Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Feb 2006, p. 7

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Miltonians must continue to make The OSuadiait ChamploA, Fniday~ Fèdbruatyýt7: 2006-A7 Man Dralsed for brinaina team thlèvsce heard at townà cctings ofrùnaèïwa v hor.ses Und1 erit nuil DEAR EDITOR: At the Januaîy 30 counicil meeting, t feel Councillor Brian Penman complained at length about the inefficiency of delega- tions appearing at council. To me, his comments implied that, with aIl the work and con- siderations that are donc on council matters before they acîually reach council, there should be no reason for citizens to inefficiently take up counicil meeting time wiih concerns and comments. Yeî, I consider merely one issue - the Town Hall expan- sion. At the lasi publie meeting hosted by the Town Hall expan- f sion committee, many residents voiced strong concerus and reservations about the parking situation. Some questioned why more than $4-million was being spent on parking, others voiced bearifeli fears about poîentially unsafe underground parking access and others voiced strong concerns about service vehicle access and increased automobile traffic. These [ears and concernis were not resolved ai the meeting - Mr. Penman brought tbe meeting to a close. At council, neither Mr. Penman nor councillors Wendy Schau or Mark Curtis - aIl of whom are on the Town Hall expansion committee - voiced the concernis that residents had raised about parking and traffie. Based on Mr. Penmans coun- cil complaini, it would seem that their silence in bringing forth the concernis of tIse resi- dents to council was for efficien- cy, rather than what 1 believe DEAR EDflOR: l'm responding to former regional chair Rie Morrows letter in wbich he posed tbe question of Halton possibly becoming a sîngle-îiered goverf- ment by amalgamaîing the municipalities of Milton, Oakville, Burlingion and Halion Hilîs into a single city The idea mighî look fine on glossy fînancial paper, but in realiîy 1 believe uts more of a nigbî- mare as clearly demonstraied by the growing degree of dîsdaîn sbown by those wbo have been forced to amalgamate under the guise of glossy proîected fînancial savings. Democracy isn't about projectcd financial sav- uns ts about citizen representation - noting cisc. was an arrogant dismissal of the public voice. Or possîbly they did bring the concems forth in secret, or in ibis 'Old Boys Club" I have read about, out of the publics seeing and hearîng, without avail. Whaîever the rea- son, ihere was cerîaînly no rep- reseniation for, or aining of the public's expressed concernis ai the council meeting. 1 suggest ihat this is a clear example of why residents must appear before counicil and exer- cise iheir democratie right to voice concemrs . These concernis wouldn'î be heard in counicil otherwise. Mr. Penmans comments would imply ibis is inefficient. Possibly su, but it surely is nec- essary. MICHAEL GRIMWOOD MILTON It seems ibat every group of bave been forced to amalgamai to be de-amalgamated. There n in this unfolding realîîy Time-drawn conclusions ah speak for themselves. ht appears migbî wvin, but in realiîy 1 feeli ly bic hbecause îbey bice ibeir h reseniation, bave încreased taxe a dramatic loss of usable servic wins, but iii nul tbe ciizens. Yes, somehody ducs gain nr but in realt inuit buse. Is th want? Are developers controlling Milton's growth? DEAR EDITOR: its witb exîreme dispîcasure ibat the 'Original Milton Homeowruers' are waîching the deterioration of places like Country Heritage Park and the Tremaine home that was mis- Tbis lait episode oh ihe Tremtaine Road bouse heîng tomn down by mîstake is ridiculous. And wby wull the developer not reiurn phone caîls? A full inves- tigation of the Tremaine Road bouse and the one-person comn- takenly tomn down. plaint againsi Country Heritage Has Milton grown 100 fast Park storing cars on its lut in the sud the present representatives winter is in order. are unable to handhe the task, or have developers ouî-foxed our politicians? We realize progress us progress, but it shoulin't come ai the expense of the town. Wby sbuuld the developer nut be torced tu replace the home bnick hy bnick, or as an altemnative why can't the devel- oper wbo made the mistake and tore down the Tremaine Road home bc penalized by contribut- ing the same yearly siorage charges the Toronto Auto Auction was paying to Country Heritage Park? MILTON CONCERNED HOME OWNERS linte Capsules' are gents of informa- tion extractedl front past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to prorvide a window into MiltonM past. Explanatory comment ta some- tintes provided to place the situation in context. April 1907 Mr. Brandon, who was deliverimg coal yesterday aftemoon, leftbis team for a kew minutes. They becamne frigisteneel and started up Victoria Street, strking a post near Jutige Gorbamts. Tisey buike thse fronit ale of t wagon, turning tise corner to Janes Sutret whicis tiey fehlewed te Main, sud were malcing faiely for a plate glas wlndow lu the sitiug roem of the Hotel McGlbbon, wisen Geo. Patterson rusbed eut and, Mit Faieso dcerves naudi credît fer his preme oefmilndand braeryt communities that nw upals ulitspd e are now figbîing die Hmpre.Gukh tapd îust be some iruth t;er wus brought before Mayor otamalgamation on Thursday for selllng good in oui ewpayr Milton without s license. Cbief tha ctiz afew layr Constable Chapman was the com- becitizns aocal p plamnant. A number of witnesses were -sand-o loctale examined snd judgment reserved. esiW a n ow ot av The court gave its decision on e~ W kno wbu Saturday, wbtch was a fine of $20 sud )in malamaton, costs. The defendant was the second am waalg aon tes peddler to bc fined under tIse ai wat c rclly town bylaw respecting "peddlers and BOB BYETTE transient traders." Thse local grocers BOB BELVETTE are likely to have a monopoly of the CAMPELLVLLE tea trade iu future. Stinson Bradley, of the Ontario License Department, was in town last week and retumned to Toronto on Monday evening, taking bis family and Isousebold effeets with hlm. Mr. Bradley was boni in Milton about sixiy years ago andi bas liveti here ever since. Ht claimed i tat be was the oldesi resident of tise towu. For a number of years be did good service as chief constable. The fimùly will, be misseti, particularly by tise congrega- tion of Grace Cismtb, lu wsicis Mrs. Bradley was an eetic worker, Time i Capsules .~ while two of her sons were members of the choir. Miss Panton bas re-opened ber school after the Ester holidays and is prepared to, talce more pupils. The vestry meeting at Grace Chureis approved an expenditure, flot te exceed $700, in repalulug and impoving the Sunday school house. Dr. KD Panton arrived in tewu 1906. HIe wlU leave about the end of this mentis te take a post graduate course at London, Englnd. The Boanlýof License commission- ers for Halton met at the court bouse on Saturday alternoon to consider hotel licenses for the year 1907-08. Milton resuits: Fergie Martin, Hotel Royal, granted;j.D. McGibbon, Hotel McGihbon, granted; J.? Kelly, Commercial Hotel, granted. The Board passed the following resolu- tion: "the board deplores the facîttsai the towns and villages are, flot betier policed. A good deal of drunkenness could he prevented if the constables were more vigilant. They are respon- sible for thse good order of the mumc- ipalities sud flot thse Inspecior." Stanley MilIs & Co. Hamilton of1er another five-ceut excursion from Oakville to Hamilton over the Radial Electric Railway on Friday May 10, 1907. This material is assembledon behal of the Miton Uistorical Society by jm DiLs, who cms be reaehe iby e-mail at jihflsldhtcont From Downtown Milton ... To Ach il les Ma zda ...I1t 's 18.3 Kilometers 19.7 Minutes 4èe 3 57 Q ue en S t. , AC TO N 90.9 Furlongs 519-853-0200 . 11.4 Miles 20013.1 Yards O n I y No matter how you measure it, let Achilles Mazda show you why it's "Worth the Drive". Amalgamation simply flot a good idea A(H1LLE5 j4

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