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Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 2006, p. 8

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AB-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Visil us ait www kamdfowo.cm OMNT 487 Laurier Ame 878-2881 S u rv iving a s t-rok e Local man shares his story during Heart Month By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF hcybe rememrber it like îî S,as Nester- day Januavy 2, 2000. lE wasa Sundav mornming, hike any otber, until -15-year-olà Bill Scbofield attempied to get EAuX of bcd. lmmnediately lie feli os v, but bis head on a dresser and fell back inio bd. lHe couldnit ialk or mos'e tbe righi side of bis body. Ibis %vife, Joio.e, said sbe knem- troim flis siptoins he %vas baving a strokec and inimediaivly dialed 911. Their daugbier, KrisEine. %vas lh ai tbe Tome and saîd sbe renicinbers standinog oSUT- side and wvaiing to lag dlown tbe aiiibti lancec. lei %%as initOiiVl was tbe wvorst day îof nos lue., sbce saidL "Our dads lIe outr licro My' brcoîbcr anod 1 iOnev Ebouglol ans iig could bappen Xo beit.- Doctors coniid tbai Scbcleld bad sul- fered a8 200,9550 c seetokc, antd tîld Jiitcv loe os as l2'2 e\peciCd Eto it 05 cr, BOut e-choolicîcIli 10811teci plans. lic spei cigli da\s i80 te InniveiO ( aic U nit ai M iltoXn Distivct il IspoCal 611. s si ceo scnt borne. seill haicly able eo spCak cor \vs , Bt oser the nce feso iooontios, bit hK hîi[ lic re-gaiid bess (orLs anod ronciei . 10d.A5 inless one lisienCLI cîlosely o lois speech ii Ot one wo)uld kiios lic'd stificrcd a strokse be as is a good das foor oiC. Scbofîeld said., adding lie cou'îoes loimself among tbe lucky onesý desptec the kici ibere are words 80 ibis day bc canE' say aloud. 'Somne day-s 1 talk hetier, somne worse.- 'Vitb February heîng Heart Monîb, Scbofield wants to sboare bis sîory and enforce tbe importance of regular docior cbeck-ups to bclp prevent beari attacks and strokes. "If I'd gone to my doctor firsi, (ibere would bave been) no stroke,- Scbofield saîd. 1 tell people ai noy job to go to tbe doctor once a year." His stroke acîually îumred oui tE) be a blessing in disguise, because it alerîcd doc- tors to tbe prc-cxisîing beari condition ibat caused it. Scbofield bad scarring on bis aor- tic valve, whicb mosi Iikely caused block- ages in the blood vessels in tbe braîn. Scbofield was told be needed beari sur- gevy witbin six montbs or be would die. Four monîba afier tbe sîroke, doctors replaced bis aoruic valve witb a meebanical one. Two montbs later, be reîumned to bis job as a communications electrician. Scbofield was lucky - be got a second GRAHATCI PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION STROKE SURVIVOR: BiH Schofield, wvho uvee1.dtTe a miassive stroke, gels a hug f rom his wif e, Joice. chance. (.arolyri Seahroook-Fer-guson, the oc eart and Stroke Foundanion's area manager for HaltEon, said despote education effoArts, many people stili don't undersîand wloaî a stroke is and bow îî differs fromn a beari aîîack. Tbey're hotb caused by tbe samne tbing- a hlood sessel blockage. A strEoke occurs wben ibat blockage is îo tbe braîn, and a beari atîack is wben uts to tbe beart. "Its jusi random wbcre tbat blockagc occurs," Seabrook-Eerguson said. In botb cases, a huild up of cbolesîcrol in tbe artenies breaks free and travels tlorgb tbe blood sîream. If tbe dlot lodges wbcre an artery is narrow, tbe blood supply - to tbe brain or beart - is eut off, eaUsing a bcart attack or stroke. A beart attack is often cbavacterized by seveve cbesi pain, wbile symptomns of a sîroke may include loss of muscular control, loss of sensation or consciousness. dizziness or slurred speec. The Heari and StrEoke Foundation ,vorks in tbrcc areas, Scabrook-Fcrguson said- prevenîton, adv'ocacy and researcb. Tbe foundcation works to edlucatc peXople, giving tbem plenty of ways to improve tbeir bealîb. Somne of tbose include caîing bealîb- Ter, less fait>, foods, minîmizing Unbcaltby ivans fats consumed, increasîng consump- tion (0f fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weigbt and încreasing pby'sîcal activiiy. "Bing bealîby in general reduces y'oor nisk of botb bcart attack and stroke,-' Seabrook-Fcrguson saîd. Sbc recommends tbat people monitor tbeir blood pressure - it can bc taken at most dvug stores or pbarmacies - and dis- cuss it witb ibeor doctors. A bigb blood pres- sure creates a larger visk for a beari attack or sîroke. Tbis monîb, Seabrook-Ferguson is erieouraging Milton residents t0 give to the s olunîeev carivassers - tberc arc more tban I,200 in Halion - going door-to-door. "If you gei a canvasscv, please recognize tbey,'rc voluntecving ibeir îiîne in tbe freez- ing cold," sbe saîd. Wbaî followcd Scbofield's beart surgery was montbs of often fvustrating rebabilîta- tiXen and speecb iberapy 1 bougbt bim somte kindergarten flasb cards and pretty mucb taugbî bim bow to talk again,' Kvîsîinc saîd. As for ber dads progress. Krisîîne said it was -kind of like a miracle.' Altbougb doctors don't know if Bill wvill ever fully recover from bis speecb limita- tions, be looks on tbe bvigbt side. "Its a bad tbing, but l'm lucky to bc avound. l'm not dead yet," bc said. Stephanie Thiessen carn be veached at sthiessengj_)nîilooncanadianchampion. com. 7YCGECQ Cogeco Cable Channel 14 Programming Schedule - Tuesday, February 14 - Monday, Februay 20, 2006 11*l L.ocal bSYUSIOn EX Se ri086N Lrve 1 00m Hahon HilI Cococcil 12.00pm Swap ealk (eplay 100p Hatoeygo FI Eci 4 I VOsports JI A 10 30m TOOSpon JoA 1 00pr Haion Region lReay eb 6 2006 5 e0p 9 00pm Plugged ln' EXTRA Courût FeE 8 2006 Hockey PlayofTe Hockey Playoflo Couneol Fee y 2006 w w w .cogeco.ca 5 00pm Ploîged In' EXTRA 4 OOom y 8 Apm Plugged le' EXTRA 9nm Hafton yeRe n i>%m P8.ged Tl EXTR 6 0OTm Plugge( le, EXTRA 6 00pm HaRton Reo 40m ROOP0po Plugged W' EXTRA 6:W1M Plqon' n EXTRA 8:Upne Swap TaIA(Live) CourûtlFec82006 6 00pm - 9 Opm Plugged le EXTRA 7 00pm TVC Spots ESC Coucl Reb 8 2006 8:00M ipoetiZiNE LMv NORTH MALTON STUDIO y DOm Auto Experts 0p- Midnigh P îîed In EXTRA ASOpe ToC Sos jrA Hockey (Live) 1 NDpm MidrigtPIoggo le' EXTRA 900pm- Micdoîget ploîged In! EXTRA (ENe) Hockey Playoffs Omahavcs Hamiten Lare Plaz 92 Haton ylls cîoeoîil 11Opet- MdneîhtPlugged le' EXTRA 10 009mv MidnighPlogged le EXTRA 500 Laurier Avenue Mikon, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306

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