The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 3, 2006 B 13 Rotary district governor praises local group By MELANIE HENNESSEY Thie Champion The Milton Rotary Club is doing an -absolutely amazing" job in its fundraising efforts that help those less privileged, according to its district governor. This is one of the things Doug Vincent told thse local group s members svhen he stopped by its meeting last xveek. where he praised thse work they've already done and discussed what their goals and objectives svill be for thse coining year. H-e bigbligbted thse funds local Rotarians bave raised in tise past. and also spoke about tbe challenge tisey ve recently taken on sending a container foul of about 280 wbeelcbairs to tisose wbo need tbem in Mexico. "Tise Rotary Club of Milton juinped on board alrnost frorn the start," be said. -You may be (a) sinaîl (club), but you certainly must be migisty." Mr. Vincent said a wheelcisair will give more tisan tise disabled person some freedom, pointing oui it also benetits the individual who isad been taking care of tisem before. "l've seen entioe families rejoicing when they get tbe wheel- chair." ise said. "Wien you see a fatiser corne up on an old piece of board witis rolier blade wheels attacised to, it and get mbt a wiseelcisair... it's so exciting." During bis visit, he also outlined the Milton club's goals for 2006. sucis as fundraising and boosting membersbip. "One of the major thrusts (this year) is membership." he said. *"h really does corne down to the fact you've got to go oui there and ask people." He noted the Milton Rotary Club bas been doing a "great job" with fundraising. It brought in more than $40.000 in donations during 2004 and 2005. Mr. Vincent told The Champion tisai he's also trying to create opportunities this year for Rotarians to, go and belp oui in different countres. He noted he hopes sorne local Rotarians will consider going t0 Mexico at the end of March to help distribute the wbeelcbairs. Mr. Vincent is a charter member of the Rotary Club and past president of the Woodstock-Oxford organization. The Rotary Club was founded in 1905 and bas members ail overPht yGAMPIN tise worid. witis tise local group being established in 1947.PotbyGAMPîN Melanie Hennessev can be reached ai mhenneasev@nuilton- Milton Rotary Club presIdet-elect Bonnie Ross and cuiront preeldent Tom Dusmnet (right) loin Rotary district gover- nor Doug Vincent In showing placards naeming some of the group's goals.