Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Feb 2006, p. 30

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30 - The Canad an Champion Fr day February 03 2006 W kle ~ ~~IHeIpd SIIIed & Ski ïeaSiIa c zýe:era: H:Ol:: Wn&Sal-HIp Technîcal ep C I sp Techoica ep Tehi He Hep Technica Help ~iiâflwnTa warn ELDESCO The M- toanen hm ndePr -na novative etectroni design and manufactureng hanse committed to meetirg the needs of Ch ulion eanmenhmio u clients. Our fast prototype turnaraund, responsive client relationships, and creative designs are Crqu Desatm 2 enenings 5-9pm &rotaing meekends. combinedi witth services ranging trom elecfronic repair to0 prevenietîve maintenance and engineering. PART-TIME STAFF Applicants muet: *Be able la, mort Taesdey & Fnidey evenîngs *Be aveilebie lu, work 14 - 20 hours per week Be able f0 do deliveries *Have nen vehîcie end oalîd dosver lîcense *Work mieil mdlh minimal supervision te Be aqtick leemer Be oery relieble and respensbie *Have e professiona phone menner *Be comiorluhie wîth compufers & silice equipment PleaSe aend pour reaumne and avaiiabiity acheduis ta: Cheryl Bebineau e-mail: cbbnumiitnanadianchampen.com Fax: (905)878-4M7 NO PHONIE CAILS PLEASE The Oakville Beaver The akvlleBeaera dvison0f Metrulani Publishinig and Distnibuhong Ltd., os seeking an eapenienced, SPECIAL FEATURES EDITOR Reparhng f0 the Actverhising Director, the Speoi Features Edîfor is respansbie for edif lail content and layant of in-paper fealarea. as meli as any ad- dutionel speoiai publicahions. The ideai candidate miii have strsng vigi and editonel slls wifir a prahiciency on Microsoft Word and OusrkXpress. A woruing knowfedge of Photo- Shop as alsu reqairei. Famiiiarity ert Macintosh- based piatform as mandarory. This punition re- quîtes a persooable individual crth eacellent organ- lzuhonai olelin saci the ahility to manage muliple tanks in a deadline-driven envîrooment. The abiify ta mark mith minimal supervision an weil as in s team envirooment is essentia. The candidate must nt a reliable vehîcie as sonne nvin9 wîii be te- quired. Pisase tonrard pour resume no taier tMan, Egfed flr 101h. C Keffy Montague, Advertising Direclor The Oakviiie Beever, 467 Speets Rd. Oakvif le, ON. L6K 3S4 BURLINGTON LOCATION Now Hirlng We are currenîf y seeking enthusiasîic Individuaels ta fil I the followlng positions: PT Off ice Supervisor PT Front Office PT Customner Service PT Showroomn PT Cleaner Mut be avait. le woth evenings andi weeiiends PI ease subit peut retume la: Leon's Fumiture 3167 Noth service Roati, Barfington U7N 3G2 BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE The Indalca Group is the largest distribult andi mathefer of brandeci faafwear in Canada. Ille are seeking e seif-directeci andi enthusieshc on- divrduei ertr 2 or mate years nf pot custamer ser- vice eaperîence. Van have excellent communîca- tian andi interpersonel SUaIS ta provride, prompt. ac- curate & courteaus service to out relait customers. Please fax restanes la 905-829-5067 email: leah.mezera@indeka.com Deatiline: Feb. 10, 2006 Oniy those selecteci for interview wiii ha contacted. Looking for work? Cal- Stevens Resource Group 905-878-7789 OPTOMETRIC ASSITANT Requrreci lot husy optsmelry office. Computer komiecige esseotil slronig srgunîzulîsnul Okilis and exceptional lelephone marner Sonme even- îngs and occaoionai Safurday oeeded. Reply nr coitng ut bp las tu. OR. CAROLINE TESKE 99 Sinclair Avenue. t310 Georgetown, ON L7G 5G1 Fax: 905-702-1600 usecrotbeusing a computer and hune some decorutîng slls. Fax resume te 905-878-f049 Milton Home Hardware Building Centre 385 Steeles A ve., Milton i'4e TF R sta r POSITIVE THINKERS wilh peuple oSUIS needed for tfhe one ut the fasfeot growing companies in Canada! Truestar for Wom- en. If you have a badkground in the heafI and weliness indastry snd or sales eoperience please seod your reoumne lu: FREE TRAINING and HOMEMAKERS To jcn orGREAT TEAM of School Bus Drivers 95-877-2251 ort 90548774448 nas un immedïae nee for 96e laboutes Prefe applicanin euth a oai DZ lcence b-a iwl a so accept G lcence. Pnor construction expent ence mould te an asset The Pasiton mould he hased ou u Milon shopan olcve Resames cen be fased le 519-539»7946 At:Gloria Morgan, H.R. Administrator FRE5H FACE5 NEEPEP Ac înirfart to 75 ycrý for catvllo3ue work, n, fahîor everit5. $15 $90/hour PLEASE CALL 905-336-5455 NOW HIRIN&] - FULL-TIME andi W PART-TIME Staff reedei all noiions. I Apl rn persur miSh resumne to: 212 Guelph Street, Georgeown Prem. hourly psy +-commission Super benefito/bonuo Supercolour Tons of Training Free pair of sheers or cash sign-an banne avail. nawl Cai 905-815-3217 EXPERIENCED PARTS PERSON requireci for busy liîh truck sirop, various dalies, 44 haut week, excellent images & bentef il package, wages sublect ta ex- perience. Fao or emtal resume. 905-89-3515 or emaif glendon@hal- ton-lift.com Web Application Develuiper As a key member ai au businets applicalasn teeru you w I take respansibiliy tor appi cetion andi datebese desigo andimpiementatian and muintenance of aur ca pate mebsite and intranet web appicatians. lonovetîve wîth detaîls andi strategic wîth ihe'big picture', yoa wil optîmîze knawledge of GUI design, meb usabihty, and user-centred designs ta custamîze interfaces, assîsi mth necurity and resaine issues. Van have ai leasi one yeer oi web develapment/pragrammer eaperience andi strong lime and prajeci management skilis, Vaut breedlth of knawlfedge encampasses Access and MS SOL detebeses, MS SOL Server datebase, campanent abject model, MS iIS, VB Script, HTMUCSS, Jeve/JSP Script, XML, ASP, and PHP. Embedded 5u1ftware Engineer Vau wîlI pronide leadership andi expertise ta aur pradaci develapment feam, maîntein existing andi develop new embedded software syaiems, and resaine technicel istues. Vau have un engineering degree or the equivelent andi et leasi three yeers' esperience deveiaping embedded saftwere an tOCti, PIC, HOLTEK, ARM, endi AVA micrapracessars. Vaut ktowiedge aI embeddled herdware architectures and euperience with fools tuch as logic enalyzer, ascilloscopes, debtggers, andi emulefors are supparted by sfrang teemwork and communication skilis. Electrical Engineer/PCB Designer Van miii take responsihulrty ior uontributing ta mhe fuil lufe-cycle development ai hardmere/firmnware andi the design, procarement. evainetian, and manufacture of malti-layer pointei circuit boards andi flexible circuit boards. Voa wiii aiso, praduce electrcal schemnatîcs, layaus, and PCB anci BOM documentation. You hase e degîne un electricul engineering or the equivelent, et leesf tmo yeers' relevant eaperîence, and comprehensne knomledge of anelag and digital cîrcnîtry and design standards. Yaur eaperience mith CAO toals sach as Protel ns camplemenei by a morkîng knowledge of fine pitch desîces, micro vie lechnology. high-density BOA and SMT devines. and measurîng transmission fine performance. If yon are prepared ta, buîld upon aur great reputafian for prociacts and services, we weicome yan f0 apply to0 Humain Resources, ELDESCO, 3185 Dundea Street West Oaiile, ON 18M 4J4 Fax: (905) 827-9594 e-mail: jobs@eldewca.com www.e -d soco Build a new career ai Maiiamy Homes vie correotly have an opening in sur Hulfani Dîvi- son for thse intereste i n lsînîng s dynamic. pro- gressive homehsiioer If ysu have the quaifhca- tions sond esperience that marches one of the lai- iowîng opportonities ce d like c test huom you Rough Terrain Forklift Operator This position is tesoonsîial for tha maintenance, organiostîso and tîmeiy deiseny of lumber I0 van- sus lots crihin a specîtic site. Qualiicahsons. Valid tougi terrin iorkih cetiîfication taom an accreditei forklift orîsîng schooli Minimom t1- 2 yearn fortuItt espetience - Esperience in homebailding or ium- ber îndlustry is preferred - Basic arîihmetic okîlis - -iigtiy orgsnioed mith the abiity to cnrk in a faut- paceci ensîroomient Wood Cuiter (General Labourer) Thîis position is teoponsîie for tedacing lumber maste by caliecting the sctup coud andi cuting il into useahie pieces, Qualîticahions: Experience rn resîdentia building or reiated construction industry * Eupetience deaing wtth toals andi machinery « Gond organizahona Okiiis mth abiiy to get things done accnrding ta timelînes Ail sslary and benehits miii Se commensurate rith eaperience. Ta applyi please contact Human Ressurces and in- ducale the pasihion hille Suat ysu are appiying fot Fax: (905) 829-6160 Email:jlobs@maimycorp.com Mail: 2360 Bristol Circfe, Dakville, ON 11H 6M5 Presvac Systems Limited Located in Burlîngton. Ontario Requîtes Esperîenced Millwright-Mechanic For steady affernoon shift (4@s10 uts.i Installation of biomvrs. hydrauic systums, air liff soies. brakes, etc. Sonne mvling rvquîred îomn toolsi E-mail: resumes@presvac.com Fax: 905-681-0411 Cti puce a otaniiee ad s1 brtie e-lins. Whefte yte bayntg lg misettî el i nucc whee tanu ase the n-ine ciaue * Field Mechanic/ Heavy Equipmeni Mechanics Wanted Groentneld CPL Systema is currenfl seekîng indu- ouduais ts insfal and service autsmaîc lubricahson (auto grease) systems, on trucks truilers and mo- bile heaty equipment, Prime candidates wili possess: - Strsng backgroundino maintenance and repaît 'The ability lu wori wih lutte to no direct -supervision Strsog customer service ckiiis -Quality drivent mork ehic. tuking pride in -perfsrming quality service 'A clean driviog record Welding andi fabrication enperîeoce Mil be an asset, Grsoelveld prouides training andi an excellent benefits package. Remuneraton as dependant ou experîtoce and qualifications. Trantli s requirlc. Please reply by fax or e-mail to: Tom Bonus: Fax- 905-875-2125 e-mail bollast@Cplsystems.com WWW.Cplsystems.com TH-OMSON Metais & Disposa Prsfessontais in Metl Recycling, hiaste Management anci Demalîtuon is iouking fot a TORCHER saokigotdssts processing scrsp mutaia * osygen &propane eupenence Competotve cages & henefîts Please forward resumne la Mikle Martin-Vard Sepereisor Im 961 Zelca Dr, Barlingtun, ON, 1999 Dodge Dakota Sport Blue, 160 000kms. St0OOOO Caii 416-938-h362 EXPERIENCED clean- Osg lady asaîlahie. Great mates. relerences avaîiabie. Cvii Lise 905-8762174. M asf or Sal e 2000 Pontiac Grand Pris GT hîlavu grvy, a u t o mn a i iccruise;CDýPW, Exa cellent condition, h te steci ceritifi e 174.5005ums Askî ng $6,850. 1990 Lincoln Tomn Car. Oreat condi- tin, ly loadeci Ast- ing S800. Cai 647-224- 2299 celi or 905-t73- 9683 residence. PART-TIME DELIVERY PERSON requireUTor -appliance delivenes exPerience an asset. but not necessary Drop resume al BULLDOG APPLIANCES '55 Sinclair Avenue, Unit #2, Georgetown WOODWORKING IHOP 905-877-6757 HOMEMKIM MEUDII To Assemble Products . Stuffi Envelopes. Mail- ingýProcessinç Circulars, ýC/CIerjcaI Work Available. Up To $1,50OMeek, No Experience Needed' FREE information al: MvwCjrjadianWorkFrom Home com Reference 3-113 Full-time GROOM On Horse Farm - Monday to Friday. Cali Peter al: 905-877-0545 Fi a";, 1ýA 1 v 1 tri, A 79 MATTAW

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