The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 28, 2006 - 19 Dah ets IMeoim I ea mI PsnasDaycare rtiles Article Trck f or Sale ..ersnalsAvailabie WFor Sal For Sl r !MFMOIR WFttTItcC '(TAY AT HO IF A , t'i, ýA1NA - ciq5c 2006b cn Weonviiie, termerly of Hoiibp, ti hec 78tc yeat. aeloeed esite of Tom for 55 years. Dear mothet ot Ken (& Anne), Boston,' John (& Lila), Hamitton. Loeed groodma et Jenniter, Jeecece, Julie, Lîsa, & Matt. Deat sioter ut Floyd (& Jean) Brigden, Wiit aise be miused by mieces & nephews. At the cequest ot the tamily, crema- tien has taken place and a memeriat semvice wiii be held in the spring. Arrangements entrusted to the Thompuen-Meti Fanerai Home, Watec- totd (519) 443-5332. Denations tei Heart and Sttoke Fouedatien weald be appreciated bp the tamiipmmthjponatn3y.o IneMemiam M Ineemoam e In Meitîeiiicf MICHFIL IL'IF O lice ici Jckecc cciLgic1 (cii iv îOe the itigliteet divc (cciliis oitc ci, Niadeeeics Ici tic.t 1dcn't iccficicinieteti \t1,1 iii seece o i hTicttcei ticac locitrei tecie Yecîe o eh tieasag Seýi et et c iio An itiieg.ccetchefincie b lieniieiee, Mre tandtioci t ieiceg.tand iccccciccg voit, Micltiiecticde, cic cccV Kvi IN Memary af my aister MICHELLE IMCKAY) LEE Dacember 27th, 1986 - February 27th, 2005 Though tatars in my eyes do flot glicten, And my lace is not ateapu sad, Thate os neveu a night or morning i don't think of the sister i had, Not a day do i boruni pou, In my heari you're aimapu haire, Fort t oue pou and misa pou Au it ends the tîrut year. Lave Julie ELLIE H-AZEL ICO (HERRMANN) Judy 8, 1934 -Match 1, 20015 litascbeen a yeartsince geu left us iOur ueatc; flowmiteey fortoeutmthtt we elte i early Olut pais centinues, eut tadutet rerncas We knem iemtitlneeeecthei samne Yeu aue grive front ocut ctght, but nenet front ocurheartc Neci a day geet by hiat me dot think (if geti Sadly miaaed by Priumo, Rhevda (Br-ian), David (BerdtiUte<), Mat-k fLusa) and 4 gu-andrhdldren Matohmn Lpvdsey, Lindaay andi Taylr/a Inuot quiet nomnts, wereucnerbt veut crnîlisg, heiti luifae ei ut hiapy mcticentc. we reuteictc cccurccnet,sweet laughtet. 11cee cLIr d kesct mcecet, c uiii, l 11 on mec oments Ivc cle ici n etcir et tcesehuniact' geeeei anedteoc lit (,Lit momtuent o e ic s" I ctecc, il Ir, tir omets o pa e creicrclit tu c e ic cct , i clicicceil ccc one ite on llgeiaececcy " Thee Milo Disttict IMemorim donations: M0 O tyRd. E. IMemnoansin the form 7, A ofdntostTh li_ Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. cm rer Traiing IkIIIrer Tia ing i0 K i iiciL'Ui i ec c liCed e. ta assust mclb ibis pco- Hamthorne Pillage leet. 905-878-9861 Area. Melussa 905- 878-6185 IN my home. 2-3 ene- Fiou nrng per meek for 2 KENWOOD steres 2 ehrîdren. Wostd sait large speaker, 5 pceces,cd student. Cati 905-876- piapers, amp. $50 905- 4431 693-8427 87.1 PIANO turing specra $70.00, used rebacit Grand $5,000.00, used uprîght $500 00, cati Haydn «e 905-873- 1737. CorTmideing a orerin e s. , g - Cme rcial g 270 FREE Informc 905-333-34 www.theco Te.. 4~rSkPiis Dave Are you looklng for mare thon lest a lob? Are you tired of being Umited by trodltionai stereotypes? Would jrou like tor bulld on exciting new coreeriln the rodes;' This excitlng career training opportunity features: * 20 weeks in-cigos instruction a ic0 weeks hands-on, on-site training e 16 weeks of monitored and paîd work placement lOIN US FORA FRE INFORSMON SESSION ON MONDAY MARCH 6 îa 8URLîaeTON! For more information, please cati 905-333-3499,, Ext. 121j orvisit www.thecentre.onlca.j j~The Centre Skils Development &,~T dton Session! hutch, duvetal cen- struction. New stîil in boxes. Coot $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Peilwtop Mat- tress Set. New in plas- tic. cust $1600. sei for $450. 905-567-9459. EROOM Cherr msed, 8ed, chest dresser. 2 nrghtstands. Duvetai Cunstruction. Neyer spened csst $8.000ý Sacritice $1r900 905-567-4042 FREE Estîmates Dot ws hlp chairs, tîred iuskcng moud linisheut Fields Custom Weed Retrnîshîng ard Furneture Repaîrs. 9-9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub 2006, 12 hp., 45 jets, waterflat, ozonator +reck jets, Ait options, neeer used. Stli in wrap- per. Coul $12.400, Sacr- lice $6300. 905-971- 1777 POOL Table, Prutesocona Serres. Sutrd Wood, 1i11S levier ciea Ge i $5500, Set $2750. 905- 304-7770 ArtilesWanted Wanted- Art, Antiques, Ail China, Sitner, Crysta, Tva Caps. Royal Doutun, Smarunsk, Dtass, Jeweiery, oid tops, cul- itctihtes, estates. Cal John/tTracy 905-33t 2477 M ar or Sale 1995 Hyusua Scoupe LS, great on gas, spsrty, t88,005tkms. $2500. 060 905-876- 1441. ihi.,000biie $iiliDiû Cai 416-938-5362. 1999 Dodgn Dakota Spot. Blue. Mînt condi- tion! CD piaper. t 60OOO0kms. $9,000. Cai 416-938-5362. t"Sate, Att Accessories Expansion has created the need lor a dy- ~99, Ext. 121 Ne, Stl Botued, Cost namic, lorward thinktng, organized and $6.200, Seit $1,950. 905- détail oriented tndivtduai bo head op the entre. ofl. ca 304-9994 Business office. The idéal candidate hao OMEEN sîze neary expertence wvith Reynolds and Microsoft tv*enew cherrymsod bed- Office and the ability 10 work weli wîth lopmnent & Training trame milS or wîthoat sataspeopo. He or ohe has a track mattresu set. $300 record of sacceosul prodoct sales and 080. Cuit 905-864-3353. hîgh costumer satisfaction. Piease lormard reoumes r,, i~D d ~ ~ to sales@ AI Saure jSaa Pr ciatark andsevra cnsersn 6Xreasn aa Crommunirouh aticpaio P7 heceîeingioaanad prlice SspingHRS1 rutîecat Pur servien randve Iîereateand 1 omerenpoadi nd steatéesone cmmunîcathesusWthy our biît in phe rom cmuttiie and îdee, tnde apt oe andormaton tuis a erio t cîrcu utanes Yoat hae roîresl pur* adsevpor ecnerioen csmonasn kot banacrtnomto Pro a o e a t ofl c iilentete Wentrt eenpd aa entc l rp u iti s o a il co u e r esronmente aor resseoinatThîs rote reurocssrkng 12our ratîng for s and a 24/7 eenrnme911 încludîng raked and hélpn commheuatosu ul the tor aîng per m muialedt urthe ptss, piutou ise aned o a temp urarlds Paltimerec baosCapetondran mni thîs r chatteng emrard raee ptonou cii provdentprîsunaea trasortation and court serty atpl nariou cnfrm oations oo asyof has anc ghucho dîmavor equiaento tore Fer exidlant certînicateonsil and a ai drietne rioraton frn api, f canite e uot succeltopieatenpre emisymint tenzPu tepiion.n art appiats Tis Se reqcre torkn uhmt a ai Testat esifts irolca 24/r tepoiioneol Opccatin Condso an 04CRas Ferthcae duanof Rathe riring Aid and cîîates andh uhout prosctios ong wîh he apiecaon a epag Plasie onacts AoppcatTtin Se06iCs4 iTSIdrcig ate ac 8 0, 497 200îPraîo6 eadn.hets atr an h vi lcti onprs Reomsc rceudtota ATfS Ts eut roer InC etîlcto Rss wcilngng notor bele masitadono îipovd Ecprisoner Apranswrthto aneorecasy a rsoerrouscort lofcratin. anust phae servig c r otl requtrd tor umît, e S et Rsts roie o 0CR Certiicateana o>li Riesus icene ir aplcto as theso arediaes mustias, ct s th svhnuee aird m tstcshdind orae, poun wl lcitnt wi permcttord t mstanoastp hid aes Pol îeslb rofl anothe prgnîition o Youia msab or part tîme, sabect tute rof ults Frthedn Chiel o) Puicce Piens sendo puasrit resoe urt appiralcation packag lae ontcth apprpiat e Servies(tit ionner pth -80-29-72 foinoratnrgn te tc esapyticahie athe fullaian io Re ocess eu Senncoa, Haltho aeina PoliestRslsPoieo SA eriic e of5 Bronute l Rod P.0 asndo file. Exepione. plcnsw pese Te Ho/tPrione REcol POlicer Sihaohpl ervice ar commtte Oct iedt sti he ncî est euult Ppcrtniy e orOC tnk aP ofppit t "i apicto wni evper ctt udto ulaeiocte hor an intrviewo wîllnthrogniai beuma c ontacted. sbjc oth prva fth he o oie.Pes www.hyorpa.umorn alcato akgqoin h prpi IN Memary af my daughter MICHELLE LEE (MCKAY) December 27th, 1%6 - February 27th, 2005 Mg prenjoas Michelle 1 wiii miss yoa eety second of evet day lor the test ot my (île. i wiii love pou with eeerc breath i take and eserp ounce of my being trom here offtît eternity. Voar memoty wiii comlort as. Our consolation is the knowiedge that somewhere up there we hase sur eery own sweet ange), sale in the artnu ut angeis. Aller such a brase, couru- geous hate with cancer your courage bas in- opîred 50 manp torever. With Ail My Lave Farever Mac xa caca Some day we eut aunderstand .. we are nol there yet. i ii neyer Porget yoo. Piease otay close tous. one Year wil get you life. an ese.ileng new (le on the wenid of lace. Peisi sccundary cdv.aîtin or business eperee.e us ait tou uccd ttc gel ccciii tionther's uniueo Office Administratien-Law Firm Profile pmogram. Yeu'it gel classes iied suit practicai, bandeon applicativons, and wvii place gecu inter ce et ceocrai cul otîniancs nt proinct law iitsferta 7 wecks et pacd ones ive training. Ail thes ce acecmpiishcd us unly tcc semnesters, su yu den't have te, doc top uonecessary lie. fati 416h675h6622 est. 4371 aod pet a fuew) lite. The Business School 505 905 F & 1 MANAGER A rare opportunity to)oin the progressive teain at Budds'Saturn Saabl Ontario College Application Service #0214L Kwn-. business. huinber. ca