Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Feb 2006, p. 19

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___________The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 3, 2006-A19 COMMERCE MDrahIy ~v3k4h~ www.escarpmentcountry.on.ca ]JevNenesWELCOME to tefloigMilton and aea-based businesses as nwCabrmmes GOODWILL, THE AIRITY CROUP 550 Ontario St. Suite 2018 Milton. ON LOT 5E4 Contact: Shirley Rocano, Career Developrnent Spec ialist Tel: 905-864-1644 Faxs: 905-864-1605 Four offices in Halton providea customized. indîs-idual service tisai guides aud supports tise participant tisrough tise process of uostaîmng empînyment. Services included at nu charge: Emplurment connsetling, resumne develspment. job seaech training, interview support, assistance securing paîd job, client sud enmployer matching service. Targeted Wage Subsidy Pîngram offered. INVESTMENT PLANNING COUNCIL CONRAD SOUCIE Milton. ON Contact: Conrad Soucie. Retîrement & Estate Planning Consultant Tel. 905-639-8777 Fax: 905-639-7735 suiýv.conradfinancial.cm Conrad isas been a Retirement and Estate Planning Consultant since 1991 He isas iselped several of is clients wiso isad conceruis su regard to ou, dav beîng able to retire suitis a consfîrtable litest-vle. He isas extensive knsswledgr in issvestmnents and rentai properly real estate. MAXIMUM HEATING & AIR Milton, ON Contact: James Campisell, Osuner Tel: 905-330-7059 Fax: '519-8531 5561 Witb over 20 years esperience. using quality, troducîs we provide warns frîendly 24 boni service to commercial and resîdential clients. Sînce energv equais dollars. let us help you reduce voue energy coots. iniprove ynur air quatitv. increase yonr învestment and gain stress-fiee peace of mind. Leave vou heating and air condîtîunîng needs to us. MILTON 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 43 Browun St. Milton, ON L,9T 5Ht2 Contact: Michael Cluett, Chair Tel1: 905-878-1327 Fax. 905-878-7157 This cuîmmîttee oversees tise plannsing and preparations for Milton's t50th Anniversaiy on July 4, 2007. Wssrkîng in conjunction soîti tise Townu o) Milton, local business. conîmunîty organizations and înterested cîtîzens, we are Planning the celebraion of att lime. Please contact us if you are înterested iu joînîng MILTON DRY CLEANERS t27 Commercial St Milton ON L9T 2Jt Contact: Shahuad (Sean) Siddiqne, CM Pet- 905-593-1556 Fax: 905-593-1557 A landmark in Milton for orer 35 sears, NOW UNDiPP NEW MANACEMENT sud custoîîr tisinsed! We takse care os ail s'ui dry cleanîîsg aîsd laundrr' needs, specîalîzng ru Wedding Dresses. isstel pick-rip and droîp ofîf, and industrial garusest care. A pîsîfes- sisinal seaissstress is omn staff lis sers-e vîsur alteratvîn îsreds. See (vii siosu! Renewal Memberships .RpeeisEcrietCLnr o1111 ate A apecial t/tanks to the folIowing busmnesses for their continued aupport. 7011Com Harrop Retaurant tiliton I dro istrsirbution lni. A Country Mtile tic. Ilaisay Speech & ttearing Centre Miliou Mat) Soiîpping Centre A Designer's Touch Custom Wiodow The eros Croup Mitton ivetdiog t id. Coins nlu. ttil inourance and Fînancial Services MOS.C Action Intemnational Invisible Pence of tisîlingion Nor-italtor Park & l.odge Austen & Noble Insurance Heoker, lai's 1cr Cream Oaktsswn Collision iMiliimî tIn. AVW -Telao Audio Vînual.Solutions John's Truck & Car Service iMilton) nc, t'.F.SO international Bahr Saddlery tid. Karen'n Flouer Sbop Paralan Canada Baie Heatsug & Cuulsng lsd. Karmau Heaoy Stampsng Peggys of Milter lsd. BMO Neshîti Bumi Tom Dusmet L.B. Services P'hoenix Mansîtactursf LId. Brookville Veierinaîy Clînic Langhnlm Nurenes and Carden Centre Prepasd t.egal Services Inc. Besan Bmunello Rîstoraute Maitamy Hînmes [Aid. troibane Inc. Continental Janiturial Service Marins, Intemnaional Lsmsted BBC Domininn Secursits- Rob Ru Creatise Memsrsals Li. Milton Canadian Champion BBC Royal tank - Milton Business D & S Ssgns Mitnn Daenture Clînsi. Be/Mas Beal Esiate Centre -Beneel tterek t. Presse Miltnn Diagnostic tmaging Be/Mas Beal Estate Centre -Bill Cu Gcmi Eden Court Aparimenîs Milton District Hospital Fnundatsnn Richardson Ciseorolet Lsmited Cobalaire Mechanival Systemo tid. Milion Creerbouses Flouer and Cif Sbnp Rnse Cherry's ttome for Kîdi Huas Financial Services Milton t-ardsnood Fîmers Rossi nc, Harris Office Pro Miltnres D si Camna,,,,,îi Ro5 ali Ban f-~ C lu.,. U BIZ(t)BIZ Trade Showv Biz2Biz Show Thursday, Pebruary 23rd, 2006 Trade Show: t11:00 anm. 10 7:00 p.m. Wine & Cheese: 4:30 p.m. tn 7:00 p.m. Country Heritage Park, Trentaine Road Ail businesses are invited to attend the show! Your business card is your admission ticket. Fpcoming Events February Business After Hours Tnesday. Pehraary 28th. 2006 5:00 p.m. tri 7:00 p.m. Milton Community Resonîce Centre 917 Nipissing Road Business ail)er Hours oie for Chamber Members ongs. Breakfast with Ted Chudleigh Peiday, Marchs 24th. 2006 Registration 7:00 a.m. Breakfast ait 7:30 s.m. Venue toise determined March Business After Hours Tuesday, Matchs 200h, 2006 5:00 p.m. 10 7:00 p.m. Tanneiy Manne 545 Main St. E. Business Afler Honrsare lor Channber Members only. Community Awards Gala Saturdsy. April 8th, 2006 Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. Granite Ridge olf Club 9503 Dublin t-lue Pieuse fax gour nominations ta 905-878-4972 Kerun bîno Bankîrg v Frosch înking MILTON YOUTH SOCCER CLUB Miltoîn, O(N Ciontac-t 1teather Brooks, President T'el: 9(05875-40)72 Fax: 90)5-875-2023 suvwiiiltonmagicucin MYSC, tise #1 Youth îsrg.sninalîon iii Milton, operates isoli sunsmer aud isinter bouse leagnes. a sktll derelopimrnt acadrmy and Peel Haltun Soccer Association sanctîoned Representative, Select and Ail Star teams. MYSC is fully snsured under tise Ontario Soccer Association and bas hemn hringîng great soccer to Milton since 1980. TROY'S DîNER 295 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T tPt Contact: Troy Newton, 0-suner Tel: 905-878-8783 Tîny's Dîner is an nid fashîoned. dîner- st-vie eatery. Steppîng suto Tiny's is lîke steppîng sist tise restaurant bang- ont oîf tise H-appy Days crew. il's a warm aimîspiere %itu red and wshite checked taislecloliss aîîd reirs Coke paraphernalsa decoialing tise watls. 1Itorme of tise ail day breakfast. CGreat foosd and fair prices. Bocal teFage Meailiwtrwnr Bealty Scannel Movsuf &e Stosage li.c SO sign Studîio SloDsat Mohawk Racetrack Sînken N' Slopen The Otonebosse nf Campbeloille Stream lise Osto Repair Inv Teachers Working foîr Teachers Peine Financial Telehop Communications& tnterhnp Network Services Milton Tonrer Sigus/R. Tonner Corpuration Total Peam Image Toucb tlIn A Flash lue. Transyort Traiter Saler Urîru Cas Lsmîted Ulnsoet t'tarmaeeuicals t.îmîied Wallace Pontiac Bvsck Cadîllai. tid. Yoîrk Tratalgar Corporation Len to fl5fc aessiva Langeen, Lînda Frestidge, Pim Mulcairey CEO. Amy Heston, Famela Buck & Sauba Sali. (intensif) More than 50 business representatsoes attended the lannary BAH hnsted ho Tmuestar for Women aI Ontario St. and Derry Bd. Healthy snack cbnsces and lifestyle edncation sere prnoided. A god lime isas had by ail. louaC -ain eo If c frisuaie MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE ~ii~i~nr ~MFMBERS AýND THEIR EMPI OYEES 7W11Save up to 55% on Auto and Home Insurance! 74U 5tl Un > 24 Hr Claims Assistance At E EWet M1111111 stOpen until 8pm on Thursdays LameffOntaM1A-775 Main St E. RETAIL CLOSEI) UNTIL APRIL M2111K0l0rFa60-7610 NG W O E I ______e Graphic Design & Typesettin e Fnishing & Bindery Design & Prin Centr * High Speed Copier e Full Colour Laser Copier 100Niisin Rad Uite Wide Format Copier 9 Tel: 905-876-4647 Milton, Ontario L9T 5B2 Fax: 905-876-1100 f Behind Milton Mal) FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY LE. - ENhUy - Aauuas - IUM" - IM - 111111licP - M inat (M.8.LL> - Be Bob "Pie" Lee bobO robertlensurance.com Kim Mitchell kim&robertleeinsurance.com 245 Commercial St. Milton LOT 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 collision & P»ain#t Cali Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East Milton, ON (Mi) uKuiI SKI> 375 Wheelabu'ator Way, Milton (905)1875-1427 (416) 798-7099 jMi1 town e INSURANCE AGENCY INC. working for you HEALTH, DENTAL AND DISABILITY INSURANCE Available for as few as one person on Croup Rates Featuring - "Assure" Prescription Cuurd Group Life & Health Specialist P.O. Box 152, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Ro er Lauzon 905-878-1633 Fax 905-878-1671 Twiss t hmànts Ltd, Family 0w since 1977. IRVING 32 Steeles Ave., Unit 15, Milton, Ontario L9T 5A1 y o ana - ersona

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