The Canadian Champion, Flriday, February 3, 2006 - B3 Hogan digs deep to find root cause of money woes cheque,- she said, addîng tbe asverage Caosadian saves negative .05 per cent of bis or ber income. In each episode of Maxed Out, Ms Hogan meets someone whose financial situation leaves much tol be desired. She observes their spending habita and then devises a budget and shows themn ways to save their money. She gives them about three wecks to, implement the plan, she said, and then checks on their progress. Threc wecks later, she meets once more to sec how they're doing. Sometimes thcy'oe right on "The advice in every show is relatable to peo- ple out there," Ms Hogan said. Hier morteo: It's neverjust about money. Wben Ms Hogan meets up with an atrocious spender or somneone who can't seem toi get it together, she said she probes deep to find out what's really goîng on. "Flow we deal with money is a reflection of our personality," she said. Que example from the show is Donna, a certi- lied shop-aholic who always needs somnething new. i[ C île i site s11 kili 0.15 i Iwsc.i.Ole, *Vt0 Hogan explamed. "She likes toi comfort herseif by sutrounding berseif with things. She needs a fix a8 that moment, and then comes home witb regret." Donna was sent lt an addiction counseilor who was able 80 give ber altemnatives toi spcnd- ing. Ms Hogan beipt people on thc show using thc very principles sbe's applied 80 ber own life. She bas tbrec important mone miles. The first is to become financially independent tel live without financiai fear. îNext s tri siSc tir îctîîîooct andL uiocxpccted lite events such as a job loss or iliness. There's aiso writing a wiii and assigning a power of attomney and Uicn, wben ail Uiat's donc, there's saving for a dream. "TMis show is a platfonn. It's a way 80 reach out my hands and bclp a lot of pcople," Ms Hogan said. "If I can bclp one person feeling that anxiety (that comes with money trouble), then what I wcnt tbrougb was worth il." Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at n t e c k 1I C-~ mII1, HORIZON 3003L *INTEL« PROESSOR 3MH C ENUINE MICROSOFT« W11N1101W111 SP NOUE PREE UPARADE TC BP-PA3 NICE Gtîue Inlt Mtztîîlntîaîî .51214 KHRISTOV MEORY - 1208 RESTER D IGITAL' NARS BRIBE - FRIE 2588 NARO DRIVE UPO1ARAOR *HQ/i Speît 003 Bîtiti Make mlvnme 19 Mondlu FR8E BPUIRAISB TO LCO 11111111111 'I SOi PRO Sound and03D Viiic Ge uiie Miooft liert îe-oîad&Outicai Moite *ERMOOPr SOFTWARE IRNI (WORD MEuT, ENCARTA... FREOE BELL SîlopatCo -ugh Spted Internt for 3 Months F REE 3 Motit Ulii lot AOL inltete Service *R 013 months ut AOL Total TaE VoIP Teiephone Oervice TIRD u FU RUlAK F18011OM E ie 8,1N IMMEI 111111151 F1,111 1 Ili mr l 1 FIEE .ý FRE mw aU i tOLOPEORA FIEE ~ un0à' aT FUI $W* HORIZON 3403L HM *INTEL' PENTIUM 4 PROCESSOR 3.4 MH * 001MB! MICROSOFT* WINDOWS' XP NM Geiiione iter Mottietboard l 51M igto'Mern E UPU TOM IM 2006 Mode $449 p 0 I MRVE ICRDE - MUSE AMMOUF STRU SgtSpet urnet Make yoîturtonoes ~ IIfIITXE ICJ 011, FREE BELL Sympatico Higli Opeed Internet for 3 months lii 9 9M POREUSE FREE 3 Montto Utlittted AOL Inîternt e v * 011 3 mloîlth of AOL Total Talk VoIP Telepooe Service jFWVISIGNBGGK CORE DUO Lnie INITEL* CENYINO -M MOBIL TECIBIOLOOT witî Inte' Core' Duo Ptooessor 12300 F2MB [2 cache t BEOHz 667MHz POBi atd Intel PRO/Wtetess 3945BG Netwtork Catd 802 1laD/g centriiôî-. SENUINE MICROSOT' WINDOWS* SP IINEDu 15 4 sGA TFI LCD Disptay 512MB 00B2 667 SDBBM 2006 Model $1899 *80GB Otatd Drive D VD4UM 5MM [0111.1-1110 ~~ Mobile Inter 945PM Express Cttîpset *Intel' Graptics Media Acceleratot 950 . AE ILU FR1EE BELL Sympatioo Hgli Spetd Internet lot 3 mnotîts DM" PIYFU12MDIlI FRE1E 3 Mothls Unlimitet AOL Internet towice- T RY 3 motis of AOL Total Talk toiP Teleoioetaeicel URUSISSAIDA Il w M 1-800-591-3605 STORE/SERVICE CENTRE MON -FRI 1OAM -7 SATURDAY 10AM - SUNDAY -CLOSI NOMOTI YORKI SCIRDORORORI 18-E591-3601 1800B-591-3588 HOURS. :30PM '= 6PM E' ED 1-8W-591-3631 I-008-591-3582 OTTAWRA E. 1-800-591-3649 1-880-591-3640 OSTAWIA W. 180RUE591-3632 1800B-591-3590 I -598 3786 KrTOSIIER ST.CRS5ARMRES; WIIfSOIR 1800B-591-3651 8 880598 3644 1808-591-3646 1800O-591-3975 18008-591-3980 1800B-591-39E1 SAARRRTON MM IAMnM EAST 18 008598 3607 1800B591-3695 VANICOUVER MORETWtEA EST 1 808859183989 180-591-3987 1800-591-3610 18008-591-3710 1-00- 591-3708 1-800-591 3709 KOSMI 180088591-3641 MVIf SUD 1-0059-31 8 8859 38 S A e t..CC M OC Bo t AiiC BMtt AeI o,*î M , k~I E E R fooo tee*ee e ed ~ 05 i A , .eh~i o , . e 1 Q S ,e,.0 05, e T o 2006 Model $1099 0 TAXE OCUU DONT PA FM12 MmU go UT AC. OR $073 A DUY 1 a 1 a iiiii dix 1 li à4 - L a si r m - i Y ITIT171 i T À 1 W m -