A22 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Februare 3. 2006 E.:: "WR SELL SATISFACTION" Sun G taon Jon D.O naHa Rami tin Aie Danha, Garnit OSako Anar. Cama Ph C anti [ ws DOSSE sx 2.0 900 A1IU ~ wher. you puschaa.d your ast Louas f rom - Mflton Chrymber can - gt you out of your current v.hlcb unit Osto a 901W CI4AYSLEH, D00 0~ hEP TO~ - wou, NO PAYhENT PENALTY. os vour surfent bas~xph~a beSsasen F.bruary lut and S.pt.nb.r isOth. 2000. wo'0I sauta, ail f Rouf r.malaalaag payna.aetsl How wouhd ymaa 11k. LOWER PAYMENTS? Wl 0*90 DO IT. JUS? GIVI US A CAIJJ 9O5-878-8877~ LEAU FUI W'eor ttatflt t tHtW"~ Wl 8348 DOIWi PIYIWTU B1.IIB<T TRIO! SU UMNUTI e e e- i ~ 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON ONE ~ Visit us atwwwmult@nchrysler.com i o BLO~K OIQ*OOI'E NORTHOF e o 1*800*303*3257 ZELLERS eBasedo n dd p o dmntnetannsand~ornontee(dernosnoonaoeteoMîac a analue an Sp a an a ana Sm O p gil' On'.. n .,OI,.eu- 'n. 'O40Oko~nnann.ann O E en komen hage Sto mCo ~ One , Fun Nia sessioli for MCRC Residents of ail ages will exorcise their way to a healthier body while supporting the Milton Community Resource Centre (MCRC) with a unique fundraiser. Sunday, the local Nia community will host the Nia Jam so raise money for a kids' playscape at the MCRC's new location on Bronte Street. The event will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. mi the banquet room of tIse Milton Sports Centre, 605 Santa Maria Blvd. Participants seul join local instructors for a session of Nia, which orgattizers describe as a fun, playful barefoot cardiovascular program that's spirited. joyful and adapt- able so aIl fitness levels. Nia includes the expressiveness of the dance arts. the power oftbe martial arts and the functional movement techniques of three of the healing arts including yoga. Tickets for Use fundraiser cost $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Tax receipts will be issued upon request. The plityscape that proceeda will go toward wifl be nature-focused, with a bird watching but, water feature, bunerfly gar- den, bike path, amphitheatre and vegetable and herb gardons. TIse MCRC offert a number of programs and services for Miltonians including fam- ily resource programs. a nursery school, before and after scbool programs, tIse Halton Child Care Regxstsy and Use North Halton Ontario Early Years Centre. It'll move anto its new Bronte Street location early thîs year. Tickets for the Nia Jam are available as tIse MCRC. 917 Nipissing Rd.. Studio Harmonia, 400 Main St. E., Cypreos BridaI, 171 Main St. E.. Jo'leens in Milton Mail. TIse Dance Shoppe, 775 Main St. E. and on lino as www.niac.ca. For more information, or to make a donation toward tIse playscape, call (416) 254-8454 or e- mail darcel.desylva@sympasico.ca. I. S 1 3par 37lWtlsssDr $310000 an Ho n~ Psdensa borin R 905 lit 9155 2.4 pis, 11240 Iqbs Dri.,, Caniptiettattlo $719 tans Latieche, Royal LîPage Msadootowre Reaty 905 978 tior 2-4 pi., 649 Dosais Bl~d., $345.000 Matotto Clappetton, Rsyal LePapi Meadoatosse Reaity 905-878.tttt 24 par, 574 Dotlry Ceosoe4, $419.900 Hanter 05w, Royal LePage Meadoattanre Reaity, 905.tlt.tttt 2-4 pi., 61311100 CmoeM, 9327,900 Royal LîPage Mnadowttwne Reaty, 5t5-tlttttt 2-4 pis, 250 Nattaorstnae Ocai, 3394,000 Kito CooPer Royat LaPage Maadowtowna Rrayy, 905-tit-Gttt 2-4 pi., 120 Mitas.. Betty Ingle. ReMaa Seat Estata Carte 905-8797777 2.4 pi., 22.130 Robeel St. lIait atOmeS.) Sortit toto Prodetal 70w. Reaity, 905tlt-9t90 24 pis, 5497 Proirostos Rd., Ciitl.t., 3549,900 Bd dora i. Royal LnPtse Meadootostie Rat 905879 tttt 2.4 pi., 700 Coalise Ana., $209 Kanen Cannty Royti LePage Miadtwroone Reaty 905879 8ttt 2-4 pi., 172 Hampalere W., $299900 Date Mayrard, Roytl LePage Meadoatoore R 905 87t-tttt 2.4 pi., 120 Mashey Lana.. $264.900 Dorothy Tramar Roytl LePaga Miadoatrere Reaty 905-87t-tttt 2-4 pro, 11405 tsi Lis., Mottai Mirrula MaroStil Royal LnPage Miadootonne Rnaloy 905 ttttttr 2-4 prit, 1101 Houatas Dr. Joyce Hageari, Rayai LePage MaSoritocre Oiaty. 905-878-8r5t f. . Il III e .4 eeldscbakeswaot ock&EectnoncStab ityPnogann(ESP * 25OIHP 3 5L H.gh Outpsat V6 * S spd auto trans w Auto/Stick M * NO * Ait speed tract on control * AM/FM/CD stereo w 4 speakers * Power trcks/m rrors/ w ndows mamu FUI - 828,848* 8399 r.