Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 2006, p. 11

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Resident urges Town to hait Jdevelu1imè eil it iIedt es.iu piriet By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A local residentisî calling ion Milton counicil t0 stop ail devel- opmnent on lands near the Niagara Fscarpmnent. At its meeting luosi week, counicil heard troincCitizen activisi Bob Beyctte, whio tîrgeil couneillors, 10 vote against any housing ihat couid hc buifi on the escarpment "shadox lands.- -Not oniy wiii ihis deveiop- ment cause the loss ot even more produce-growing tarin- landl, precious green space andl xvater source filtration, it wiil also destroy the hahitat anti feeding areas tof local wildiife that migrate hack anti forth to the shelîered woodlanci acas of' the escarpmrent,- he said. "Before pavtng over ihese parceis of landl, why not consid- er tumîing them into green space - hea-,iiy-treed, fresh air and water-flowing parkland that can add much value to our Niagara Escarpment and to our lîves too, rather than take away from îhem." His request came on the heels of severai subdivision pro- posais for west Milton that, if approved, would bning almost 3,000 homes [o the Derry RoadlFirsî Line area. Wvards 2 and 4 Councilior Ron Eurik asked Beyette how much inoney lie would wanî the Town to spenil to fighî ihîs developinent ai the Ontario Municipal Boardi. Beyette îold himi he doesn't know what vaine to place on grenspace. il do apprcîaic batit îînight cosi money (ai the OMB),- he said. "But i think we need to change the way we îhînk about s aluable greenspace.' He nioted the funils don't nec- essarîly have îo be lax dollars and ifoat he would hc ssilîing to pîîch in inonev uS cos er OMB cosis. Ward 3 C ountîillor lin Mossbray tquesîîîrned xxhy Beyette didn'î tomec forwaril and speak ai the public meetings the Tos,-n's administration and plan- ning commîtc held Fehruary 20 on the potentiai deveiop- ments. She noîed those sessions prto- vided an opporlunily for resi- dents to have their thoughts put on the publie record. "That's what part - of the whole planning process îs," Mowbray said. Beyeîte, who dîd attend the public meetings, said he would've lîkeil t spcak then, but tlidn't feel weli, so he chose nol 10 ai the lime, Local residenîs Tracey Demaline and Angela Miehieli e aiso raisedti thir growîb con- cerns wiîh tountcil at the mneet- ing - mtore sicecifically boss tise Milton District Hospital wtll hantile tise extra population dowxn the road if il tloesn'i gel more beds. sVard 3 Councillor Cindy Lunau said the hospîtal does have a full expaînsion Plan in place, but îî stîli needs approvoti from the Province. Beyette then took the stage agaiîs and suggested if' the Provinte is holding someîthing fcack wvhen îî comnes to appîîîv- îng the hospital expansion, then the Town should do the saine îhîng and disaliow the popula- lion growîh the Province wanîs. No decisions on the pro- posed subdivisions were made at lasî weeks meeting, sînce staff bas sel 10 comne back wiîh rec- ommendations on wheîher they shouid be approveil or denied. Melanie Hcnniessey can be neached at nmhennessev@amilIton- canadianchampion. tom. The Canadian Chamîiýon, ,Frîday March là, à006 - ÀAh PlITCH IN CANADA Big Scroen levision! CHAIR: $899.00 9 9 0 OTOMESAN: $249.00 PLUS $249.OIUC 0 Do mot Pay Ihe 1607 Dundas Sit E a 62 80 MLurad B .RI K 905-629-2900 905 - 502-7500 www.thebrick.com Burlington e Oiclwn aeil ( 1971.2006 O EW & Walker's Line 1800 97 BRICK 953353 See in store for complele deails. 7Wed., March l5th 2:OOpm - 5:OOpm WAL*MART 1280 Steels Avenus W., Milton <jameu suow Pkwy. & Hwy. #401) See store for detaîls. Offer valîd Mac 0t 2 06 eoetaxes. hAieciceciii ci

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