The Canadian Champion, Friday February 03, 2006 - 29 reers ir deliver- ev citiîial ervices cos effetvn and cratvili Plant Health Ca~re 5pediaIist Wîîh vsr kvxwiedge ofo viii ln ises pet and agriuvual cherim an d 1 v 2 yeari vfexopeîieice iii an iîbnha tiresxry envrkiinvueray adiiiis h cnruc wed spra prvgvaîîî, and ciiril iîivscs, dieases, wec ad rdsid pato an ntrtes adsrus Thi chegixgeole repoirtsiirthe Horic*uliiira Fvrepero ad Jnlue assg vtfi g reurrins vreig wk perfxrixed, trainng staff in the sate. eftvi seofpetcds inspeig stan eomdig, sltg and împlvxîvnîing applicauioni and conxo mtiid an exjpnet p o hav coete d ps-eoday prxigraii of iwx tv rhrre years in Avbuîis orrestr uiv ad brig a adsc piec fiu Pesicdes frvm the Minisîry of the Eiiviriixieîii, an EUSA. Certficaio t ok asagrord eçi J un frstrvy peraixiv. A valid * Class D) driver's licenc wih Z Josmn s setaa ws the ary tpeateavaial truck, and weur reqxivvd pexsvîîal an proetv equiproe PIeuse vubiri v'oxn uesurm, by February 17, 2006, qxxsxng File No. 0320-BG, rm: City of Bramnpton, Humas Resosirces Career Centre, 150 Central Park Drive, Suite 10, Brampton, ON L6T 2T9. F 905-458-345. E-mail: vi ltkank afl epicass i'Ûvvi o'iiv iefoeedti, an inteview si be cnncved An Eîîua' Oiposi,nn Eivpinyef br*rsnptoo. JOIN A MOTIVATEO TEAM. IMPACT COMMUNITIES, BUILD A REWARDING CAREER. Drur Gmei p miîHeIeralIHeIp IMMEDIATE OPENINGS A re you fooking Io acquit. your DZ licence? Have your DZ licence with no expenience? We offer on the job trainirng. Have the ability to lift 50 lbs consistently? Possess excellent communication and customer service sIls? Loxlving for a great opportunity? Potentiel Yeafly Eamlngs $46,OJ '0 $WO90 per year Great empoyee programs. Benefits (medicl dental, RRSýP), uniformi provided, work shoe allowance, incentives, montfrly borisses, etc. Pieuse subhit reseime by fax: 90ffl9-929 or emali: taraniacss@shtdicom or torontagn,@shreditcam I successful candidates wrîl complete a full security clearance Weare an equal opportunet employe. Purity Lite Healffi Producto os Canada's lekading provider of naturaI health products. We have devel- oped sur ixdustry through xutstanding innovation, a Irse cxm- mitment fs excellence and the belief in empowering people to create well-being in their lines. We are currently lookin for: MAEIALHNLR In the Matedial Harding role(s) you will, replenisti pick locations; follow SOP's and GMP's: canduct regalar cydle coxnfing; prstessing retams; piclvng castomer orders and consolidate prodact thrxugh- ouf ftha warehoase. Succeastul candidates will bave the abitity iv Idi 50îbu. and accarate math sidds Knowledge of RF scanners, carxusel and li trudk an asset. In the Receiver role you Wi efficiently and accu- ratetp receive produci follxwing departmenf procedares. Saccesafai candidates wili have the abiliy f01li8 506es. ha a good teami player, wdth ac- curafe math sits. Experience with a Nif trudki s an afaet. Pieuse appty fo: Faot: 519-853-4660 Emadl: bdanz@udWlyife.csm 6 Commerce Cresceef, Acimi ON L7J 2X3 JOIN A MOTIVATED TEA IMPACT COMMUNITIES. BUILD A REWARDINO CAREER. Oakvilie and Trafalgar Spring Hiring Events February 25, 2006 e lO:OOam-4:oopm Holiday Inn, 590 Argus Road, Oakville Please brmng resume and references BUILDING TEAMS IN: Sales, Lot, Cashiers, Speciaity Sales and Freight BENEFITS:4 * A Career with Growth Oppornunity Wb CmI bop. " Bonus Oppor-tunities " Tuition Reimbursement Ready tu jolis ost eam? Part-time and seguonai oposute available. Apl -a a or= z Depot sore or onlose Bt. The Hoime Depox ian tiquaI Oppiiriunity Employer. Available poiions may vary by store. NrhEacitinq Newe Cureer Opportunity NrhAmenicas fostest growrng haalth and well- ness companiy is nxw lxoking for Managems and Management Trainees. Opporfunity of a lîfetime. Remuneration from $22K for Trainees lx $554+ for qsalified Managers. Please send resumes f0: M Malice tt exta special! Add a picoure toi yotur asinounicement in Burlington Spring Hiring Event February 11, 2006 e lO:0Oam-4:OOpm 3050 Davidson Court, Burlington, ON Please bring resume and references. BUILDING TEAMS IN: Sales, Lot, Cashiers, Specialty Sales and Freight BENEFITS: " A Career with Growth Opportunity " Bonus Opportuniries 0'lutition Reiinburscment W. - eW.' Reasly to loin oui tearnf Part-time and "seaonal oportunîtesaulb. A lyosy t your loalHome Depot store or online ait: www. lie ttxxnie t)epoti v an 1 qxa] t)ppoxvaîiîy Lrnplvvei. Availble ositons a a bysoe. ml HALTON Tlhe Gaid, a divisixon of Haflon Media Group, are Seeking ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES ta Service the Hamilton/Hatton and Mississauga markets. The qsalitîed candidate will be a mxtivated, independient, seff-starer wîth a proven lrsdv record in sales. 'fou will posseso excellent written and verbal com- munication skîlîs and be familiar with Microsoft computer applications. In thîs role, yox wli be cuxtomar focused and will build xtrxng relatixnships with new and esisting clients by ensuring that their advertising needs are met. 'thu will be gxal-xriented and capable of meeting regular monthly budgets. H yox wosld like to work for s leader in the media industry this spportsnity may be the riht one for ysu. Ne offer a competitive compensation & benefit pack- age as wel as possibilities for future career growth. Reliahie vehicle is required. Kf interested pieuse famîard your resume, no liter thon February 101h, 2006 ta:, Fax: (905) 526-1884 Weaprciate the interest of ail apprlicants owxever oniji those sekeced for an interview will ha contacfed. No phone catas or agencias please, If you are inteoested in joinmng a winning teamn and want a fui reward experience, corne and join teamn Zellers Qxaied candidates wilI benefti fromn Zellers commîtmnent to training and devel- opment, plus highy campeiive salary, incentive and beniefits package. We are bokng for enthusiastic indivduao wtro welcome cmmmhment and will apply their interperssnal skillo in a challenging and eociting work envirsoment. Resmes are presently being accepted for the following positions: Ovemlight and Early Momlng Merchandising and Reno Crew Restaurant positions af Cook, Servers and Kitchen Heipers Apply in writing ta: Zeliers mnc. 1455 Rebecca St. Oakville, On. L6L VZ9 ATTN: Kathy Johnson Zellers hss an Empîsyment Equîly Program snd encourage applicants frxmn ail qualfîed candidates, încludîng womsn, aborginal peopl, visible mînorîtiex and [0W TRUCK Operator FT required for bssy Tswing Cx. CAA exp an sset. Excellent wages & benedits. Drivers abstract req. Apply ut 24 Dundas St. E. Waterdown 905-692386 Corne join our team! fTEAM Ne are looking for Faîl-fime & Part-time emptoyees * Savingo Prxgram * HealtuDental Plan * Excellent Nages Picit Up anl applcation ut 515 Mupiegrove Dr., Oukviiie, or online Drap off or fax ta: (905)842017 Sheridan College Trafalgar Reaidexce FI11 tpn-7am, San-Thars. Sl/ir. Monitor flow of resi- dents, admin. duties, compater & Microsoft: Office olff required, strong organizational, communication & cuatomer service skifo- written/verbai pcexeri oeal Fxp nedreeie- resiww.aa an o fe e s 1 reibesoprs nf extiec Fax383me The Oakville Beaver ia iooking for an enthusiantic Fuil-Time DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Candidates shoutd have initiative toi work watt on their own, be innovaiva, creative and work wetl wvith chitdren. Esperience not neceaaary, on-fhe-job training pro- vided for the rîghf candidate. Own car a neceasity. Gooid afarfing salary mith auto- mobile attowance. Bond resmre foi: The Oukvilfe Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oukvifie, ON 16K 3S4 905-337-5557 (fax) Attm: Aiea Cuihoun e-masil: