A14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 3, 2006 lie shoTot> lie scores A.A minor peewee Wlnterhawc Matthew Hunier cewtae hie goal againat Brampton In gain four of best-of-iive flrst-round play et Milton Sports Centre Saturdsy alternoon. Dsptte a volent effort sitar falllng behlnd 3-0, Milton lest 4-2 and were ellinatedi froin th. OMHA playdowns. Andrew Sith aise scored In the seula. cllincher. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE IIfiIPA RTNER S IN PLA NNING il FINANCJAL SERVICES LTD. \fl\ \Lou Mutligan COMMON PITFALLS TO WEALTH CREATION *How much ($$$) will you need to retire'? *Will your investment plan gel you there? *What are the 8 bîggesî mistakes Chat investors make? me Gore Participants can take advantage of a complimentary portfolio analysis Partners In Planning 420 Main Street East, Suite 204, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 7:30-8:30 These are educational serninars only. There is no selling. Seating is lirniited. TO RFSERVF YOUR SEAT. PLFASE CAL t PARTNFRS IN PL1ANNING AT 876-01201. t I'ic~~Pla.,e isi to~ur uaehiw ingxiî The Halton District Sehool Board invites the public to attend an Open House ta review its proposed Capital Plan, presented ta the Trustees at the January 25, 2006 Special Meeting ot the Board. The Plan 5s a long-term strategy addressîng the accommodation needs ot students in elementary and secondary schools. The Board wîll hold public meetings in each municipality ta seek public input and comments on the proposed Plan. The initial public meeting tor the Milton commanity will be: Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7-9 p.m. Hawthorne Village Public School (Gym) 850 Bennett BIvd., Milton After the meeting, the public wîll have the opportanity ta submît written comments. Comments will be received until March 9, 2006. Once comments have been reviewed by Halton District School Board staff, an înterim report wilI be prepared and presented ta the trustees ot the Halton District School Board. A second public meeting will take place Ca present this înterim report, any modifications ta the proposed Capital Plan and ta seek turther input. The second scheduled public meeting will Cake place: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7-9 p.m. Hawthorne Village Public School (Gym) 850 Bennett Blvd., Milton Ater the second public meeting, the community will again have the opportunity Ca submit written comments. Comments will be received antil May 18, 2006. It is anticipated Chat a tinal report will be presented ta the Board in Jane 2006. If yoa have questions regarding the process please contact the Halton District School Board's Planning Department at (905) 335-3663 or (905) 842-3014. HHALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Wavne Joud rie, Direcror of Educatton Paul lTat'. Chair 'Hawks stilis tops in Canada The tceHawks witt likety soar toto the ptayoffs as Canada's top ranked Tier 2 Jr. A club. With jasi a few days teft ni the season, Milton remnatos atop the CJAHL's Top 15 ttst -having hetd ont first tast sseekend with tvvo cons incing wins oser the basernent Buftalo Jr. .Sabres. -he homie-and-homne ssveep pashed the IceHasi ks to 39-3-4-t and attoîsed themn to be,îî oui Britisth Cotumbhia's Athenti Valley Baltdous (4081 t t iltor top spo in the second last sveek of the standings. THIS S UNDA Y February Sth 2 - 4 p.m. Mifton Sports Centre - Banquet Room (9ffDerryjust west qJ'Ontario St.) WANTED Women 9 toi 90 yrs, i 1--l> - -A me wl;e& wak"! Tickets on sale this Saturday at Loblaws il arn - 4 p.m. cali 416-254-8454 Tickets, .$20 in advance - $25 at te door S HARMO, darcel.desylva@ sympatico.ca www.niac.ca With just two games teft this seuson -inctuding tonight's home-tee clash with seventh-ptace Bram pton and Sunday's tilt in Burtington againsi the fifth-ptace Coagars -Milton shoutdn't have mach trouble main- taining thetr top rankting. Sittin.- no Ios\er thait titth nationatty ut any point thts year the tceHa\îîks suit begèin p<ist-season ptay next vîeekend againsi the Mississauga Chargers. They'tt be sîgnîng autographs aind setting ptayotff tickets ut Milton Sports Centre tomnorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. OUTSTANDING HOME SHOW EXHIBITING OPPORTUNITY! NOW US THE TIME to reserve your company's exhibit space mn the annual Milton Lifestyle Home Show. You just can't beat face-to-face exposure to get more sales. Talk directly t0 thousands of qualified customers in JUST 3 DAYS! LIMITED SPACE STILL AVAILABLE LifestyleiXome Show April lth, Sth, & 9th 2006 MILTON MEMORIAL ARENA 77 Thompson Rd. S just south of Main Street CALL TOOAY:- 1-800-465-1073