Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 2006, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday February 21, 2006 - 23 E rat HeIp Skittd ked d ----7;----sales HepslsHp Techeicul HeIp1 echn callHeI k~L .i ep le elHSlelHl Tecnial el TehncalHen Ofie HlpOffceH E &Agents ___ & Agents WfIE is coîrrnfIy acceptîng apphcations [-W 9l%,AII.HO M ES for Parf Trne positions. la aeskîng f0 Nili the followîng positions WIl established Mil We are looking for a tsam player wvth sotîd FU RN i U RF GA L L FR Wie oSfer flexible hours, competitioe icages, and lo aw fri re- cstometr service background. Eeperience in Could pou have a Future with Lszboy Furniture afriendiy work cnnironmenf, Please fax CO SuUC IOres F/T family Delfoar Management Sysfsms, MS Windows Gallerien? resumes ta: 905-878-9303 attn: Dace, or LA OU E aw/titgafîon/reai es- sncsay Wx are grewing quicky ard we're oeekieg talent- drop thea off in persan ta Fifth Wheel Fuel Socnflaplaî utb at , min. of 3 ceay.ed, experlenced Full Time Sales Consultants Bar,40 Cishom Dr MitanOnt. 19T3G9. pro ess l enereicran ize must yrs exp. ifh of long Pieuse send Resame irn confidence 10. with a hinfnry in neiîn Home Furnînhînge er ottrer aa,4 hsomD.MitnOtLT39 puaeit mealf oe. Motc briedwig wurk computer, organiza- Maae fHman Resources figh ticket items et refai. a psitve ttiude Mst e wllig t wok fion & commonica- lOowngtrcknncopay Mttn eqîrin a snmefîmen physically demanding tion skiiis, în-depth ASI Distribution Services We nillxr a generous Commission Pregrae, Com- uan experîenced loli fîme ieud nand dock or enniroament in aIl types of weather knowfedge of prac- 2160 Buckingham Rd. pnee if Pan, Prenîna chaînc toporf in forkilt pernon. Aino, neqoiren an experiencea Needo f0 be a Self starter able tu wonk t ic c/p ro c cdxu r e SI Oakville, ON L6H 6M7nienfrdacmntndahnetoot ns receptionot and dispatcher foi wvilh minimal supervision. Minimoum 3yrn Teraxie, Divorce- a:958988 unique storesopcîstly designed to xcii the încred- operations deparfmenf. lonlstructiont experience in Ihîn type ot mute & MSWord. Fa:95248 ie Lszbny tire. Openings currently te Bramptan- Pieuse e-mail reaume foa: position reqoired. To appîy Fowr reUnet_ E-mail- Ibarton@asldistribution.com Ttinily Commons, Burlinglon -Brant & N. Service, liiadeýlamaestra@bluelinee.o rE al os batae.com or Mîssissauga- Heurfiard, MississaugaOakil e colt ut: 905-875-4630 ext. 225 or fax Randy McGuire: 905-333-1720 t- _____905_____________ 87nasa8W-s393huch. fax toi: 905-875-0981. _____________________ RECEPTIONIST Ynu ciii rced reliable transportatin, excellent SyIlite R J bS ae communication skitts, u desire fo teurn and a [EP RR EDENGROVE LANDSCAPES LTD Job- oh r chedale that permîfs oa te werk en weckends TEMP ARitWe are an aicurd wîinning tandscape f îrm servic- I 9 WWe have a job share spcning fer thc Receptînnint asome cocnings. LIGHT DELIVERY TICKETS Iinn the Oakoîtte and Mîsoissauga arca. With psitin far nu sffice locatcd in Bottîrgfon. Plesse xppty te persen nnly ut the store. AND POSTERS neverai positions aîtulbte, ie uarc ixuking for ~ e n n î I u n-.re oeuîî Must hune own car and good knowtedge of Milton, Oaknitte and accu. Excellent pay plus gas, cash. CALI 1-800-419-7383, EXT 222 Maria Albert ~SSalon & Spa lp cil &--SP el a P eeis cmn l hou y pu ntarting @ $1Oh +commissian, lc Skilled & Super benefisbnus lmjj Tecal Hlp, Tons ofTainng Apprenticea Wecome I CATION I WeWi Tain, EXCAVAT1NG Minmum 3yeurn Caîl 905-220-0613 Exeence DZ or 1-877-700-0082 Lcence u must AZ Liece cpcenerd SkiCaîl M 46ef-771-4213 IMMEDIATE OPENING Located in Milton. fhîn ISO ccrfified mansfacfur- ing companry ha a currenf openîng for a seif-di- rccted hînhin motîvated indîvîduat whs posseso a atrong senne aI urgcncy, antention f0 detaîl. and a solid corh hisfxry. The fxttocîng fuiltfime, day shift xppxrtonify n axaîtabte for tAc rîghf candidate: MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT The Maintenance Asnistunt os responsîble for prxvîdîng produet (service) excetlence in the fottowîng areas: *Building and grxund maintenance in accxrdance cith entuhtinhed safety and Aousekeeping standards. *Assint vîf A packaging and tabetin of finîshed goods kits -Perfxrming tîghf ptant fusks -Ansint vît A shipping, reccîvîng und invenfory controt The succesofut candidate ilît have a proven mechunicut aptitude, an abîltfy to sstve probtems îndependenty, and have a nxtîd mark hisfory. , tn addition f0i a staxing hourty rate of $1t.0 5 e offer a competîtine total compensation package înciuding a bonus plan, hAcuth and dental benefîts, educutînu assistance, profit shurîng and a refîrement savîngs plan. If pas are intereated in this oppartunity, please tarward paur resume ta: Bas 17c/o, The Canadian Champion 875 Main St. E Milton, Ontaria L9T 3Z3 Aftn: Human Resaurces mt h rerl5ment.net We aiotld ice to fhank ait candidates for thein inferexi voneoxer oniy candidates seieCorc for an ivreIc cii be confacfed. ELECT ilCALAPPREIT1E Indlustrîi/maînfenance expenience an asset. vie o11cr a competîtîve mage and benefit package. Pieuse send reaume foi: Fux: 905-876-3903 E-Mail: info@arthureietrica No PHONE CALLS PLEASE CVLCONSTRUCTION COMPANY GRET NRTNRN NsUATI al n unok immediafe need for an office cterk. The position wxutd be baned ouf of sur Milton shop wifh a start fume of 6:30 a.m. Ouatîfied appticanfn munt have strong computer skitts, able f0 moiti tank and be xery organîzed and dependlabte. Resumua can bu taxed ta: 519-539-7946 Attentian: Gloria Margan, H.R. Admînlatratar or emalled tai: gmotgmn/SgaLc We lhunk ail applitanta, however, aniy thase being considereci wiii receive a response. No phone tuia pieuse. ACCOUNTS RECEVABLE Fresh Start Foods seeke an indînîdual who: 0 Has a thorough knowledge of accounIs receinable 0 Has excellent communicafion and problem eolning abîlify leI highly arganized lnferesfed candidates should submif Ihete resume te confidence foi: HUMAN RESOURCES FRESH START FOODS CANADA LTD. E-mail: ianpont@foeshstartfoods.com Fus: 905-878-9010 Customer service! Sales Pr -tm 2. DyWr e e A greaf opporftunify for an indinidual who has sfrong cuefomer service/sales e kille. Includes onc fer heur day during the week and ors weekend day. Vie effet job securily and compefîfive salary. Minimum sf fine yeure office enperience and vehicte te required. Cali Mon to Fni lpm-4pm ONLY (905> 567-5295 SAFE SELF STORAGE Retl alsHelp 1114RelSales Help Requlrements- above-average inlerper- auna skitis, ubiiity lu ptan and orgunîze RETAIL Sales mork in an effective manner and praticien- Position A vuiiabie lind h cy n Microsoft Word and Excel. Fi.nd them Job share uchedule- 7:45a.m.-12:45 p.m. OR f2:15-5:15 p.m. Pieuse indîcufs mAtch schedxied lime yuu are înteresled Ii n TAs position requires thuf yuc mork fuit meeks lu cuver lAs vacation ut Csrrento seekîng oofgxing, csmpussisnute 1mil orjbsAne partner. îndîoîduuis mîfh costomrer servi ce voperience, ~ aàa* yur ohMornîngEnenîng/Ahter Schosi & occasiana te Ilo If you have an outgoing & enthusiastic Sarurduos Regoîred personaîity and enjoy reception mark, Pieuse submit resume tai: t u pIeuse send pour resume to: hr@sylcile.ca kar-enstiowershep@vahoo<ao Sae epSales HieIp SalsHep Hoe esarn HELP WANTEOU "'Il Country Grill % .4 HifngFor Oakvilc Today, a dosisin of halton Mcdia Groap, s secking un experienced. 450 Applchy Lire. Uni fl Telemnarketing Sales Representatîve Cal 905-632-7817 TAc qualited candidate w i Av a mutivuted, ndepsndenf, setf 9am-3pm starter mitA atrung costumer service skis. Yu wIli pussens sex & cellent w Iten and vsrbal communicaliun skilia and As tam i far wîlA Microsoft applications. Prvtu teisphune suies experîcace Tahn un asset. lm Opportanities n tAis ruts, yuu wiii As cosfumsn focused and miii buîid ntrung re- thal their adverining neede are met. You will As goal-orîented and capable ot meeting regular weeky budgets and special sec- tiun targela mîthin a deudlîne focuned envîroment. If yuu wuuld tîke lu work for a leader in the medial industry tAin opporunify may be the righf une for yu Il întereated pIeuse formard your renoms (îndicuting Oukville Toduy in nubjectlimet nu ltler Ihun February 241h, 2006 ta; careers@haItonsearch.com Fax (905> 632-0308 We appreciate the infsrest of ail applicants however only thos selected for an inerview wili bs contacted. No phone catis or agencies pieuse. FZ HALÀFTON NiI11 A G R ( U I TAc Butlingfsni Post, a divisior of Hton Media Group, ta seekînig an exp.'d; Telemarketing Sales Representative TAc quulitied candidlate miii be a mutivutsd, independent, self- starter with sfrung cuntomer service nAitîn. Yuu mîlI pussens cx- cellent written and verbal communication skills and As lamiliar milh Microsoft applications. Previaus tetephune sales saperience an unnet. la lAis ruts, you miii be costumer focussd and wiii buîld slrung re- latiunships mitA nsw and ssisfing clients via Isîsphone lu ensurs thut their advertiaing nseds are mcl. Yau wilI As gual-urientsd and capable ut meeting regulur msskty budgets and speciat sec- tion largets milhin a deadline focusd envirasment. If you muuld liks lu mork tor a leader in lAs mediat indunlry lAis oppurlunily may As lAs righl une for you. If inlsrsted pieuse formard your resume nu lter hAun Fsbruury 241h, 2006 lu; landsrsun@halonnearch.com Fax (905) 632-0308 We apprscîats the intsrest of ail applicunts howsvsr oni'y tAose seiectsd for an interview wiii bs contacfsd. No phone catis or agencies pieuse. Y ;ýý'0 j a&I&n w/t& ce .14 IECErýeqiuî PIl Asst. Teacher PTHousekeeperi IAssistant Cookl or fus: 905-345510 reuràfor] IMiltoni IPre-SchooII ICall 876-7411 U/LCOME*ê " Newîin town? a Gettîng marrîed in 3 months or more? " Havîng a baby? " Estabi shîng a new business? Please cail us Community Welcome Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1248 Baby Welcome Michel 905-332-8634 BridaI Welcome Laurîs 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof Woîcome Launîs 905-878-0126 o i.. o e li Q, NQ eepenienced inidîvîduats f0 ussisf us in ncrnicing fAin industry. FULL TIME SALARIED POSITIONS Landscape Maintenance Farepersons Landscape Canstructian Farepersans Yard assited in Milfon PIeuse fax resumea tai 905-693-0425 Emait ut d.akansuenEaol.com Nurtet BCM400 telephons console and other general office dulies.

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