Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Feb 2006, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 17, 2006 - A21 No OUA sweep for Porenta OHF appeal stili pending Bui SCaSOnc'd U 0J J -sw[niic givesfairly impressive effort despite an ill-strîcken inher By STEVE LeBLANC CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF J en Poienta camne away front (ast weekends Ontanio Univcrsity Association (OUA) cbampi- onsbîps wî%-tb mtxed emrotions - atnd loi gootd reason. On tbe one band. tbe 20-year-old University of Toronto swinmmer bad delîvered gold-medal sweeps the prex-ious two seasons -and wasn't exactly ecstatîc about faîling to do so tbis tiie around aI Sudbury's Laurentian University. However, ber overaîl performance was far from disappoînting, and could be consîdered quitte impressîve given the circumstances. 'Recently I bad an inner ear and sinus infec- tion, plus I bad a stomacb tbing before that - basîcally a little bit of everytbing," explaîned Porenta. "Tbis really cul mbt my training. I biad to take îwo weeks off lasi montb and missed a meet in Switzerland. Yeab, I didn'î go mbt provincials in peak shape this year." Nevertbeless, the tbîrd-year unîversîîy com- petitor played a significant role in tbe U of T Blues securing tbeir sixtb straight provincial women's title - collecîing balf-a-dozen medals over tbe three-day meet. Two of those came in relay com- petition, in wbicb Porenia belped establisb two new OUA records - wiîb a big anchor-leg swim in tbe 4x50-metre freestyle and a sîrong opening splîî in the 4x200m freestyle. Fellow Miltonian Kristen Mcllroy was pant of tbe sborter distance relay victory, wbîle U of T broke its own provincial standards in botb races. ~p6 Jen Porenta In indvidual competition, Porentas best efforts were reserved for the 50m butterfly, wbîcb sbe won in 28.85 seconds. Sbe struck silver in ber tbree otber races - the 100m butterlly (1:03.11), 50m frecestyle (26.89s) and 10Dm freestyle (57.54s). 1I didn't do the 200m free Ibis tîme because I jusI wasn'î in sbape for it, and my 5Dm free wasn't exactly greal. But considering bow mucb training I'd missed, 1 swamn a litîle faster tban expected," sbe said. 'Basically it was just a good lune-up for the nationals in LavelI (Feb. 24 to 26)." Mcllroy claimed bronze in tbe 5Dm freestyle- finisbing bebind Porenia and U of T teammate Sasba Tberon - wbîle fellow Miltonian Kayla Augustine was also part of the Blues' cbampi- onsbîp contingent. 4~~ BeArravew %~~ ~ ~ Go placé£es... foi- lessl ________ Algarve, Portugal I wk * Air et Heoce Feb 20 Manzanillo(Cuba> 1 wk e Ail Inclusive Mer- 2 Pateo vlinage Acapulco Casa Illnn GN157 1wk -Breakfast DaiIy Fe 8 S4 AX'4 $499,SO AX '18754 Marea Del Portillo IXtapa $6 9505050, 1lwk 0 Air m: Hotel Feb 28 Holguin Club Asulgo Adantico Puerto Plata wk - Ai Inclusive Feb 22 $ 66 9 suO5 1lwk e Ail Inclusive ma, i Varadero 7 nts - Mi Inclusive Feb 26 Merida 7 nits il Ai Inclusive Feb 22 Los Cabos I wk 0 Ail Inclusive Mer 4 Puerto Vallarta 1 wk * Ail Inclusive mer 6 Hotul Ima $6 7 TAX '248 Allegro, PI.ya Grande $739,X 7 sunlneach Varadero Tampico Club Hmeea Mîrannair ~~7- â wk i Inclusive Feb22, Meri $77 SIIIII15 Reef Yucaum $779 9 '4 Flesta Inn $799.TX'4 P-ai Deo-eneroum eesi f89. ATr Jamaica Royal Deoeero MonSegot Beach Wk0Ail Inclusive Mr4 $97 9A '29056 Manzanillo(M060> c, Deay Club Loe Au"eh Laces 7 ts il Ail Inclusive M.,r3 $79 A26 La Romana Donninicn Day I wk -Ail Inclusive Mar 2 $729 TAN"7 Cancun Hotel MaM Caibe 1 wk - Ail Inclusive Feb 23 $5 99 S/5G4 Mazatlan Holiday Imm Sunapree 1 wk * Air az Hotel Feb 21I ~ 46 9 . SOGN /,0G Bokofn tola at blita e m Local: 416-695S-0-8-38 Ukbh4Iaaga 6Z00 Dlxi Red Sufte # 107 To ollto deature Pck P ie rku eO51parpoison bsdon double ocupany and ld hoI tas an se1.rvchages All [j 00800, -1y .orescu'îluSu, and t1lp8550uulita uM b1P10s6tlea 0yoft htur o peatodîsrhres fo rof e and8 conditions. SUNO Sunquosi , ATH-.Aif Transat Holidays. SUNF = Sunssight SON=Signaite> TS=Ai Transat, 50 Skysruir C6=Canie. WS=WWacJet. Sethe applicable Sunquest brochures fr terme& ondtonî,suad o ,pIte doitaIl Proios sbj.rt, chan a ithou111ot6c fleprt.,ý taxes for Cuba C25 convertible Cuba,- Pesos) an-d Dou,,,ru, Republic ($20 usd) ar oli 1 tdc and mutie pet I060ly Visi u a 150 Ferrand Dr, 6th Flo10 T0oonto ON M3C 3E5 Ont Reg #50010226 and-sec mtode when it tismes ts the reîurn of their bead coach. Suspended December 1 for whaî the Ontario Hockey Association deemed as the paying of two players in contravention t0 their status as ama- teurs, Milton bencb boss and gencral matnager George Dupont is suitl await- ing word on wben an appeal will be heard by the Ontario Hockey Federation. Speaking 0)n behalf of an incom- muntcado Dupornt Wednesday morn- îng, teami owncr Mario Forgione said be feels ils highly unlikely bis bead coach will be back witb the Tier 2jr. A club this season, especially since the Ol-A upbeld its original ruling after an initial appeal las> montb. lime in the playolîs, and ibats a shame because we've go> the opportuniîy t0 make a real run for the Royal Bank Cup," said Forgione. Tbe lceflawks owner bad recently îndicated tha> anotber coacb migbt be brougbt in for tbe post-season, but seemed uncertain if that was tbe besi move wben asked again tbis week. "We may need some more expeni- ence bebind tbe bencb as we go fur- tber int tbe playoffs, but then Joie (Wasbkurak) and Mike (Taratino) seem to be doing a good job and we don't want 10 upset tbings." Dupont remains înterim bead coacb of Forgiones East Coast Hockey League Pensacola Ice Pilots, wbo aren't likely to make the playoffs. INSIDE EVERY CHILD IS A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT Oxford Learning is the only after-school learning program of ita kind for grades one to twelve. First wile pinpoint how your child Iearns using tour Dynamic Diagnostic AssessmentTm. 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