Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Feb 2006, p. 30

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30- h Caa 'lesveamae)n,ý Frtclay Februevy 10, 2006t 1 îile O £tïi.vxhk bedver SUlPYOHi 1 'O K -ï needed to assemble Vavaitable for a The Qakoîlle Beaver, a division of Metroland REQUIRED products, stufiing en- responsibe, Publishing and Distributing Ltd.,th vlps ain/r- efmovtd is seeking an eaperîenced Looking for individaala interested in working with vees, aîing pr u- si- iae u:emm ebrs thuue in a busy service atmosphere and aire skilled chlrnadaat ihdvlpetldsbl ean iculars, individuelin na t hnute:loue of gardening with our cusnomers We need SPECIAL FEATURES EDITOR ities in the Haltoni Regloir. Provide parent relief pe/clerical corSavel.ngeiaoiie. enre:adabitous people ro become integral reembers of ou: Reportîng ta the Advertioîng Director, the Speciai or teach new skiffs. Saccessful candidates wîlî upto$ 50/k s lnei otqe 9t009temexp. needed. free in- 15-3Olhrs pe r week. Features Editor is responsîble for editorial content ber hîred by the family. fo: www.canadian- Emnail resume t0: and layour of ir-paper features, as well as any ad- Pieane fax resumres te: 905-849-6980 workfromhome.com leahhll@ cogeco.ca - **dîtional opecial publications. or emaîl: respiteîyrtattnaupportsernîces.ca reference 3-t1f6 or fax: 905-637-5748 Terra W aterdo wnThe ideal candidate will have strong writîng and I;; e.n-cr ept Mange Warehous Pes - Sipn/eevn Sles s ouresumre n MSeWOrD forake: TRTrarehuerr com r in umn Rsucs er Greeneuse Ha O&re Pon FCtIr Coceain agterRI, raWaterdownOLR HFa:9-6-10 Theradus7lct iion 0f altnhda ruaese tual eried the noniusin n Mi ian rets 2 5equaîfîd c ndida e cwl e imtvaein depen er sel ot 1rct proerrc ecordnse YMa inpseoecetciten adw vera com munîca tior kloadb aîirct icrosf cue aplctions.à cîl be lsened ar capabl e 0fmein regSa m WORD budgets. o IfysR ou îerrG rlose o f or edr nai 5e med ant tn R sortuit mera Iftre sted pleiHetad yO urue, o itCnesstitan FEbasytI, #1 200610:wn ON eLOIR.cornFax: 0)2-1884 aoppciat Use c the et of Iapicnnfro hcte y roe a inele fra it erviiew thl e caonHat o pane calsoraesm pleam e The Milton Canadian Champion Circulation Departmvnt Requires PART-TIME STAFF Applicanta must. *Be abie lx csrk Taesdap & Frîday eveninga -Be avaifahie tcx cxrk t4 - 20 Saurs per 'week -Be abie tai do defîveres -Hase scn vehici e and vaid driver license -Work cef cilli minimal supervisian - Be a qaics leamer -Be very reliable ana responsibie -Have a protessîxnaf phxne manne: -Be omortable cîth computera & xffice eqaipment Please send your resume and avaliability schodule te: Cheryt sabineau e-mail: cbablneau Omiltoncanadianchampln.comt Fax: (905) 878-4057 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE edîtxrîal skills with a proticîency in Microsoft Wxrd and QuarkXpress. A warsing krscledge of Photo- shop ix abso requîred. Familiurlp cith Macintosh- based platfxrm la mandatarp. This position re- quires a persanable indîvîdual with excellent origar- oxational xkîlls and the abilîty to manage multiple taxks rn a deadlîne-drisen envîrarment. The ability ta wons with mirîmal supemisixn, ao cel au in a tesm envirxnment is essential. The candidate muat xwn a reliable vehicle as sxme drîsîng cîlI be re- quired. Please forward your resume ne liter than, FEbrua 101h. Ou Kelly Montague, Advettstng Otrector The Oakvttte Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oikvlte, ON. L6K 3S4 COMING SOON TO BURLINGTON JYSK BED-BATt-l-HOME Ix actively exariding xp- eratians and cîlI ssxn open a 241h JISK Canada store in Our new Budingtxn location. Wle are loxk îng ta fill FIT &l P/ positn in the tollawing areas: Sales/Merchandisers Cashiers Warehouse/Shipping & Receiving Assistant Managers We oeek highlp matîvated indîvîduals cîth excellent retal experience and commurîcation skîlls. Hard- corkirg, reheable and responsîble indîvîduals wiii have an excellent opportsnitp for career growth and succeso cîthîn the JYSK networv. JYSK BED-BATH-Home is an operatior of JYSK Worldwide wilh over 1000 stores in Europe. JYSK opecîalîoea in furnîture, seasona prodvct, liena, maîtresaea, duvets ard pîlloca pls much more. Pleaae fax your reoume bp Feb. 22nd, 2006 tai the attention of: Chris Radcliffe, Fax: 604-472-0769 Lot Persan required Monday tai Friday 8-5 @ Budds" BMW Oakvlte. Responsihilities include, maîntaînîng lot, washîng & mxvîng vehicles plus varîxux nîher dulies. Must have valîd drivems lîcense, dlean drivîng record & abiiity tx drive manual transmission. Brtng resumne Io Budds' BMW 2454 South Service Rd. W. Attn: Mark Raser CUSTOMER SERVICE RER GLIODEN PAINTS, a leader in the coatîrga indus- try ana part of the ICI Croup World Wîde. Sas a full tîme position suailable ut sur Oakvillv location. Vos must posses otrong interpersonal akîllo. cori well cilS a tvsm and independenly, Prevîous exper- ence in She paînts industry would be an asset but training os uvaîlable. You wiii be responsîble for semîicîng ou' commercial and retal customers. ablîtp of 10 St-8Qîbo o requîred. Excellant remu- neration, berefîts and gracth potential, Pleine drap eft a resame le: Harold Wilson, 500 Speers Rd, Gattaille. ADULT CARRIERS We are seekîng individuals, preferablv wîth experi- ence rn daar-to-dsxr defivery, cho wauld huke 10 loin aur team ai independient cortractors deliverîng an important Oakvl e publicatior Wedneodayo, Fni- daps and Saturdaps each week. These positions require aduhxs cho are reliabf e and conscientious and are best suited ta those cho en- aIy the ouldoors and an incame baxed on the amount of carS thep perform. To explore, pleine contact Bob i 416-720-1666 or 905-637-8795. J':- Trupstar Excitinq New Career Opportunity North Amerîca s tasteat growîng SeuIlS and viel- nreaa compvny is now lookîng for Managera and Management Traîneeo, Opporlunîty of a lîtetîme, Remuneralson from $22K for Traînees 10 $55K+ for qualified Managera. Pieuse vend resumes Io centeriobs@truvstvrheulth.com Milton Canadiani Tire su crrentie isslsing tor '~~/ AUTOMOTIVE '~' TECHNICIANS/ W' APPRENTICES ' W Front Counter Staff Busy Ohop requires addit:urral Lîcensed Technicians/Apprentices Contact: Mr. David Steeves Fax: 905-878-0180 POSITIVE THINKERS with people skilîs needed fsr the one of the fasteat grxwing companies in Canada! Truestar for Wnm- en. Il psu have a background in the health and weliness industry and sr sales experience pleaxe aend pour resumne 10: centeljobs@truestarhieab.com FREE TRAINING Lxîdlaw ix lxokîng for RETIREES and HOMEMAKERS Tojfoin our GREAT TEAM of Schsol Bus Drivers 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 Pant-rime anima care position avaîlabie ar REDWOOD PET RESORT. Dunies inciade cieaning, ieedîng of doga and cars. Ourdoar work. Walirig and supervision ot dxgs in piaptime. Experience preterred bat ii train. OSitabie for student. Transpxrtation required. Shifts inciade somte eveninga, weevendo and haidapo. Wages are $7.50 ta $tO.00/nr wirS expenience. E-mail reaume tei: redweod@red- weeeIpetreserom or fax te: 90"-78-1154. i.OD,OKN i. s TVIFILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Adulîs & Kids (2&ap) needed for TV & Film Assigomenfs Ns Fees, No Courues C ai: (416)221-3829 53u0l Dive TS:rE Baedenf i Fi Kthnand Bathroom store reqaires manager 10 set xp and maintain, neve tor intheCiavile/issssagborder areaRetaîiesperencrequired.) Fxor entaIt resume with saîary ruby@iazkagraup.con- fax 905-815-0554 Son&SpaHelp p a Help Prmer ay Spa openirig in Georgetown seeka entSu- siast, ax endable experienc proossionals S dcate o dinq aupevo quaneir semvces.I vou want Io or wil aprfesina taminan upscale but relaae & 1renl j envnment pleasy emnai yor resîîme o jri fothespaonmain. o ofex ao 905453-6267. We onte competiOie ourlv salar v ommena ae envh ex erence, rlus comm 1so Licensed Esîheicias min. 5 pears eaper- ence for exlab- lished medîca dap enl. "M'yr pay spa. Busin:ess starting @ $t0îhr minded, orga- +commission/ lic. nîoed, outgoing, Super benefitstanus eaceptionaly 905877675 Tans af Training professiona. Apprenticeo Weîcome A self-starter wîith We Will Train! abifity toi lead and molivale staff. crer r-irne era Bonases and HOMEWORKERS NEEDEDI! , r profisharing To Assemble Producta Stufflag Envelopes, Mail- Cul905220061 - îng\Prncessîng Cîrculurs, PC/lerical Work Faxrî-6e Avaîlable. Up To St .500lWeeS. No Experience 90570450026183 Neodedi FREE information uit wwnCanadianWorkFromHome.com Reference. 3-t t3- kiedi Sïiled & Looking for work? Cail - Stevens Resource Croup 905-878-7789 OAK VILLE based repair company la ~ DETAILER Iooking for a ~ ~WANTE0 Bilingual (FrencslEngiah) Expenience pretemred Cuxtomer Semvice but nat necessary. reprexentative. Competitive ciages. Campetitive salarp and henlefits. Cai Tyler or Tracy: Eoperience preferred 905-875-0660 but cil f train. Fax: 90"-75-3741 Pleie focard or in persen at Pleae foward Moffatt Autowerka resurne to: 761 Main St. E., 905-825-2538 Uanit 4, Milton wwwhaltonSearch.COMn ,ea- REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY j~SERVICE ADVISOR Immediate positian avaîlable fan experienced ser- vice adoîsor. Must have Jurevisus Ford eaperierce and Reynod & Reynolds comnputer experience. Tap salary and bonus Io thre rigirI indîvîdua. Please fao resume ta: 905-844-4472 Afin: Gerry Manning Semice Manager ar emal 10. gmanningzxaklandfxrdlincoln.ca Please note, only aelected candidates wil Se notified. 570 Trafalgar Rd. OakviIIe (at the QEW) 905-8441-3990. rrv' gnvto& earc seeks professianafls cîtn 5+ pers ep.Carnr.drîca, tilng, electrcal & pumingabliiesa ust Msthave good drive rvcord and your ocr tols. Uniform & companv vehîcle provîded. - 1- MEMBER SERVICES We recuire a cuotom- or drîven professional to execate mane taxks încludîng sales, neceptian & clerîcal. strang communication skîlls & abifrty 10 be accurate chule mufti- taskîng ix essential, Must be avaif. samne ceekends/evenings. Pleaxe cal & submît po: resumne 10: llndaburden@ fourtortyrfltness.corn 440 Pearl St,. But. Lînda Burden 905-639-1440 GENERAL HELPER WANTED FOR PAINT & WALL COVERING COM PANYV MUST BE ENERGETIC. WILL TRAIN. CALL 905-876-4414 .~U ..... ]EAUiOl à HAIýRýSTYL1STS e/ar-ý' For

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