A10 The Canadian Cnampion, Tuesday, February 7, 2006 *RPR FO THoE 0OA1 AHEAI Next courses: 2 WEEKENDS 4- DAYS Saturday & Sunday March 13, 14, 15 & 16 j 9:30 arn - 4:15 pm 9:30 am-4:15 pm Feb. 11/12 & 18/19 905m875480 www.youngdrivers.com YOUJNG DRIVERS@of Canada Your licence to survive. ISO 9001:2000 wwwý.youngdrivers.com Registered MT PRVOBSNNER DSRER EDCTO OREPROr Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara Kilmury MILTON DISTRICT 110H SCHOOL Exanîs are finaiiy over and sindents ai Milton District are getting ready for a svhoie nesv sernester fîlied svith new subjects, people, teachers, atnd (groan) assigninents. Not to svorry, svith the upcoining events pianîied lor second seniester. June wiii bc here before you knossý il'. For ail of you sports fans out there gel ready ior two exciting nights of professional sporis. On March 8th the Student Athietic Association (S.A.A) are taking students svho are interesîed in basketbaii or just svaît to have a night oui with tniends to the Air Canada Cenier to waich the Toronto Rapiors take on the Cleveland Cav aliers. Grab sonie friends and gel your permission forn into Mrs. Kahn. or Mr. Hamilton, or any S.A.A executives to reserve a spot on the bus as space is iimited! Basketbal not your thing) Weil then flot to worry the S.A.A has also planned a trip to the Sky Domne to watch the Blue isys Home Opener! In April students wiii be able to heip kick off the Jay's season, one we hope to be the best yet! See Mrs. Kahn or Mr. H-amilton, for permission forms. Roses are red, violets are bilue, 1 just love Valentines Day don't you? For those students in gr's. il and 12 get dressed in your best and corne on out to MD's annuai semni-formal. This year we hsve moved the date up to Feb I 7th and the theme wilI be "Sweetheart" in honour of Valentine's Day! Girls, get shopping for that, perfect dress and boys even though you aren't overly thriiied about wearing a tie, just do us a favour and grin and bear il! Seniors: As you're heading into second semesters; full with new textbooks and new challenges don't forget that even though you oniy have one semnester lefi of high sehool (scary thought!) don't slack. Work harder than you ever have before so that when those acceptance letters corne rolling in you have something to celebrate with aiong with your friends. Weil that's it for this week but in the meantime take it easy mustangs! "DATELI1NE DRIJRYl" Nathan Michelle Malt Lmonstra Dubois Lalonde E.C. DRURY HgDro SCHOOL Sorry. No report this week. Welcome back to Semnester two. Watch for Dateline Drury to return February 14. ""THE ROYAL6 REPORT"9 Eutn iieleringiot Lindsay Jsios Camern Smilh Julia Aîddaii Breanna Ciaîcy DISHGP REDINO 116B SCIGOL Congratulations, BR! Semester one exams are officially over and everyone can stop cramming and resume their normal sleeping schedules. There is much to look forward to in the second semester: a fresh schedule, different teachers, new sports teams to try out for, the senior trip ti) Greece & ltaly, and graduation for the grade twelves! Semester two is another hurdle to cross as the grade nines finally feel comfortable in the high school environment and the other grades look forwvard tu finishing off another year. Coming up this semester in the wvorld of sports is the spring and summer season. This means you have the opportunity to try out for such amazing sports as, badminton, tennis, golf, softball, basebaîl and soccer. These Inside Sources are sure that BR is full of many talented athietes so why not corne out and show your school what you've got? Listen to the announcements for try-out dates. Another thing to, look forward to, in this new and exciting semester is the long awaited Italy and Greece trip. Grade il and 12 students have the privilege to travel to the gorgeous countries of Italy and Greece over the March break. They have been saving up for over a year now and the time is almost here-bon voyage! As you begin your new semester it is also a great tîme for new resolutions, for example the ever popular "this semester 1 promise I'm going to work hard, do ail my homework and get great marks". Well whatever your resolution is your Inside Sources wish you good luck in the new semester and ail the fun activities that come with it.