A34 - The Canadian Champion, Tuonday, February 14, 2006 "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. h. Luwyer 11084 Fifth Line, Milton P .905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuela Q. lam thinkng of ueparalangfrom my upoune and wat to know how I can proiecti mv anuclu. A: Tber ar may b ngs yon can du ru prureer your vssets. Yuu du nr need u, lose everyttiing durîng yuur divorce. Using theve suggestions mîghr betp. i. Tcy to settie yoor separaflion amicably. The mure acrimnirrius ir iv. the bîpher yrrur tegit tees wrît be. If yîrr and yîiurvsptuse can negoîrate issues subher bhan gor tri trial, vrout can sare renfiî ihousands ut dullars. 2. Uise mediation. Medrairn iv tbe ioti ctist-etfecttse way rot setitng the tegat issues n heu yuveparate. As udtl. yrru aird yiiur spruse are more trtety Iu stick tri a rîîedîaîed seultemient tb.în a cort rîrder. rsbrch wîil sare yrra frum grrrng bact tri court agaru aird agaîn ru tIre upcrîrrîrg years. 3. Sta> invoised with the famili finances, tlis coriiin thar une spouse Ituits afrer the fa nlys hfnances and the rîther driesit gel mnrrtrd. tf siturtin 't kîilou your finances. y ru cai easrlN Si' bheaîed. t. Use a marriage coniract or a cohabitation agreenment. The usas the lais dîsîdes assers rîben yrrnr relatrrnsbrp ends ntas no(î be tbe way yuu thin, iv fair. B> enierîng muro a marrnage sirniraci oîr a cubabitation agreement ai the begrnnrng rît yrrur retatrrrusbrp. yrru and yuur patiner can agree un hou the assers are ru ire dis îded tf tbîngs do nut work ui. 5. Evaluate joint batik accoonts. If you juvi ignorre yrrar joinft batik accurus, yuu may trnd ibat yuur spoure bas raken at]t hi muney. 6. Cancel joint credit cards, fimes of credfit and loans. Tbis vhoud be dufle a.s soon as poissible, tir eIse you cu d be respirusible liii large bills run up b> yrrur spruve. Nesi monîb rie utît touk ai moire ssays yoî sari pîtitesi yriur asvetv a Melissa L. Coulson Chartered Accountant Offertng services of accounting, audttng, bookkeeping & taxation 35 Hugh Street, Milton Mei .Cnutsnn CA (905) 876-4633 Q. lt'u RSP uenison arnd lm planning ru cuntribute. Ercone telis me fitai ira a tax write off but what doen ihat mean exactly? Contrîbnting ru au RSP mîrîts îmrrtod -yrru ger arras break b> drrrng vo and you pelthie benefit tif sasîugs thar prou river rime. Wben yu contrîbure ru arr RSP. the amurit iv ,rpptitrd agaîrîvi yrrur eacned rurutrîr ru 2)5. Su lets va> inn earued $4) .1() ai yrrîr place of emptoymenî ru 21)5 and yrru sirutribirte $51510X tri an RSP. Yrîur employer woutd be ratrug tiff taxes assuniug that yrru wIll be rîîakrug your satary uf $40.000f( but uit yonr rucome tas returu. yuu are taxed on $35.000 ut earntngs. Wben yrru file yrrur 21)5 tas return. yrrn would be entitîrd ru artas refnnd un the $5.001 difference ibat ytiu'se atready pard the ras on. Tbe amunts in an RSP gruw user rime and tbe gains that yrrur RSP mates are not iaxed ru yu untît you wîrbdraw. Frrim a tas perspective. tbe srraregy iv rife ut r.untrburtng when yuu are ru a bîgb rus brueker ruking adsautage rîf the maximum deductiun you prussibt> eau on yur ineume taxes and then wîrbdrawîug tbe amoufits in a tomer tas brueket Inter n rben you retire. CRA altows you ru crîntribute ru an RSP up ru vour Oeduction Lîmîr. Tbis amiruft is detaited on tbe botrrin ut yuur 2(X)4 Notice rît Asvevsmeut and es an important figure for yrrur financiat planfler tir be aware ut. Yon base unt Marsb t. 2006 ru cuntribute tri yrrur RSP and strît appt> il ru yur 20015 rax renrn. Be sure tir discuv RtrP's %itt yîrur trurausiat îrl.nrrr antI tas prepîrer. Tlirre ire great heieucts Sorti lrrrm a ris perspec.tive andl a tiniiat planning perspuective tio Iri mg erri Stelissa ('tinn iv r ('tied Ai.siunIianI tiisatd ti drîrsîrw Msiltoit SlI t)iiiiits issiuiiitrrg. us . .uifiii î andl tioiittsepiiig wiic ît t indu% riits anI ci itir.rni Eluyno Tanner & Associalos (ne. Elayne M. Tanner B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DlP SOC. ADM. ~" Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner www.etasolutions.com Q: Wht dues relf-esteein have to do with relationuhipu? A: Imagine that as an adult yrru grew up to heua water jug. And every time you give of yourself. yrru pour out some svater. Sonie of your wuter pours into your work, your spouse. your frîends. your church. your soîcial fle. And if vtu hase children-your wutcr just pîrurs otut, because chridren are needy. Pretty soion, your waler level is low, but your darling chiidren gise you a hug, and your jug filîs stime; yrru do welI ut svurk, play a grear tennis game, hase a nice dinner with your spîtuse and each rime, yrrnrjug filis up soitne more. Thrngs that nurture you. filI yrrur jug but .giving' takes nmire tout. Because you reached adulthood xvîth a faîrly fulIJg nyrytu cari keep the level high. But what if ycîur adult jug ivas ver> Irrîs' What if, ishen yrîu svere a lîttle jup. tit tite loosk rtre tinte tir effoirt ru fil] ytiu upi Ir irtakes tl rîuch harder tri kccp yrrur arlult levcîs hrgh errrugh rf jiru svcre uever ceai)> fnil. Nrrs think of' your jug as berng lîiled wîith scif-esteeru. If yriu did flit get tl filied in chîldhood, tl wii) bc harder tri keep a positive evc) rîf self- esteenu in adulthrrd. If' yrru are attracted tri a pantner whtt bas losv self-esteena ant i vll be cîruntîng on yrru tri keep bis/ber level full, this ili drain yrîu unlcss yrrur self- esreemn iv vo high that yrru are able rto keep filring up your pannrer. If this xvorks for both of you, grear. but if treither of yon mants t0 be respninsible for the rîther's self-esteeni, you shouid each rake cure rtf filling yîîur owu jug first and theri cuira> sharing equaily. - H FL Pt1N(G Y0U i E HILtP YOL' R S EL F D.Ron Strohan D.Optometrist SWakefield Professional Centre î 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Rom ntrolron 9 5 8 8 5 8 Optometiot 9 5 8 8 5 8 An Opportunity for you to be Heard, if flot SEEN t aursi iu oe foîr polîfrcs, but t hast' a ciricerut for soit, the public. AndI 17 vears iil uit changes ru fîxtirsif irtvestiug rnu 'tr rare i comîng ru au eud. Ou Febrars' 1th tif ibis vear the Miuitlrv rot flaltu wîlI meet i'h our Assrciationu. A meeting Ihaf iv liiu5r uer dire, rud posfpuued lime ant ime agaiu. Please check oui tIre followrug weh vite developed ru iuform sou of the grisemimeuis iactics ou sour eye care. http:/www.preserveyoursigbt.co/ Visit thre home page. Iu the site vout wîlI frud hum the govemmeut ut Ontario bas urglecf cd eyecare support for lIre public, andI lias tumned the ear amay froîn the Ontario Association of Optometrisis concemrs You wîlI hind it informative in a mas thal mosi people do oi realîze wbal the gusemrmeul iv recogrrihing as the salue o) vour vision aud heal h. Once sout hase read the web site, use the "TAKE ACTION" buttor lu rate the initiative andI write the Minisier ut Health cîrnceruiîrg yoînr future in yîrur healih care, andI huw s'ir feel ahut the changes ibat have occurred ti lIre pasi sears. As Oplumetrîsîs rihi rare foîr vii, the girsemiment fOntario bas trrcd off ris cars andI bas ignored yîîur rare foîr almusi 17 vears. Ant Ies conutinue lii nidutre vorii rtcevvihilils, andi iiicrr'.tv the rîvk rît flinitss tatt dîssase ru tit' prihtirý This iv vtiiriiprntiitv tir vpr'îk ouîtý.... vii plirsu' xx rir' tînt rîaki' i iîi 'nrîr' p1revnin iv lte on/y ary. /xîî't if tinte fite Gonii'rîîrctt nîcteil ti (Iot su? ~,. I~'4~M (Hom.) B. Sc., AMP 75 Main St., Ste. 10 Milton Medicai Buildings 905-878-0800 fli Bobbi Stntat Cathîent Molantot Apan Weaver RMT gBSn., AMT ........sag heay efeolg 1 have a desk job and suifer front chronie neck and shoulder pain. What could be causing titis? Most people with desk jobs will inevitably suifer fromn neck and shoulder pain in their careers. The human spine is simply not designed to sit in a chair for 8 hours a day. Most commonly. the pain cornes from improper posture that leads to spinal curvature prrablems. In this case, a head-down or head-forward posture for long periods of time leads to a decrease in the concave curvarure in the back of the neck. This is called loss of cervical lordosis. The hallmarks of this condition are chronic neck and shouider pain. headaches, and limited range of motion in the neck. The inusclcs in the back and vides of the neck. cspccially underneath the skull. are ver> ttght and sore. with spasmtng. Serious problems such as aribritis and degetterative disc disease can arise down the line when spinal vertebrac adapt ro the straightened curvature, change shape and degenerate at an accelerated pace. The condition is not irreversîble. Hcuwever. it does take tim to improve. Naturally. the faster you catch this problem. the casier tt xviii be to treat. It involves deep tissue work and manipulations to stretch certain muscles and ligaments, with daily exercises ro reestabliuh proper curvature. The client will also be educated to correct contributîng postural tssues and given instruction to ergononcally set up their workstarion. Chic Hou': Mon-irI. 8-0 e BKt 10-2 * Cloud S.daY * - M ggTHOMAS TREL MILTON REAL ESTATE AT UT'S BEST THOMAS www. miton pro perties.ca uAssr. frh garylhomas@remax.net Q: What cao 1 do to prepare may home for salt? A. Simple Advice.. Reurruxe Clutter This s% the hardes( thing for most people ru du because they arc ettiotonalli attached ru cscrything in the huse. AIrer ',ears of livting in the same hume. cIntrer culcts iu such a wv that may arîr bc cx tdenr ta the bumcawncr. Hirver. tl ducs affect the tvay buye rs sec the hute. even if yu do flit realize tl. Clutter cullects on shelves. couanter torps, drassers. crivers, garages. attics. aitd basemte ntsv Take a step back and pretend yrrr are a buyer or let a friend belp Puinr tint areas tif cIntrer. A real estate agent can belp toct' The tîtchen is a gond place ru stant remuvrng clutter. because tl is an easy place ru stant. Firvi. pet eserythrng tiff the courers. Frnd a place ishere yuu can store eseryting ru cabinets and drawers. 0f course. you ruay notice that yuu du flot base cabinet space lu put everytbing. Clean îbem oui. Tbe disbes. pots and pans Ibat rarely pet used? Put îbem in a hou and put thai box in sitrage, tron. Many people base trio mncb fururrure in certain rîrrmv. nor too mucb for your rrxn persirnal living needs. but too mncb lu gise the illusion rot space ibar a hîimebityer rsould lîke tri see. Get sumri ideas frontr style niagazinres and brime improsemeur relevsstîr shus ru ushar tIo remuse and xxbat tri case ru yrrur hîruseý Baseuitrs. garages. ntics. and sheds accumulate nr unty cliter, but rîtk Tttesc aiteatvhiiud tbch as etttpty as possible vît bhar bttî is cat ima.gîine \iv iii theý y îrrld dît i the spase. Rerrîrîe tniihirg biat i, i esseial and rite t tir ibe stirige ('icriz ýiv rittch i teu Sîi.c a, u irt ind tte -sOl.[ sigu mn £oi crip~qi If vou have anv questions these 'i i i g i -lu M