasve, DDHC Ergine (175HF) -4 Wheel Disc Brakes -Mudguardo $ 3 (IFrort & Rexr) * Ails On/Off Headigts -Heaied ouide Mirs s (Cx 50r /MONTH, /MONTH, Keved) - R Way Maouxl B 0ver Seat -60/40 Spit Rexr Seat s Lock Variable $3 1 9 FOR 48 MONTHS $4 3 5 FOR 72 MONTHS Iotermitlent Wipet. Remote Futl Lid Release -Poser Trunk Releexît Culse $5000 Down tax-inci. Control - Til & Telescope Sieering Cxiumn (Manual) * Poser Hexied Duiside -3000 Cash back. Mirrois * Power Dxxi Lxcks - Poser Windows W/Drioer's Sîde Axis "Up/Dosn" -AM/FM/CD Audio Sysiem (100 Wxtt) R Speakers - Immobîlizer $2000 Down (cash or trade> Key Sysiem -Automxtîc Trxnsmissions ABS. À r-2006 X-TRAIL'S LEASE FOR $3 9IMONTH, $4 $329FOR 48 MONTHS $5000 Down tax-inci. - 3000 Cash back. $2000 Down (cash or trade> op, 1j8 jIA C N j jIA B CUSTOMER $3O O O CASH (ONil ALL X T RAIL) *2.5L, 16 Valve, DOHO Engine (165HP) /MONTH' 4 Wheel Disc Drakes - ABS * air CDnditiDfing FOR 72 MONTHS *powner Windows - power loCks - AM/FMICD *croise cD5IrDI - remDle enfry -power heaied mirrors - tilt sfeeriog column - 6 way adjusfable driver seat. 'I 'I 610 MARTIN STREET, MILTON NORTH END 905-878-4137 41 SALES DEPT. HOURS: Mon. Thurs. 9:00 -9:00 Fr. 9:00 -6:00 S IT T set 9:00-6:00 www HI 72 th , ' -, 2.0 0 taW6 7 4 8 t s 4000 k-op O APOý 58% 2006 Ali,- ~T4RG76 AED0048 Ot lese 24, 000 kmprya.58 P,$15:0 otontI P.,AAO y- 't" P 1 877 ,t býý58 APtOL c-k chge l 1cprk ,> it. 92000o 4~Xi '1 ~ I F:fJ±1 ~ . FIACN AVAILAj. a 1 M