Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Feb 2006, p. 6

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AS -olihe Canadien Ch~ampioni, FFicday, february 17, 2006 OPINION Whfere's, housing 'WE GSr ANYý that's affordable? A«ÉCOUNTABILITy OR INTEGRIIY Most new subdivmsons made up ' A(4( NERE?( of experisive detached homes After hearing what one taken ont ol the plans. local devcloper had to say 1Ils unfortunate that about townhomes ihis affordahie housing like week, we're wondering il townhouses continue to bc Milton will ever sec the type seen as somnething thas flot of affordable housing il necessary -somecthing ihat wants and needs. serves litile more nurnose At a publie meeting Wednesday night an Central Milton Holdings' proposaI ta huild 303 homes - largely single detachied, but wîîh sorie iownhomes - the consult- ant representing the devel- oper said the iassnhauses are in the plans ta miiitigate the noise Irain trains gaing by There was no mention that tbis type cf housing would be beneficial for the cammunity as not every- body can afford the expen- sive single family 'homes being built aIl over town. These townhames were simply described as a way ta create a noise barrier with- out building a massive berm. Sa in this partîcular develapment, it would seem tawnhouses bold little more value than a pile cf dirt. In fact, if the develaper finds that the tawnbomes wan't mitigate train noise, than blocking noise for the ather larger, more expensivc homes in the stubdivision. Milton is in desperate neCd of mare affardable hatising. \Xhile the Tawn'si- Official Plan calîs for a varieiv cf hausing types, thats noi generalir happening in Miltans new growth areas. Perhaps the Tovvn could provide same kind ol incen- tive for developers who are willing ta build allardable housing in Milton, whether it be townhouses, apart- muent buildings or cono miniums. But something thats also badly needed ils a mindset change when it comes ta affordable development. Both developers and res- idents who say, 'Noti n my backyard' ta, townhomes and apartments need ta realize affordable hausing is an important part of making Milton a bealtby and desir- then they're going ta be able cammunity tal live in. Readers Wri"te Send us your letters to msltonezl@haltnnearchom or drop thein off at 875 Main St. E. Ongoing support much appreciated DEAR EDIVOR: Thanks ta The Champion for argan- izing a holiday food drive, loy drive and certainly its annual Chnistmas Bureau Fund. The fund raised $21,418 for the Milton Salvatian Armys family servic- es. Alîhough the goal cf $25,000 wasn't quite reached, ils sîdl a tremendous amount that was raised, and amounted ta 18 per cent cf aur total for the Christmas campaign. Yaur support throughout the year is truly apprecîated. Please be assured that the money wîll be used in the Milton/Campbellville eommuniîy. We assîsîed mare than 650 people lasi year îhrough aur food bank. Christmas assistance and camping prtgramns. Thank yau again for helping us help athers. RACHEL SHEILS, COMMUNITY OUTREACH CO-ORDINATOR MILTON SALVATION ARMY 14re cEaimai Cb~ampion Milton's Comnmuait5 Newspaper Since 1860 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editotial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Heil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy MaNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Tira Cales Circulation Manager Cluarlena Hall Office Manager Tari Casas The Canadian Champion, published every Tuecday and Fniday ai 875 Main St t., Mitton, Ont, LT 3Z3 (Box 248), ic one of the Metrland Pîing, Publishing & Dintribîîting Ltd. communily newspapes. Ad ising is aciepted on the condition tai, in the event oiea typograpSical erno,, that porion of the adoersng opaie ooopied ty the eroneou derns togethei eth a feaoonable alloane forigna te ellnoet e haned fo,butthe balane ofthseadefseseawil bepadfor ateappiaWe ate The p5io8er reserves thergttoi oalegoneeadveetsennens or declie CCAB Audited Recogized fer excellence by Ontario Coemoeirty NOna iewspapers Asociaion C C A Canadian Commii NaPewopapero Assocoiaion SoSoroan Neaspapero rp-v of Amerca TheviewV fmhere Halton s voice heard Ioud -and clear in Ottawa While newly-elecîed Halton MP Garth Turner may not be making friends an Parliament Hill these days, be's certainly making national beadlines. As most of you probably read ln Tuesday's Champion and other papiers, Turner called for Liberal defector David Emersons resigna- tion last week, saying hae should run again for his seat as a Couservative in a by-election. That led îo what Turner described as "a series of unbappy meetings" witb "the party machine," including a meeting with aur new prime minister. Althougb speaking out ituay have left bian on Stephen Harper's had side, 1 have ta respect and commend Turner for standing up for what hae and mauy of his constituents want and believe in, 1if Turner la williug ta publicly push far something that would largely benefit people haif way across the country, then I eau only imagine be'll put up a.gaad flgbt wben it camtes ta geîting things tbat'll bien- efit Haltan rasidents direcîly His next mission is getting Iag- islatian put lu place that wauld farte an MP who crasses the flaor ta go back ta tbeir canstituants for support. This is something hie said hes willing ta introduce throstgh a private member's bill. 1 belleve this type of legislatian ia long ovardua. Voters are alraady saying that Canadas political sys- temn is broken, and allowing MPs ta change parties witb no regard for their conatituents just adds iusult ta iujury. I would imagine Turner may once again ha sbarply cnticlzed whan he does came for- ward with tiseproposed legislatian, but 1 trust that he'Il stick ta bis guns. As Turner said iu a statement he released this week: "Our systemn needs more MPs unafralid ta stand up for what îhay believa lu, ln order tai giva the voters more power sud influence. MPs ueed tai he freer, more inde'peudeuî '1 and able ta act tai influence paî- icy, notjust support thse govemn- ment. This la what 1 wll ftgbî - - for. 1 pledge it, daspite the out- came. 1 have been warned of consaquences but am unde- tarrad." If tbis assertion, combiuad with Turners actions in recent days, are any indication of what local residants cati expect of thair MP, I tbink ifs safe ta say Halton". vaica will ha beard lu 0Ottawa. trhe Canadian Chamepion is a proud niedia sponsor for« Jngle Bl Fund OF MILTON TY AUCTION The OSW Milon. îTHFNA SYYMCA ShowcaseMîlo GALA

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