Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - A9 Notices foi Datelliiie ,Iîaîldlit'b Jîaidtd i n ai the oJftt o tf Th li C hanpian, 875 Matin S(. E.,_Ifa.xd fi (905) 878-4943 t t fi)îl' ii îliîrji ltti i [i T hett liiti ialctadliiit's iiaan Fi ula-v fat Tît'sticts' s c'ii ian anid nttttti-ih'iîesdas lit, Fi'id-y 's edu mon. Diline iteins aientf ait epted lw iî'lephitnc' Wednesday Feb. 22 Aduit drop-in solîcyball takes place tram 2 to 3 p.m. ai the Milton Leisure Centre. The cosi is $3.50. The Milton Seniors' Activity C'entre, 500 f hilds Dr., balds its weekly lunch couniter ai noon for $6i. Contract bridge begins ai 9:30 a.m. and shuffleboard siaris ai 1:30 p.m. The cosi foîr eachi i $2 for meinhers and $4 for non- members. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1681. The Milton Road Safety Commitîc ineets ai the Milton police station. 490 CBilds Dr., ai 7 p.m. For more information, caîl _Jan Mowbrav ai (519) 853-4492 or e- mail mowbrayj@svmpaiico.ca. The Halton chapier ofi CARP (Canadas Association For the Fifty Plus) meets ai 7:30 p.m. ai flie Burlingion Seniors' Centre, 2285 New Si. wiih LI cla Shiels about coin- puier skîlls and programs for seniors. 'or maire informa- tion, caîl Han'x Bossecr ai (905) 335-5717. Milton District Hospital holds a one-on-anc breast- feeding clinic with a certiied lactation cotnsultat fram 1:30 ta 3 p.m. For mare infornmation orii iake an appoiniment, caîl -jean Gîalien ai (9053 878-2383. cxi. 7030. The V'tomn' Centre. siue 210 iii Hedl Mil ai Rebet.ca Street and [Bird i ne in Ctakssille, Bulds its Abuse Support Group front b îa 8 p.m ['tir mare infoirmation, caîl (905) 847-5520. The Early Vears oi Recoerl Famîls Support Group. for faimils members, caregisers and friends sshiîsc lits d one has expeririierd iheir fîrsi pss'choici episode ss ithîiî the pasi fise vears, mneets on the secondl flîtur ai Milton MaIl ai 7 p.m. For more informatioin, caîl (905) 876-1647 H-alton [IcaîtBrare Services hasts t seminar entiled Cholesterol and Your Fleart: Making ibe Connection ai 7 p.m. ai Le Dame Banquet Hall in Oakville, 1173 North Servic.e Rd E. To reserve a seat or foîr more information, caîl (905) 338-4379. \Vellspring [laiton-Peel, a support neiwiîork for cancer patients and their families. Biolds its Teen Space group. a support group for teens wiib a parent diagnased wiîh cani cer, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.rm ai 2545 Sîxîh Linie i 0,tks llc For more information, caîl (905) 257-1988. The Khi Communiiy ChurrcB ofi the Salvation Armv Bolds ils 'Girls Nigbr Out' ai 7 p.m. IFar mitre information, caîl (905) 875-1022 or vs su www.kBicommuniy cîi HOPEDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL DERRY ROAD CAMPUS 2850 Derry Rd., Milton OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY FEB. 25" 10 arn 1 Pmn - A ieam tif qualifîed. iraîned staff iii nuriare and educair yîîur chîld - flnîld in îhe Montessori neihitd tif ieaching for oser 21< ycars - Sîndent prîîgress mîîniiîîred oit a regular basts - A Momntessoîri prîîgramr enhaned wih ial creative aciiviiies. a music. trench and art priîgrîtm - Nîîw enrolling siadenis irtn 18 mîînîhs - 6 years ofI age - Full day and hall day priîgrams availabte wsith before and -fe seiit are. * Lîîs siudeni icacher ratiois Fo oe1"riainadrgsraincl sa Thursday Feb. 23 'FlBe Milton Seniors' Artiviîy Centre, 500 f Bîlds Dr., Balds bid cuchre antI contract bridge ai I:30 pin. hi lilds uts Tbursday Afiernoon Movie ai 1.30 p.m. featurîng Weddîng Crashers. The rrîsî for eacB acîivîîy is $2 frr members and $4 foi nrîn-members. A foot care clinic wîîB a VON nurse takes place by appoînîment only fromt 1 ta 4 pi.in The crîsi is $24. To boiok an appoiniment, caîl (905) 875-1681. 'Fle Wmen ('entre, suite 210 in Hopedale MaIl ai Rebecca Street and Third Line in Oakville, hasts Grief is a ]aciiney, Nat an Fs'eni and How ta be Asserîîve, boîB irrîm 7 tri 9 p.m. lis Irce Peer Counselling by phoîne or i per- son [tir women Iacing abuse, grief/loss and relaîirînsBîp issues [rom 10 a.m. iii 3 p.m. No appoinîmeni is necessary. hi alsît BaIns its free Women's Caring and Sbaring Circle ftram toi 3 p.m., andI us Spanisb Social Group for Spanisli speakînig wamen takes place [rom 12:30 îa 2:30 p.m. Tii regîsier tir Irîr mure informnation, catI (905) 847- 5520. Milian District Hoispital Balds a unie tin ine breast- feeding clinir wiiB a rerîîfîed lactation rconstant tramt 7 iii 9 p.iii. IFor mare intformatian or tri make ain appoint- ment, raIl Jean (allen ai (905) 878-2383, exi. 7030, -FBicI'îne Arts Societv ai Milttin's Evening Group of Artists mecets [rain 7 iii 10 p.ni. The informai ens irtnineni pras'ides ariists ssitB anl apparitinis iii exercise ibeir drawv îîîg skîlls. Foîr more intfornmtioin, caîl janis at (905) 854- 5753. 'FlBc Milton Fair Hlomecraft Eucbre Party nis ai fice Militon F air (urotînrîs ai 7T30 p.m. Admissioin is $4. Ih licearniiig Dîsabiliiies A\ssoîciaion tif tlialiaiî Bîlds a parenti iieiss'akiiîg group entiied Assistive Tecbnology and fie Lcarning Disabled Cbild frotii 7 Iii 9 p ni. ai flic Brlîîîgtîî Rtary' Y'ati Centîre on Guerlph Ic me tr miiie infoîrmaitin, cill <905) 333-1977. The I tiii lranrB oi the SrBiztipBrenia Sttciciv oI Ontiiarioi lîîîlds its family support grriup n flic office on the serond Brunr of Milton MaIl, suite 25, aîî 7 p.m. ['tr marc infoîrmation, caîl (905) 876-1647. The Deck yîîutb centre. 200 Main Si. (rear enltranre), isvites Bîgb seBiiol sturlenîs loiîking tri lilay' a gaine tif poal tî stop Bs' between 7 and 10 p) in. Friday I-eh. 24 Militon Distr ici HoIrspital Btîlrs a grîîap sessiton breasi- feedling ctinic wîîB a rertitîed lactatioîn consultant faim Il tii 12.303 p.m. F'or moire infoirmation tir iii make an appîîinimeai, rail jean Gallin ai (905) 878-2383, est. 7030. in Today's Canadian Champion! The power to amaze yourself.1 905-875-24A6 ThBe Milton Seniors' Actîvîîy Centre, 500 CBilds Or., holds contract bridge ai 10 a.m. The costiîs $2 [or mem- bers and $4 for non-members. The centres Computer Club hasts ils Cyber Cafe [rom 1 ta 3:30 p.m. The cosi is $3 for members and $5 for non-memhers. Euchre staris at 1:30 p.m. ai a cost of $2.50 for members and $4.50 for non- incînhers. lis Friday Nigbî Movie takes place at 7 p.m. fea- îrrng Most Love Dels The rost is $2.50. And Evening Eucbre takes place ai the CampBellville Lions Hall ai 7:30 p.m. at a rosi ai $2.50. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1681. Nassagaweya Preshyterian Cburcb, 3097 No. 15 Sideroad, holds a barn and scalloped potato dinner ai 6:30 p.nî. Tickets cost $ 12.50 for adulîs and $6 for cbildren six ta 12 years af age. Kids fîve and under eat for free. To pur- chase tickets, caîl (905) 854-1055 or (905) 876-3322. Poetry Nigbî takes place ai the Milton Cafe on Ontario Street Nrorth opposite Spoke ' Slopes [romn 7 to 9:30 p.m. wîîB an open inîr format. TBe group meets fîrsi at 6 p.m. for a meal aithe restaurant. The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites BîgB scBool students looking ta play a gamne ai pool îo stoîp by between 7 and 1 1 p.m. de le 54 Mai St:.:ITO 7803 t

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