Milton Players production pr~'de~s aiunt itiglil oW Sweet. Fuiiiy. Poignant. Tboughtful. Memorable. These are just a few of the words that spruug to miitd after taking in the Milton Players' latest show, The Curions Savage. Friday nigbî at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. Wiih an armload of lessous to be gleaned. ibis is one of those plays you'll find yourselt discussing afterward aitd it seems. if ruy boyfneund and 1 are any indication, that everyone gathets a difféent message. Esseuially. it's about simpletous ssho are surprisiugly ivise and pro- fessionals svho are pathetically foolish. lits about making the most oui of life. no marier svhai the cîr- cumstanees, aud appreciatiug those svbo have a different outlook. 1 strongly urge anyone looking for a fun nighî ont to take advan- rage of this eharming story. The play revolves around the sharp-tongued Ethel Savage svho's sent to a sauitariumn by ber greedy stepchildreu svho can't compre- hend ber desîre to dole ont the money from ber husband's inheri- tance ibrongh ber memorial fund. This fund is for trise people svbo wauî to pursue their foolisb dreams. It's for people -like Mrs. Savage -wbo've lived their entire lives doiug acceptable. proper things who want to experience life on a whim. 1 decided to help others hase the tîtolisb tiîgs tbey alsvays ivat ed.' she declares. Sharotn Beddoes' bard work por- imaying someone ucb older thati berself bas paid off. Frîim ber mari- tterisms to ber dress tri lier voice. Mrs. Savage is es'ery bit the îîld womnaî. Set in the 1950s, the opeuing scene introduces the audience tii a bodgepodge of characters wbo live togetber iu The Cloîsters. Tbey're oftbeat. naisve aîîd sligbtly delu sional in onue way tir anoîber. The> 're aist i îcredibly lîkeable. There's Faîry May, played by Veronica Heruandez. air insecure girl who ueeds to be told eacb day she's Ioved and revels in being the beauty of the gronp -eveti if sbe's not. The sensitive, s îîlîn-îoîiîîg Hannibal -played by Dan Patch -tbînks lies a musiciati, and ouly the clear-miîtded Mrs. Sas age kuosvs bes auytbing but. The sceuîîgly rigbî-miîtded Florenîce is hetrayed svbeu a dîtil is ini.roduced to Mrs. Savage as ber son. There's Jeffrey, played by Brian Crainford. wbo's not quite the same after rernrnîng from war, and the grumpy Mrs. Patty, played by Le.iune Dalgliesh, svho's sulent except to recite ail the thiugs she hates in life. The group quickly ivins over the audience, thanks in no small pari to the skills otf the actors. Mrs. Savage's three %tep chil- dreri, played by Geofi Ford, Eleatror Gribboît atîd nesvcomer Ben McFarlane are convincingly unlîkable. especially svheu they find oui tnotber dearesi bas hîdden $10) million aud won't tell themn svbere. The leugîhs to wbicb they'i1 go to get their bauds on the money niakes for some very bumorons sit- uationîs. Not tii be It out, Tini Beddiies anîd Lynette Austin are wonderful in their roles as doctor and sanitar- tutu director. Remaiiiing shows rii Tbursday aird Friday at 8 p.m. for sbowv-only performnances and Saînrday for a dintrer ibeatre sviib dînner ai 7 p. aird curtit cali at 8: 15 p.m. Ttckets cosi $15 for the show and $35 for the dînîter ibeatre aud are available ai Tielemans Interiors, Boutique 188 oir by calling (9(05) 875-0629. .Stî'jiiiîîie Tliieso, cai be meac/tel aii sOiiessen Cal niflto,îîîtno- dfianiitîinipioni.coni. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - A9 Family fun this Saturday at a lainily fnn event this Satuîday. Frorn 10 arn. to 2 p.m., Milton Community Nursery School will hold its Family Fun Day at Southside Cornrunity Church. The entire cornrnunity is invited to corne out and take part in a variety of eventa including story âme, by the Milton fie and a silent auction. Three-tirne Juno award winner Jack Grunsky will perfonn a concert at il a.rn., and Lofty the Clown will also visit. Tickets coat $12 per aduit, $7 per cbild and $35 per farniy and are available by calling the Milton Cornrunity Nursery School at (905) 878-7007. rT."BXC-W 547 MaTin St E. MILTO 878093 1;