20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 28, 2006 Cogeco Lubie Itc. is a diversifiecl commîunication:s coîrpany that piays ait active rote within the media, cabte. hige speed tInternet services distribution. aird digirt teiephoi:y markxet sectors. Citytomer f. nus, team spirit, comnxîiicationi and entrepreîiviirship make Cogeco a trîîiy dynaim comîpaîiý e-it a tiacS record: of proactîveiy meetingy cistsrrrers evoisiiog 1,:::sii:icatîîîs r:eeds. If voiii aveirtit ekpri;iinc :: withsi a o îîîîîîrîg ciistotrn+ rservice pîx iide, r niii:: r jig r: tit . i , of:: Oteten. llti our expansion is your opportunity. \\~f~7~$ o!$16.22/hour + bonus opportunities TECHNICAL CON-TACT REPRESENTATIVES Use your techoîcai troubieshsotîsg experience Io handie înbound catis for the Ontario Call Centre. Ensurîng optimal customer service. you wîli provide lst level techoîcai support to Our cabie TV and Interner customers asing diagnostic protocots on moiti-level ptatiorms. Extensive knowiedge of TCP/tP stade configuration, Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT and XP, Apple Mac, Brovvser settîngs (Internet Explorer) and e-maril lOotiso Express) wîii malte you an ideai candidate. A geverai understandîng of the broadband, tetecommuoîcatîsns. cabie and Internet industries wouid be an asset. Whîte some fienibility wiii be avoulable to accommodafe indînîduai schedutes, ou must be able to work retatîng shifts in sur faut-paced 24/7 cali centre operation. We offer $16.22 per issur, pion bonus opportunîties, and a beriefits package tisas includes groon insorance and pension pias. Interested applîcants, pleuve seod yoor cover letter and resumé, quoting Ref. #CCFO6-32, to: Recrultment Services, Cogaco Cable Inc., 950 Syscon Roati, P.O. Box 5076, Station Main, Burlington, ON L7R 4S6. Fax: 908-333-8479. E-mail: carears@cogeco.com ((O))Cw %Oe CQ required for six month placement Succeussul applicant wîil be developing and debugging existing and new applications from contractor's own location. Remuneration wîlI be on a 'time and material' basis. Contract is to begin February 2006 and may be renewable. We welcome ail qualifîed applîcants; however only those seiected for an interview will be contacted. Must have: " ASP.NET minimum 3 years " C# Minimum: 3 years " SQL Semver esperience " Abîlîty f0 worle wifhouf supervision Knowledge of ASP.NET 2.0 and ATLAS would be beneficiai as well as a working knowledge of FooPro. Please send Resumelçurrîculum Vitae wîth a coser letter, eopected hourly rate and avaîlabîlîty f0 RESUME SYSDEVOWMAIL1.METROLAND.COM. FORMULA mo----EOIA GROUP Carguide -World of Wheeis -Canadian Auto World - Boalguide -Boating Businesso Porto S.0.H.0. Magazine - Weot of the City AD)VERTISING DIRECTOR Reporting to tht Pubioher, the Advertising Director is responoibie foreofbiihin diectN and manaqing thse advertising sales ef- forts for Formola Media Croup in Oakvîlle. In thîs rote you will esfablish sales goals and strategies in accor- dance wifh oserat busineos objectives. In doing s0, you will croate a climate of innovation and foster positive relationohîpo with current accounts white working wifh the soies team in deve- oping new busineso. You wilt motivafe ail team members by communicafing and oupporting a compelling and inspired vision and senne Of core purpose fhrough providing direct, comptete and 'actionable' feedback to feam membero. To succeed in this rote you will need to undersfand our markefts and the impact of compefitive forces. You witl have a proven background in a sales management capacity and viil posseos the foliowing competencies: Busineos Acumen o Plannîing o Priority Seffing o Innovation Man- agement o Effective Team Building o Dosve for Resuifs o Devet- oping Direct Reports o Probtem Solving o Creativify if you woutd like f0 work for a leader in fhe media indusfry this op- portunif may be righf for you. We offer an excellent compensa- fion and benefif package as well as opporfunifies for future career growfh. If interested please fonward your resume, and safary expectations by March 10, 2006 ta: iollver@metrofand.com fax 905-337-5569 We apprec/ale the interest of ail applicants however onl'y those seiecteci for an interview wiii be confacted. No phone calis or agencies please. Vie tîranli ait apptîcants. nowever, vviy those setected for an interview toit se costacted, Cogece orrers empletyes an eseronint murt Orometes cutural reritage and evuai opportunit. delîveries. Boom Truck eop. an asset. Excellent compensation and work evronment. Cati 905.338.1433 or emtait soliver3@cogeco.ca LOCAL AUTO PARTS DELIVERY PERSON Requîred, îsust hve cieav diisisg record, use 23+ yeurs, Fax resume la: 905-875-4927 DRIVERS Ottîver oew trucks throughout tht U.S. & returo with new trucks from U.S. Plants Motel provided nightly No cosi famîly medîcal Frequent flyer niles Must have AZ license wtOTR T/T toP CaII 905-818-2341 today ta place your ad. 9w (à"ta (bemp. -CLASSIFIEDS 1- Z The Oakville Beaver The OavleBeaver, a divison of Metroland PubI ohing and O 0fributing Ltd. is seeking an experienced; SPECAL FATURS EITOR -Reportîng f0 fhe Advertîsîng Director, the Special Feafures Editor os responsible for edîtorial content and loyout of in-paper feafures, as well as any additionl special publicafions. The ideal candidate will have strong wrîtîng and edîtorial skîlls wîf h a proficiency in Microsoft Word and QuarkXpress. A workîng knowledge of Photoshop is also required. Famîliarify with Macin- tosh-bosed platform os mandotory. This position requires a par- sonable indîvidual with excellenf orgonîzational skîlls and fhe abil- ify f0 manage multiple tauko in a deadline-drîven envîrosment. The obitity fo work wifh minimal supervision, os veelI as in a team envirosmeof is essential. The candidate munt own o retiable vehi- cie as some driving wilt be required. Please forward your resume no lofer thon, March 3rd, 2006; Kelly Montogue, Advertising Director The Ookvitle Beover 467 Speers Rd., Ookvilte, ON. L6K 3S4 Fax: 905-337-5568 Emoil: kmontague@ookviltebeover.com No telephone colts pleose. We thank aIl appliconts for applyîng, however, only those selected for on interview wilt be contacfed. required for six month placement Succesoful applîcant wîll be developîng and debugging eoîstîng and new applications from contractor's own location. Remuneration wîli be on a ftime aod material' basîs. Contract 5s f0 begin in February 2006 and may be renewable. We welcome ail qualîiîed applîcants; howeser only those selected for an interview wîlI be contacted. Must have: " Foopro Version 6.0 or greafer: minimum 3 years " SOL Server Eoperîence " Eoperîence wîth bofh remote vîews and SOIL pass throogh . Abîtîty f0 work wîfhouf supervision Eoperîence wîfh C#, ASP.NET would be beneficial. Please send Resume/Currîculum Vitae wîfh a cover leffer, eopected houriy rate and availabîlîfy f0 RESUME SYSDEV@WMAIL1.METROLAND.COM.- GenrlHep 1 IHef ep Gnral Hep Whether ifs foulime employment or a sommer job, tht YMCA cao help you find work. Employes wil b os bond bron saroux companiet an arvot j f of employnent. For note informatio, caîl 905-681-1140. Speak euth the YMCA (orvet Deselopnent and Lvarnîng Centret knowledgvable taff about bowv con help ysu find emplsynent il-Sîgn up for Job Conneo orrthe YMCA Sommer Jobs Proçtorn kmtuno /52' Comejloino ur leamt The Milon Cxvadion Champion Ccuation Deportmevt Requie vs T A PART-TIME STAFF Appîlcants must: *Be abIe f0 work Tuesday & Ftriday evenîngo *Be avoîlable f0 work 14 -20 hours per week -Be able fo do deliveries -Hase own vehiele and valid driver license *Work wel with minimal supervision -Be a quick vomrer Be vers reliable and responsible *Hans a professoonal phone manner -Be comlortable wifh computers & office eqoîpmenf Mlesse end your resume and availabillty schedule toi: Cheryl Babineau e-mail: cbabineau@mitoncanadancampon.com Fax: (905) 878-4057 NO PHONE CAILS PLEASE nh arekng fr atunre perod 0fo We rere tietrve 0fagesperen ee o ndnswcoued eheitck e w ahnd &pdeoit usedrs andther drofaiesasy perignd.o Mtbe srd okincnsinfO Plaefax reaume to 90K3im 72 oa r Gemanarafsalres Manager. 905-878-0178 o CaT, 905-88-235 FUJ #6l We are looking for Fou-lime employeto * Savingo Program * HeolthiDental Pion *Competitive Wsges Pick op an applicafion at 51 5 Mapiegrove Drive, Oakvitte or ontine (4 mina front OEWI Ford Dr) www.timhortons.com Drop off or fax to: (905) 844 2017 Tired of commuting? Nons clote f0 home. Full service Trovel Agency in Oakville seeko bu-fine, toper- îenced corperate and vacation a ett. Property mgmt. co, is looxing f0 hire o PROPERTY MANAGER f0 manage Burlinglon condominium com- plexes. Preference will be fixe f0 thost wîth experienc. Please proxîde a defaled resume indtudirig referencto & oalary tepetotio. Emait: etehkay@gaai.com WallxersMainway Walkem/Upper Middle Ail Positions F/T - PIT Retirees Nelcome Tin Point locenfixes, Flexible Shifts, Baent- fls, Uniform, Training Drop off resume or fao 905-319-3055 DRIVER! SHOP HAND FULI-TIME Industrial renta house seeking mechanically inclîned peroon aiS good driving record. Benef ifs. Please fao resume & drivers abstract lx: 905-827-5445 (Oakville) Swimming Pool Buildero looking for ttrong, enfhuoiaotic General Labourers Opportunity f5 grow with company Fair salary Fan: 905-338-1689 Cati 905-338-1887 Required for tht packing of oveno, chemîcolo and solutions. Mature, reoponoîble indivîdual f0, work rotating shifts in faol-paced ensîrvoment. Sons heavy lifting învolved. Excellent benefito package and compettîve compensatio. Reply in wrîtivg to Sherrli lrwin, Caledon Laborafory Cisemîcalo, 40 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4R9 or emal f0: hrdept@coledvn- labt.com or Fax: 905-877-6666, C LEÇ' ADUIT CARRIERS We are seekîng indîvîduols, preferobly wîth eopeni ence in door-to-door delivery, who would lîke f0 joîn our team of independenit contractors deliverig an important Ookvtle publication Wednesdoyo, Fni doys and Soturdoys eocb week. Theoe positions reqoîre oduffs who are reliable and conscienfious and ore best ouîted te thooe who en- joy the ouldooro and on income bosed oni tht amount of wor they perform. To eaplore, please contact Bob ai 416-720-1666 or 905-637-8795. - . -sY6 COGEOCBE=N